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The Olympics photography thread

Why the fuck are you asking us what we've done about china, jessie? Were not the one spamming the threads, you fucking douche.

I didn't ask you, cuntface!

Why would I bother, I know the answer to that one.


If you nothing to contribute here, why don't you fuck off to SubUrban?


What did the Chinese ever do for us!

- I take it that's the end of my photo thread, then :( :hmm:

My apologies, LC.


I really didn't want to have someone hijack your thread, completely take it over and dominate it by spamming it with more than 280 images out of about 300 total images posted (that's one poster, accounting for about 95% of images).

And I didn't want anyone to throw a wet-pantied, post-reporting hissyfit and fuck the picture thread into a morass of dialogue either.

I just wanted to make two posts containing 8 small, relevant images.

It seems that these images were deemed, for some reason, to be "not appropriate" to be seen by Urbanites on this thread.


Again, apologies for the disruption caused on this thread. And I'm also sorry that of the 13 pages of this thread, 95% was hijacked and spammed by one Ra Ra Ra merchant - but I had no control over that.



Just one for luck tho', OK?



It's probably photoshopped, but it makes a point........

Truth and freedom!



editor said:
I can see it's a really important issue for you Jessiedog. So in addition to endlessly peppering threads here with your repeated comments, what have you actually done in the real world to raise awareness about the issues?

Jessiedog said:
And just to give you a starter for ten.

I have campaigned, endlessly marched, written to the media, published, disseminated, supported (financially and otherwise,) others - individuals and organisations, organised, agitated, researched, argued, leafleted, etc.

And more that I'm not prepared to go into. Both in HK and on the mainland.

For over 15 years.

I've been constantly videod protesting by the police and the secret service (they know me well here - I'm not hard to spot and they like to keep an eye,) and "interviewed" by mainland Chinese "security officials" (a most enlightening experience!).

Jessiedog said:
And you?

What have you done to show that you care about human rights in China?

Or are you just dropping in to ask silly, irrelevant, straw-man questions and then act as a censor for the person that spammed this thread of L_C's with 95% Ra Ra Ra images?



EDIT: and when you post stuff like:

That doesn't mean I care any less than you do about the issues

It would seem that you must care deeply.

So what have you done for freedom in China?

Or is this just more hypocritical rhetoric?

I don't want to fight with you, editor, here or anywhere, I consider you a friend who has personally inspired me, educated me, enlightened me and on a general level, someone whom, through Urban and my interaction with it, has facilitated an ongoing transformation and regeneration of my psyche.

You have my respect.

It's just that I think that on this one, you're wrong.......

(.....I mean morally, of course, under the realpolitic that is Urban, it's your site and you can do what the fuck you like....thank God!)

And it means enough to me to point that out.

Can I still play, please?


Melinda sent me a Private Message, but her box is full, so I'll reply here.

Melinda said:
<editor: PM removed>

Jessiedog said:
My sincere apologies for the inference then. Unresevedly!

It's my bad and I accept it as such as graciously as possible.


I need to sleep - it's 7:30am, so please post your PM to me, and this response, up on the "photography" thread, to make it clear that I've accepted your word as fact on this matter.

It won't break the FAQ's if we both agree to make the PM's public and I'd like my apology to you made public - but I'll probably forget if I sleep - which I need to.

It was obviously some other Ra Ra Ra censorship tosser that hit "report post".

Sincere apologies again, Melinda!



Nite peeps.


And remember..............

Be nice to each other!


Melinda sent me a Private Message, but her box is full, so I'll reply here.
No, this is not acceptable.

PMs are private and not for reposting here, regardless of whether the user's PM box is full.

But then you already know that. Don't do it again.
Originally Posted by editor
I can see it's a really important issue for you Jessiedog. So in addition to endlessly peppering threads here with your repeated comments, what have you actually done in the real world to raise awareness about the issues?

Trippy Londoner
My guess is fuck all.

I have campaigned, endlessly marched, written to the media, published, disseminated, supported (financially and otherwise,) others - individuals and organisations, organised, agitated, researched, argued, leafleted, etc.

And more that I'm not prepared to go into. Both in HK and on the mainland.

For over 15 years.

I've been constantly videod protesting by the police and the secret service (they know me well here - I'm not hard to spot and they like to keep an eye,) and "interviewed" by mainland Chinese "security officials" (a most enlightening experience!).

And you?

I believe the word is 'pwned'
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