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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

So he can call for reselections. You've just decided it's not the right time.
The NEC can change when the reselection process happens, and the terms of the reselection process, if it chooses. I suppose it could choose to do this soon, but it won't.

It isn't a simple matter of Corbyn's allies now controlling the NEC btw, the recent elections have only changed the balance of power by two (or maybe 3?).
Paranoid drool from today's Torygraph.

Hard-left groups are working together to help Jeremy Corbyn stay at the helm of the Labour party and "pull society to the left".

At least five organisations have got involved in the Labourleader's campaign in the hope that he will push a more left-wing agenda if reelected.

Groups including the Socialist Party, have called for a new convention which will be "open to all pro-Corbyn left forces" to discuss the rebuilding of the labour movement.

It's a story that stitches together a few quotes from "leading Trotskyists" and comes up with, well, not much really. It exists solely to pander to the papers paranoid 'reds under the bed' readers.
The NEC can change when the reselection process happens, and the terms of the reselection process, if it chooses. I suppose it could choose to do this soon, but it won't.

It isn't a simple matter of Corbyn's allies now controlling the NEC btw, the recent elections have only changed the balance of power by two (or maybe 3?).

But a majority. So, he could call for reselections.
So he can call for reselections. You've just decided it's not the right time.
You switched here from

When is the earliest Corbyn could declare deselections?


So he can call for reselections.

He never could declare de or reselections. He can support and urge the NEC to make arrangements that make the chances more likely - or support moves in the NEC to make the trigger process and other things less favourable to current MPs. But he can't just declare anything - the Labour Party's internal stuff just doesn't work like that.
Anyone whose been following all this stuff has been saying for ages once corbyn wins there be another struggle - one based possibly on parliamentary cold shouldering by the PLP to further drive a wedge then followed up with legal action on the basis that the PLP is now the effective labour party etc - we've literally been talking about that for months on here haven't we. I certainly know it's been part of the wider expectation by the people i know who've got a dog in this fight anyway.
Not sure how widespread these kinds of details are - most people I speak to have some vague thoughts about a split, but nothing more than that.
Not sure how widespread these kinds of details are - most people I speak to have some vague thoughts about a split, but nothing more than that.
I didn't really see any details in the mason piece tbh though just a vague warning of what people might try and some methods that might help them achieve their ends. Anyway, we'll see soon enough.
Mason appears to be getting quite wild - seeing string pullers everywhere, using buzzwords and banging out 0 instead of o numerous times. He suggests that Smith cannot win, but that his true role is to be a placeholder - something he surely can only do if he wins. And when he wins the power behind him will be...wait for it Brenda Dean and David Blunkett and behind them a single millionaire with no background clout or backing in the party. I think he needs some kip and a decent meal in him - and reading something other than stuff about the period leading up to the october revolution.
the bits about the free ride Owen Smith is getting ring true though. And the possibilities of the split-proper arent just insomniac fantasy - its definitely possible. I just dont think itll happen
the bits about the free ride Owen Smith is getting ring true though. And the possibilities of the split-proper arent just insomniac fantasy - its definitely possible. I just dont think itll happen
I didn't say it didn't ring true - just that a) people have been saying he's been left to swing in the wind by the right for some time now and b) that mason is mad on what the impossible smith victory would mean - Brenda Dean ffs.
utterly utterly irrelevant. by 'jaw-jaw' i meant - as well you know - discussions between countries - BETWEEN countries - better than war. not 'oh but they took this signal from that' bollocks.

Them's that refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Best way of avoiding wars is speak softly and carry a big stick. Given state of NATO and the wider world Corbyn's statement would be alarming, leader of the opposition in a Parliament with a small majority and all that. But the Labour party is such a joke at mo, think its less problematic.
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Anyone whose been following all this stuff has been saying for ages once corbyn wins there be another struggle - one based possibly on parliamentary cold shouldering by the PLP to further drive a wedge then followed up with legal action on the basis that the PLP is now the effective labour party etc - we've literally been talking about that for months on here haven't we. I certainly know it's been part of the wider expectation by the people i know who've got a dog in this fight anyway.

Of all the criticisms of their incompetence, that they (the PLP) still haven't taken any steps towards the one course of action that can ever hope to pay dividends for them is the most damning. Instead of cold-shouldering him and yet another doomed leadership election, they could easily replace him as leader of the opposition with the Chair of the PLP.
It's not going to happen though you plonker. That's the whole point they asked the question.
I know that fucktard it was a reply to this.
You would happily go to war with Russia? Sorry, you would happily send other people to go to war with Russia while you relaxed at home? You honestly think that would be a good idea?
I'm actually serving so would actually have to go pratt. Should only take a weekend we launch the helicopters they all get shot down and then we get stomped flat by rockets doubt I would need a change of socks tbh.:D Last Slightly longer than in the old cold war role and a bit more paperwork ,but, less digging so swings and roundabouts.
Even at the peak of Empiah nobody fancied it with Russia. Let napoleon waste his time. Owen Smith is an idiot, a puppet. If the press set up a 'would you jump off a cliff?' question he'd be taking his run up straight away

You forgot the Crimean War which makes the last couple of wars look like the works of genius.
You forgot the Crimean War which makes the last couple of wars look like the works of genius.
oh yeah, the birth of telegraph and the canned meal. Recall there being some...problems* in the supply lines there iirc the docu I saw.

*proper fuck ups/theivery. Starving men pictured in the papers, underdressed for the weather. Very much a fuck up
oh yeah, the birth of telegraph and the canned meal. Recall there being some...problems* in the supply lines there iirc the docu I saw.

*proper fuck ups/theivery. Starving men pictured in the papers, underdressed for the weather. Very much a fuck up
as opposed to the wars in afghanistan where 'our boys' sent out proper dressed but with vehicles very vulnerable to ieds and shooting etc
as opposed to the wars in afghanistan where 'our boys' sent out proper dressed but with vehicles very vulnerable to ieds and shooting etc
shortage of bullet proof jackets also iirc. I remember a story of someone who died cos he was shot without one and how people were buying their own.
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