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The Olympics photography thread

Oh look the spammer posts 3 times in a row again.When did you become such a boring ignorant attention seeker, jessie? Im surprised the mods haven't banned you tbh.
Don't make stuff up Fridge.

People might call you a liar.



Except that it's perfectly true. I popped into a thread just the other day after several other posters had asked you to stop, and also aqua had asked you to stop. And I notice, just now, that you've been spamming yet another thread with the same.
No, you are - the both of you have behaved disgracefully
It's an Olympic photo thread - people should be allowed to post pics relevant to the Olympics, whether they are positive or not


This is disgusting.

A direct replication of what happened during the Beijing olympics and happens in China every day.

Can't even raise the occasional non-violent, non-obscene banner amongst a sea of Ra Ra Ra.



This is disgusting.

A direct replication of what happened during the Beijing olympics and happens in China every day.

Can't even raise the occasional non-violent, non-obscene banner amongst a sea of Ra Ra Ra.


That's exactly what it is like. I am so disappointed. I never thought I'd see something like this on U75. :(
Except that it's perfectly true. I popped into a thread just the other day after several other posters had asked you to stop, and also aqua had asked you to stop. And I notice, just now, that you've been spamming yet another thread with the same.

Here's your post.

Posting on loads of other people's damn threads,

There are more than 200 threads in this Forum.

How many from that would constitute loads?

And how many have I posted on?


Care to retract?

even after polite and not so polite and very direct requests to stop, by real people and also more than one mod.

There were very few "polite" requests from posters - foul mouthed abuse was the most of it.

And only you as a mod asked me not to post on one thread and I left it.

You've over-egged the pudding to the point of lying Fridge.

Wind it in a bit.

It makes you look silly.


The fact is i've heard it all before,and don't need to be told it. I would rather just enjoy the games, which i did. I just see jessie as an ignorant spammer, trying to ruin every thread, and i will now always look at him as a spammer due to the way he has acted.


I'm trying to sell a new product.


Eh? But then people would ignore it.
Don't protest here in front of people - go round the corner and do it.

Or go to a designated area 15 kilometeres away, once you've received your permit.

Except in Beijing: not one of the 77 applications (that Beijing admitted were submitted - who knows how many actually were,) to protest in those zones were approved - they were all rejected.

Many people who submitted applications were arrested upon submission.

Move along now.

Nothing to see here.


Or go to a designated area 15 kilometeres away, once you've received your permit.

Except in Beijing: not one of the 77 applications (that Beijing admitted were submitted - who knows how many actually were,) to protest in those zones were approved - they were all rejected.

Many people who submitted applications were arrested upon submission.

Move along now.

Nothing to see here.



Yeah but that 100m final was brilliant!
If it wasn't for the arrogant stupidity of (no doubt predominately one person among) the Ra Ra Ra brigade here - with a rather shaky, trigger-happy finger on the "report post" icon (are they on drugs? :hmm: ) - the two posts I made on this thread would have passed without disruption.

It's appalling that one individual (or a few,) can cause such disruption to a thread simply becuase they cannot let pass 8 small images, that are non-obscene and completely work safe, posted in an appropriate thread.

I didn't know that the thread title was "Post your loveeee doveeee olympic pictures here" and I find it astonishing that an image such as this......


has been removed.

The intolerence, arrogance, sense of entitlement and rush-to-censorship displayed in the attitude(s) of she/he/those that have refused to accept TWO posts, containing 8 small images similar to the above should make any thinking person take a step back and think about the implications that such behaviour has - especially in China.

Perhaps those that actually censored the photographs would care to either reinstate them or re-post them?

And then the matter can rest and peeps can make their own mind up as to whether the images were appropriate.

None of this would have happened if the manic "post reporter(s)" had not wanted to suppress any dissent in this forum.

For fuck's sake!


Or I'd be happy to do the work and re-post them, WITH PERMISSION.

And then leave it there for this thread.



I can see it's a really important issue for you Jessiedog. So in addition to endlessly peppering threads here with your repeated comments, what have you actually done in the real world to raise awareness about the issues?
Is anyone going to post any photos because, at the moment, you're all doing exactly what you're accusing jessiedog of doing? :(:hmm:
I can see it's a really important issue for you Jessiedog. So in addition to endlessly peppering threads here with your repeated comments, what have you actually done in the real world to raise awareness about the issues?


Do a search for "China" under "Jessiedog".


I can see it's a really important issue for you Jessiedog. So in addition to endlessly peppering threads here with your repeated comments, what have you actually done in the real world to raise awareness about the issues?

And just to give you a starter for ten.

I have campaigned, endlessly marched, written to the media, published, disseminated, supported (financially and otherwise,) others - individuals and organisations, organised, agitated, researched, argued, leafleted, etc.

And more that I'm not prepared to go into. Both in HK and on the mainland.

For over 15 years.

I've been constantly videod protesting by the police and the secret service (they know me well here - I'm not hard to spot and they like to keep an eye,) and "interviewed" by mainland Chinese "security officials" (a most enlightening experience!).

And you?

What have you done to show that you care about human rights in China?


What have you done to show that you care about human rights in China?
Illuminating the hoi polloi by giving us a tiny inkling of what it must be like to live there, unable to speak out, by censoring posts that criticise China. Good work ed!
This is starting to take on the paranoid, egotistical nature of some of the conspiracy theory threads. Very weird indeed.
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