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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Yeah, give up your £400k/year job in New York and come back to South Shields so you can lose an election. What an an appealing offer.
Batley & Spen.
They're psychopathically drawn to power; it's not just the £ with these people.
And if anyone at all quits the party after he wins, it'll obviously be a split and entirely his fault, orchestrated in the bunker with trots. The HARD LEFT will have returned to our TV screens and column inches, and it'll be MILITANT this and POLITICS OF ENVY that.

All Corbyn's personal fault, of course, till he dies and then it'll be MAN OF PRINCIPLE but you know, those principles don't actually work though do they?

I do fucking hate this country, a lot.
There's always the option of emigrating to the US or Russia, plenty of other places better than here, depending on what 'floats yer boat'
Is it the time of the week that someone moots David Milliband as a replacement leader again? Seems to come round quicker and quicker each time.

Milliband war-monger and no-doubt even more right wing now. I don't think that would sit well with Labour of today.
Milliband war-monger and no-doubt even more right wing now. I don't think that would sit well with Labour of today.
Aye, but what is the 'labour of today' ?seems it's the Courts who decide, not the membership, something brought on by the PLP.
Deselect the bastards and find a way of charging the money wasted In this latest round of 'legal gerrymandering' to the members of the PLP responsible.
and the PLP are told 'Its better than yours'

while frothy coffee man stares endlessly into the dregs of his cup and contemplates a life that doesn't so closely resemble imminent humiliation. Don't even think these people have an inner voice. Don't they talk to themselves, just mull things over and decide 'you know what, fuck running against St C, I'll just keep my head down and keep my salary. What will be will be'. They must have some soaring egos to think it will be forgotten come election time
Don't be arses trying to put people off engaging in politics,
eh I never have. I might take the piss a bit but its just that, mockery of a gentle kind. Of course its good to see people engaging with politics, but I fear the labour party is going to let them down. They always do.
eh I never have. I might take the piss a bit but its just that, mockery of a gentle kind. Of course its good to see people engaging with politics, but I fear the labour party is going to let them down. They always do.
Cheers dot. Maybe things are changing. You can only hope so.
Cheers dot. Maybe things are changing. You can only hope so.

perhaps so. There is a real sense of anger and desire for the fraud to stop being a fraud but can it be articulated through the Labour Party or is it doomed to succumb to that parties traditional habit of suppressing working class militancy in order to present itself as a negotiator with capital? Taking union money and shitting on union members? Shitting on single mothers, shitting on the unemployed. Sure the tories are satans ballsack but they never pretended to be anything else. Here is a song your post called to mind which is always worth a spin:
perhaps so. There is a real sense of anger and desire for the fraud to stop being a fraud but can it be articulated through the Labour Party or is it doomed to succumb to that parties traditional habit of suppressing working class militancy in order to present itself as a negotiator with capital? Taking union money and shitting on union members? Shitting on single mothers, shitting on the unemployed. Sure the tories are satans ballsack but they never pretended to be anything else. Here is a song your post called to mind which is always worth a spin:

Maybe you are right, but it is a litmus paper on the body politic.

I prefer "which side are you on" If you hate billy bragg there are lots of other versions.

I know JC getting elected again would just be the begining. I have read some history.
I prefer "which side are you on" If you hate billy bragg there are lots of other versions.
this is a good one:

I cannot stand with the Labour Party though. Time and again they have betrayed us. Parliamentary poltics isn't my bag either, I'm afraid I'm one of those who favour violent revolution (there is no other sort that will work here) and the imposition of a working class led socialist state. Please don't ask me to outline the shape that such a thing would take, there are many models discussed. If pressed I would say I like what I have read about council communism. Either way the palace of westminster must burn imo
this is a good one:

I cannot stand with the Labour Party though. Time and again they have betrayed us. Parliamentary poltics isn't my bag either, I'm afraid I'm one of those who favour violent revolution (there is no other sort that will work here) and the imposition of a working class led socialist state. Please don't ask me to outline the shape that such a thing would take, there are many models discussed. If pressed I would say I like what I have read about council communism. Either way the palace of westminster must burn imo

Thought you'd joined Labour? Not that that means much at the moment.
Thought you'd joined Labour? Not that that means much at the moment.
nah, thought about it 'by any means neccesary' but in the end my mind kept going back to the anti unionism, that smiling prick who murdered tons of iraqis and brought shiny faced young men into a grand army adventure that they are still recovering from if indeed they made it out. And for what? For the DWP adverts showing gunsights focusing in on a single mum doing her ironing 'we're on to you'. Thats for having your BF/GF stay more than thee days a week. For not getting rid of the JSA regime. For the constant lies, for PFI for Peter fucking Mandleson and Alistair fucking Cambell. For leaving us behind when our money made them and paid them. No, I was tempted but the devil quotes scripture. Not well enough to fool me again tho
nah, thought about it 'by any means neccesary' but in the end my mind kept going back to the anti unionism, that smiling prick who murdered tons of iraqis and brought shiny faced young men into a grand army adventure that they are still recovering from if indeed they made it out. And for what? For the DWP adverts showing gunsights focusing in on a single mum doing her ironing 'we're on to you'. Thats for having your BF/GF stay more than thee days a week. For not getting rid of the JSA regime. For the constant lies, for PFI for Peter fucking Mandleson and Alistair fucking Cambell. For leaving us behind when our money made them and paid them. No, I was tempted but the devil quotes scripture. Not well enough to fool me again tho

Fair enough. No vengeful wrath though? Place as little faith as you like in Labour but giving the right of the party who found all that to be fair and reasonable a kicking is something surely? Not even talking about grand shifts in British politics, just a bit of a shock to complacency, a bit of fear about who really owns the power they think is theirs.
Some good songs posted anyway. Someone want to find a link to a good version of Joe Hill? I'm busy listening to the other ones.

I wonder what the wobblies could have done without Uncle Joe spoiling it all.
By the way, I was a liberal when I was a kid, but never a cock dem

Young Liberals were Yippies then, when Callahan was just being a general nob
Fair enough. No vengeful wrath though? Place as little faith as you like in Labour but giving the right of the party who found all that to be fair and reasonable a kicking is something surely? Not even talking about grand shifts in British politics, just a bit of a shock to complacency, a bit of fear about who really owns the power they think is theirs.
oh believe me I do like seeing the labour right taking a kicking, but I don't trust the labour left at all. They compromise at our expense, always have. I'll cheer from the sidelines but no vote. No membership. Its not what I want. Even at its best its a negotiator with capital, and fights a corner. Theres one soltion I'm afraid. Sure They might make things easier under capital by doing the soc/dem dance but it never lasts and its never got rid of our ancien regime
Some good songs posted anyway. Someone want to find a link to a good version of Joe Hill? I'm busy listening to the other ones.

I wonder what the wobblies could have done without Uncle Joe spoiling it all.
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