This Machine Kills Progressives
All that needs to be argued is that remaining in the single market like this causes economic pain and brings no progressive benefit. That's the argument against remaining in the EU like this. You may want to remain in a very different way, in which case you could set out its benefits, but you have to admit that your alternative remain isn't going to happen so it's not really directly relevant when considering the pros and cons of the various remains that can happen.
Weak as crap. And the same argument used by centralists since the word dot. Oh well it would be great to vote for socialist party but they aren't going to get into power so vote for New Labour instead. If you're going to argue this crap at least have the honesty to admit you're no more a socialist than Toybee - this is exactly the same argument she used in favour of a vote for Cooper.
Weak as crap. And the same argument used by centralists since the word dot. Oh well it would be great to vote for socialist party but they aren't going to get into power so vote for New Labour instead. If you're going to argue this crap at least have the honesty to admit you're no more a socialist than Toybee - this is exactly the same argument she used in favour of a vote for Cooper.