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Jessiedogs - Not everything about the Olympics is positive thread!

the olympics are basically a waste of time and money.

if some countries put the amount of effort & resources into more substantial things as they do into the olympics then we'd all be better of.
Just read the photography thread. Well fought Jessie. Fucking hell, what sort of response are the anti-2012 actions going to get?

They'll get told they're party poopers or summat and editor will create a hater's subforum and ban anyone who criticises on the Olympic subforum
the olympics are basically a waste of time and money.

if some countries put the amount of effort & resources into more substantial things as they do into the olympics then we'd all be better of.

That is really rich coming from a Septic.

What's the matter,ddint win the medal table so all of a sudden the Lympics are a waste of money? Ya couldnt make it up!:rolleyes:
the olympics are basically a waste of time and money.

if some countries put the amount of effort & resources into more substantial things as they do into the olympics then we'd all be better of.
Wasn't it the Americans kicked it all of with the big opening in the 1984 one?

Pianos and jet-packs etc iirc.
Hang on, don't crucify him just cos he's an American criticising the Olympics - he may very well think the American games were a waste of money too
Oh ofcourse, but lets criticize anyone who enjoys the olympics yeah? Fuck off you tosser, LTC, this forums all yours to bitch on for all i care.I'm done arguing with tossers.
They'll get told they're party poopers or summat and editor will create a hater's subforum and ban anyone who criticises on the Olympic subforum
Don't make up stupid stuff about me, please.

Of course, posters remain free to post up whatever they like about the Olympics in appropriate threads.

You thought a non-political thread entirely dedicated to showing examples of striking photography was an appropriate place. I (and several other people) disagreed. Boo hoo. Well there you go.

That doesn't mean I care any less than you do about the issues, or that there was some hidden campaign of censorship going on, or that criticising the Olympics has suddenly become verboten.

Feel free to start a thread detailing your concerns about China and the Olympics in an appropriate forum.
I'm not sophisticated enough to post my own thread on China, not in Politics anyhow - I'd be out of my depth
i haven't got a problem with jessiedog putting up the argument about china's human rights record, i admit, i got carried away with the sporting spectacle that is the Olympics, I've loved the Olympics since I was a kid, and I guess I suspended my problems with the chinese government, for the duration of the Olympics, and i got annoyed I guess, with the disruptions on the threads, but heh, it's the internets
Nobody's reported it and it might possibly have been posted with the approval of the person concerned, based on previous posts here.
Nobody's reported it and it might possibly have been posted with the approval of the person concerned, based on previous posts here.
Was just about to report my first post, but if Jessiedog is happy for this to exist then it's fine with me. Seems a strange thread though.
Hang on, don't crucify him just cos he's an American criticising the Olympics - he may very well think the American games were a waste of money too

i do...i say stop the 'lympics altogether and spend the money on something worthwhile.
i do...i say stop the 'lympics altogether and spend the money on something worthwhile.
Like I find it bizarre that anyone thinks it is clever, or funny, to type "'Merikans" surely typing "'lympics" is just as pointless?
The whole point of the apostrophe is to shorten what you type/write.

Thanks, you're right of course, but please leave this one, Maltin.

I'm reading.

I may well not post again on this thread myself, but let it run.

This is only the second# ever call out thread (*flutters eyelashes and wags tail seductively*) I've had on Urban......

.......And I'd like to see where it goes. (Cheers exos! ;) )

There are important issues that formed the genesis of the creation of this thread that need to be explored.

# The only other call out thread I suffered was the one many years ago when EastEnder "outed" me - against forum rules I might add - as a rabid, neutered, saggy, mangy bitch (not that I minded that - it was innocent-ish and probably more true than not).

The problem began when Garf picked it up and misinterpreted EastEnders post and accused me of being some kind of perverted sexual predator, using the internet to prey upon young boys and/or girls.

Complete bullshit of course, but you know how Garf is.

That thread ran to more than 30 pages of rancid slurs, innuendos, slander, libel and out-and-out character assassination. No censorship, of course, with which I agree.

But it was pretty disgusting.

I did not post on that thread once. But by God did it run.


Anyway, this is the crux, there's much, much more.

Carry on peeps:

Jessiedog said:
The thing is, that the real scandal about the olympics in China is exactly this level of disengagement by ordinary people around the globe, this suspension of disbelief.

The willingness to subscribe to the idea that a corrupt, money grubbing, corporate-sponsored, drug-addled athletic event that deliberately aids and abets the suppression of millions of poor people, should be supported because it involves maybe 12,000 athletes who have worked hard.

The awarding of the games and the cheerleading thereof is, at best, an aquiescence towards the CCP in it's increasing suppression of freedoms in China and, worse, has given it a green light to continue with impunity.

And once the games are over, Melinda, and yours and everyone elses attention has re-focussed on the next jamboree and you've all gone back to the rest of your lives .....

..... the MILLIONS of people dispossesed of their homes with inadequate (say 10% of value) or NO compensation and the hundreds, maybe thousands rounded up before the games and gaoled by the police for three years - no court, no judge, no process, no nothing - for being SUSPECTED of, ummmmmm, well thinking or writing something and few if any of them advocating anything more than a bit more fairness and openness won't be going back to their normal lives.

And this was all done in the name of the olympics, specifically in order to "showcase" China's supposed maturity and the CCP's willingness to embrace a new era of freedoms in China.

IMO, the hypocrisy on the part of anyone that purports to support the basic freedoms that most of us take for granted and is then involved in any way with the cheering-on of this event, or those directly involved, is breathtaking.

I find it distasteful in the extreme that people are prepared to place the harsh subjugation of the freedoms of the people of China in secondary consideration to the glorification of a few thousand, hard working, athletes - and that's exactly what is happenning in reality.

On the ground, in reality, these games are responsible for creating a travesty of justice on an immense scale.

And NO athletics contest can justify that.

As you were.

Anyway, it's nearly 7:00 am.


So, as always, please remember, be nice to each other peeps......

.....And blessings all!


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