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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

**warning** links to Daily Mail online!

This could/should(?) go in a number of threads, but here'll do I suppose. Hodges has been tasked with articulating the Blairite ditching of Smith. A very amusing piece of 'journalism' all round...I think we could all find our own favourite Hodgephrase in there...here's mine (I think)...

Random thought of the day: Smith's leadership tactic is an inversion of strategy for the party. For the leadership he's cynically steering leftwards, assuming all the Blairites and assorted right wingers in the party will still vote for him. For the general election he'll offer warmed up Blairism to the middle classes, hoping he'll still get enough working class voters to sneak a victory. Neither of these strategies will work.
Random thought of the day: Smith's leadership tactic is an inversion of strategy for the party. For the leadership he's cynically steering leftwards, assuming all the Blairites and assorted right wingers in the party will still vote for him. For the general election he'll offer warmed up Blairism to the middle classes, hoping he'll still get enough working class voters to sneak a victory. Neither of these strategies will work.
the base his sort took for granted have had a fucking gutful. There's all that is to it imo. The liberal middle classes will vote for financial stability and be fucking thick enough to think tories are safe hands. Yeah. Safe enough if you can pay for what has been cut in terms of public services. Fuck them anyway, more of us than they here.
the base his sort took for granted have had a fucking gutful. There's all that is to it imo. The liberal middle classes will vote for financial stability and be fucking thick enough to think tories are safe hands. Yeah. Safe enough if you can pay for what has been cut in terms of public services. Fuck them anyway, more of us than they here.
who should the liberal middle classes vote for?
I don't believe in voting very strongly so they must go with their conscience, pauce as it may be
you seemed to be saying they'd be thick for voting Tory, but if that's in line with their interests it's not really stupid. It's pretty mad to see Labour as safe hands too. Look what they've done for us.
I feel for them
So do you have to work with your hands and not to have done A levels to be working class?

A lot of those who got themselves in debt through university and found out there weren't the promised decent jobs for them consider themselves middle class; in the US it seems everyone is branded middle class unless you have no job.
you seemed to be saying they'd be thick for voting Tory, but if that's in line with their interests it's not really stupid. It's pretty mad to see Labour as safe hands too. Look what they've done for us.
in the intrests of old money. New money can sink or swim.
in the intrests of old money. New money can sink or swim.
Tories have got a wider base than old money and they have that base for good reasons - it's not stupidity.
otherwise it ends up with liberal moaning, why do these thickos vote against their interests!?
So do you have to work with your hands and not to have done A levels to be working class?

A lot of those who got themselves in debt through university and found out there weren't the promised decent jobs for them consider themselves middle class; in the US it seems everyone is branded middle class unless you have no job.
working class is a dirty word in US politics. Blue collar is the phrase but I can't recall the last time I saw it. I mean no rudeness here but class definitions are very obvios from the lower rung. If you have to ask...
Tories have got a wider base than old money and they have that base for good reasons - it's not stupidity.
otherwise it ends up with liberal moaning, why do these thickos vote against their interests!?

oh the working class tory vote has never been about thick proles at all, its chiefly the percieved economic interests. Plus a deal of social and moral stuff as well. I reserve the right to call them prats as I have to live with them year on end. My MP is in the sally army ffs

its that percived notion of economic competence that persuades some of the time imo. some is tribal of course, vote as yer nan did. Floaters will be swayed by the financial bullshit.

e2a remember gradients as well
working class is a dirty word in US politics. Blue collar is the phrase but I can't recall the last time I saw it. I mean no rudeness here but class definitions are very obvios from the lower rung. If you have to ask...
It's why I phrased it as I did before, wage slaves. I don't want to turn this into one of those silly conversations about personal situations, silly american tried that on me last weekend elsewhere.

Burn-out is a very real thing in many 'good' jobs where they still want to suck you dry. The money you get for it isn't always better than in manual jobs.
It's why I phrased it as I did before, wage slaves. I don't want to turn this into one of those silly conversations about personal situations, silly american tried that on me last weekend elsewhere.

Burn-out is a very real thing in many 'good' jobs where they still want to suck you dry. The money you get for it isn't always better than in manual jobs.
'by hand and by brain'
ownership of the means is the goal. Those doing well have consistently thwarted that or ignored people who struggled to secure the right to a fair days pay for a fair days work. Consitently. Its not new.

e2a not everyone obvs. Collectively
oh the working class tory vote has never been about thick proles at all, its chiefly the percieved economic interests. Plus a deal of social and moral stuff as well. I reserve the right to call them prats as I have to live with them year on end. My MP is in the sally army ffs

its that percived notion of economic competence that persuades some of the time imo. some is tribal of course, vote as yer nan did. Floaters will be swayed by the financial bullshit.
hang on, are we talking about the liberal middle classes or the working class? :D
I'm getting a bit lost but my argument is really that if it's a straight choice between Tories and Labour over who's the 'safe pair of hands' on the economy, well, it's easy to see why the Tories might pick up points there. I don't think it's stupidity.

Like you I can't see much reason to vote for any of them as I hate Labour just about as much as the Tories, but there you go.
whereas Owen 'get ISIS round the table' Smith will have the Tories on the ropes...?
I am inclined to agree with the Paul Mason piece 'The sound of Blairite silence' that killer b posted a link to. Cometh the hour Smith will turn out to be the fall guy.
I am inclined to agree with the Paul Mason piece 'The sound of Blairite silence' that killer b posted a link to. Cometh the hour Smith will turn out to be the fall guy.
you mean that they'd put forward yet another challenger after this? but who? they couldn't come up with an effective candidate to stand against him when Corbyn first became leader, and the pool of possible contenders isn't looking any better now as far as I can see. They've tried from the right and failed, they're failing from the left now. It's a strange strategy if they are trying that :confused:
Middle classes are being squeezed too - having to pay for things that used to be free. Everyone wants good housing, job, healthcare, education for their kids.

Can't see why Corbyn can't deliver for both working and middle classes.
you mean that they'd put forward yet another challenger after this? but who? they couldn't come up with an effective candidate to stand against him when Corbyn first became leader, and the pool of possible contenders isn't looking any better now as far as I can see. They've tried from the right and failed, they're failing from the left now. It's a strange strategy if they are trying that :confused:
Have a read of the piece. Form your own opinion, to me it looks to be fairly plausible. :)
Maybe that is the point of Owen. Not to win, but to make a better claim (rubbish as it is in fact, but it plays better in the media).
Which is why the mason peice is so flawed - it runs together all sorts of people into one group with one aim. The actual 'blairites' lost with ed milibands victory and were left in external media positions alone. I'm sure mason wrote about exactly this in 2010. The more i think about that piece the worse it is. Filling incompetent silence with coherent omnipotent malevolence.
And yet he's completely right, if Corbyn is still leader by 2020 then we'll have the tories until 2025 at least.

Yup. A vote for Corbyn is effectively voting for 10 more years of the Tories. Bonkers how anyone in their right mind cannot see that. I'm sure Theresa is sitting in her chalet in the Alps basking in this. She knows she can get away with blue murder and as long as that egotistical fuck Jez and his weird sidekick are still there she's bulletproof.
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