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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

... the latter [banks] provide loans so that the less wealthy can buy houses and other assets.

Banks don't provide loans so as to make money themselves then? Lending is like a kind of social outreach, so that poorer people can buy houses &c. I see.

How's that going then, now that the average UK house price is 8-10x the average UK yearly wage? (40 years ago the differential was more like 3-4x the average yearly wage)

So is that helping the less wealthy to buy houses, or is it helping people who already own houses to make even more from their property/-ies?

Is there a cartoon version of this you'd like to draw us?
Not everyone has your shares and privileged set up. And no,I don't come here to be liked. What's your excuse?
That transparent one-liner of his earlier in the thread was designed to elicit this sort of response...
And what shares and privileges does your imagination lead you to think I enjoy?
I believe he got that impression from the post below:
I have shares in several banks and they appear to make their profits from charging interest on loans and from service charges etc.
Of course, it was obvious red-baiting from you to stick that nugget in at the end of the post but if you're going to continue with the trolling, you may want to start keeping track of what you are saying.

On the other hand, that is probably part of your overall strategy to keep going here: drop commentary likely to get a response, then pull the old 'and where did you get that impression from?' stunt before clarifying your position with 'well, I merely stated that I had 'x', not how much of 'x' I possess -see that just shows your inherent prejudice against people like myself' and then proceeding to go on the 'defensive' in order to generate more responses. You're a fucking cliche in every respect from your 'working class northerner' origin story to your classic right-wing (but not far right) Tory talking points. Your predictability is matched only by your fatuity. Try. Fucking. Harder.
Lying seems to come easy to you, Panda. I can't say I'm surprised.

Blah blah blah. Feel better now?

I have never said that all claimants have invalid claims to welfare benefits, just that many people claim benefits, either legally or illegally, when they could quite easily get by without them, thus using up welfare funds that would be better spent on those genuinely in need.

What you said implied that most claimants have invalid claims, or don't need them. Your statements fly in the face of all welfare research done in the past decade, and fly in the face of the fact that there's been an unclaimed surplus most years for the last 15, that has run into billions per year.

You're a dogmatic fool with very little knowledge of the subject you're talking about. If you're not a troll, you're a Daily Mail reader. I'm not sure which is worse, but both mark you as a cunt.
now that the average UK house price is 8-10x the average UK yearly wage?

With the millions of unskilled and semi-skilled immigrants that have entered the UK in recent decades, I'm surprised that the multiple is not higher. House prices have been forced up by increased demand from out of control immigration, whilst wage growth has been stunted by the increased supply of unskilled and semi skilled people.

The biggest losers have been British workers. Hypocritically, the left now whines about increasing income inequality, after supporting for years many of the policies that have led to this situation.

You couldn't buy it!

The UK needs immigrants. We are a nation of immigrants. But we need to be more prudent who we let in.
oh, so now it's blood and soil racism is it?

Why don't you complain about Brits adding to the available shortage of housing and forcing up rent prices?

I know why, you don't know how housing works.

You're probably one of those dimwits who thinks you own your property when you take out a morguage.
With the millions of unskilled and semi-skilled immigrants that have entered the UK in recent decades, I'm surprised that the multiple is not higher. House prices have been forced up by increased demand from out of control immigration, whilst wage growth has been stunted by the increased supply of unskilled and semi skilled people.

The biggest losers have been British workers. Hypocritically, the left now whines about increasing income inequality, after supporting for years many of the policies that have led to this situation.

You couldn't buy it!

The UK needs immigrants. We are a nation of immigrants. But we need to be more prudent who we let in.

Yeah? Like who?

Highly skilled well off types? Millionaires? Property owners and donors to political parties? Absentee landlords?

I see you.
Lol! Implied? Really?

I have never even come close to implying that MOST claimants have invalid claims. Why not debate what I've actually said instead of being devious?

You said "many":

Lying seems to come easy to you, Panda. I can't say I'm surprised. I have never said that all claimants have invalid claims to welfare benefits, just that many people claim benefits, either legally or illegally, when they could quite easily get by without them, thus using up welfare funds that would be better spent on those genuinely in need.

How many, then? And how do you know that?
The simple answer to the housing shortage is to build council housing on the scale of the 50s/60s/70s. Good quality well designed homes at affordable controlled rents. No precedent here. It has been done before under Tory governments as well as Labour. Change the planning laws & get building. It's perfectly doable. Don't pretend the money is not there.
Inappropriate Content
You said "many"


If I had a pound for each time I've heard someone say they are going to claim benefits because "I'm entitled to them", I would be an even happier Larry.

We need a welfare system where the genuinely in need receive more, and those who are draining the system of funds merely because "they're entitled" get less, or preferably nothing at all, if they can get by without them.

If I had a pound for each time I've heard someone say they are going to claim benefits because "I'm entitled to them", I would be an even happier Larry.

We need a welfare system where the genuinely in need receive more, and those who are draining the system of funds merely because "they're entitled" get less, or preferably nothing at all, if they can get by without them.
Yawn. 1/10

If I had a pound for each time I've heard someone say they are going to claim benefits because "I'm entitled to them", I would be an even happier Larry.

We need a welfare system where the genuinely in need receive more, and those who are draining the system of funds merely because "they're entitled" get less, or preferably nothing at all, if they can get by without them.
yeh. these journal articles, chuck, where are they? if i had a pound for every time someone said 'there are loads of journal articles which prove socialism's cobblers' i'd have enough for a slap-up breakfast at a decent greasy spoon. if i paid out a pound each time such articles appeared i'd still have enough for that decent feb.

If I had a pound for each time I've heard someone say they are going to claim benefits because "I'm entitled to them", I would be an even happier Larry.

We need a welfare system where the genuinely in need receive more, and those who are draining the system of funds merely because "they're entitled" get less, or preferably nothing at all, if they can get by without them.

Your anecdotes don't mean shit. There's billions in unclaimed benefits, so there's plenty of slack in the system.

If I had a pound for each time I've heard someone say they are going to claim benefits because "I'm entitled to them", I would be an even happier Larry.

We need a welfare system where the genuinely in need receive more, and those who are draining the system of funds merely because "they're entitled" get less, or preferably nothing at all, if they can get by without them.
Again, be specific. Who are these 'takers' who can get by and yet claim benefits just "because they're entitled to them"? Define those who are "genuinely in need" if you can. What is your yardstick for measuring need by?

When you reply, try to include some actual analysis and no parroting of the usual tropes from the sun/mail/express et al there's a good fella.
I think posters should refrain from replying to Happy Larry in their own time, and only do so during working hours. That way we can take some satisfaction from knowing that the resultant lack of productivity will "trickle up" and deprive him of some potential wealth.
The only trickling happening in Larry's house is the trickle of semen down his leg after he knocks another one out, sat straining at his flickering CRT screen with the curtains drawn.
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