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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

It's the name innit, any organisation with the prefix 'Al' gets a negative response from your average mail/ sun reader.
And the likes of the Guardian know this full well, just by associating Corbyn with any organisation connected to Islam will ring alarm bells with this those who skip read the headlines on the way to the sports section.

I wonder if the Friends of Al-Gore found the same disdain pointed at them?
its cos you won't disable yer damned 'set from iphone usin twattalk' thingy. It is annoying tbf
Anti social too but I've put him on ignore, cos so often it's one line of post, one line of signature. Takes a couple of seconds to disable, can only be refusing cos he's being a dick for some reason. Tapatalk doesn't do ignore though so have seen his posts this morning and sadly feel I've made the right choice to put him on ignore as it's so annoying to read every post.

KE just turn it off, from the initial losing screen, me - setting - edit signature - none
2 seconds, done and you stop annoying everyone.
This opinion piece is very long but an interesting read: The truth about Corbyn. Share a lot of these feelings of supporting his policies but having concerns about competence and the viability of the Labour party.

Like the description of the four way disconnect between Labour leader and membership vs PLP and potential electorate.

Kind of liked this analogy :
Hostility from large quadrants of the press, disloyalty from parts of the PLP, the fragmentation of the Labour vote, the current unstable climate, the natural conservatism of the British public – all these are mountains to climb. Being shit at climbing makes them insurmountable obstacles.
but would describe it less as being shit at climbing as never having invested in climbing equipment.

Still going to the rally in Bristol tonight though. Totally getting a selfie.
Some comment here that echoes other things I've heard from long term members disgusted by how bent Labour is.

The one group of members overlooked in nearly all dissections of Corbynism are the existing members switching from whoever they supported in 2015 to Jeremy. We're not talking people who joined to vote last summer and have stayed, but comrades who've knocked about the block ( as well as a few doors) and have served the party in various capacities. I know this party constituency exists because, a) I'm one of those people, and b) so are nearly all my comrades. I know folks who voted Andy, Yvette, and Liz last time who are all hitting the Corbyn button on this occasion. It's not that Jez has so much won them over, but rather the behaviour of his opponents have driven their support into the arms of his campaign. Jeremy hasn;t attracted them, the political geniuses of core group hostile, you know, the people supposedly specialising in reaching out beyond bases and comfort zones, lost them.
Reluctant Corbynism All That Is Solid ...: Reluctant Corbynism
Ah, 'the natural conservatism of the British public.'

That's a clumsy and ugly phrase, and I would hope the author expands on it/ attempts to justify it in the piece it's an excert from. I'd be wary of dismissing the whole piece simply on that basis though.

To develop the mountain climbing analogy, maybe we should be asking whether getting a small team of climbers to the top of the mountain of parliamentary representation is necessarily the best or only goal, and considering whether we might also/rather focus on working on getting a larger group of people to occupy a different type of terrain.
This opinion piece is very long but an interesting read: The truth about Corbyn. Share a lot of these feelings of supporting his policies but having concerns about competence and the viability of the Labour party.

Like the description of the four way disconnect between Labour leader and membership vs PLP and potential electorate.

Kind of liked this analogy :

but would describe it less as being shit at climbing as never having invested in climbing equipment.

Still going to the rally in Bristol tonight though. Totally getting a selfie.
Ah yes, the 'truth' according to Alex Andreou. He can fuck off. How does he or even you define 'competence'? Are the plotters 'competent'? Andreou doesn't actually deal with that part of the equation. I wonder why?

Speaking in PR slogans and buzzwords isn't a sign of competence; it's a sign that you don't have any ideas beyond the confines of the so-called Westminster village. If the coup plotters want to appeal to the electorate, then they're going to have to speak in a way that connects with ordinary people. They'll also have to offer something that resembles a vision. Instead Owen Smith talks about "practical socialism" and a "new industrial revolution" but these are nothing but empty words.
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That's a clumsy and ugly phrase, and I would hope the author expands on it/ attempts to justify it in the piece it's an excert from. I'd be wary of dismissing the whole piece simply on that basis though.

It's pathetic liberal left, shit
Things really started to turn during the EU referendum campaign. Whatever you think on the issue or the result, there was a strange disconnect there; an active avoidance. Corbyn refused to share a platform, turned down interviews and debates, campaigned half-heartedly, obsessed about obscure directives nobody gave a fig for, and even went on holiday during the short campaign.
Oh no! He didn't work with the Tories.
I always thought that socialism could combine with liberal values.
Nice of the bloke to advertise his stupidity and lack of backbone.

The only counter-narrative is SyRizA in Greece. It took a disparate alliance of factions, organised them into a party, harnessed the energy of the Syntagma Square protesters, and won power within established structures. It has been a process of, sometimes unpallatable, compromise, of sullying something pure, which has seen some factions break off. Key to this was the charismatic, quick-thinking, pragmatic and competent Alexis Tsipras. He held the party together, until the glue had become fixed.
There you have it, he want's Labour to emulate a party that is currently attacking the poorest in the country.

Pricks like this are the reason why the Labour Party is a dead end.
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This opinion piece is very long but an interesting read: The truth about Corbyn. Share a lot of these feelings of supporting his policies but having concerns about competence and the viability of the Labour party.

Like the description of the four way disconnect between Labour leader and membership vs PLP and potential electorate.

Kind of liked this analogy :

but would describe it less as being shit at climbing as never having invested in climbing equipment.

Still going to the rally in Bristol tonight though. Totally getting a selfie.

Androu is a twerp - had an absolute liberalmungous meltdown re : brexit, decides it's all Corbos fault, then exposed the fact he had no idea whatsoever that Corbyn had quietly opposed the EU for 30'years - just not sure how / why anyone would take this dude seriously ( do they ? Who is he ? )
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