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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

They will probably say that this article is because The Spectator wants Corbyn to win

10 reasons why Corbyn’s critics are the worst people in British politics right now | Coffee House

Rhetorical question alert!

That article was written in December 2015; you'd have thought someone in the Labour party might have read and digested its contents, yes? But what kind of people, wedded as they are to the 'appearance is all' school of politics, could hear that criticism and ignore every word of it?
I know, it's the kind of people that think club assets belong to a tiny subset of club members.
Just checked junk mail; yep, there he is. He says all the right things. It's a pity that he doesn't have the voting record or history of activism to support a single thing he says. Perhaps the Taffia exist in an alternate reality.
I've got an image in my mind of Owen smith stuck in a late night coke fueled wank loop, desperately texting the entire labour party membership list in the hope that someone, somewhere will text back 'yes'.
You're far too generous. More like a moment of downtime having completed his late night session of accountancy study for the corporeal undead, simultaneously working an array of grey Nokia 6210s with his gliding, oily tentacles.

You're far too generous. More like a moment of downtime having completed his late night session of accountancy study for the corporeal undead, simultaneously working an array of grey Nokia 6210s with his gliding, oily tentacles.


The 6210 was a good phone! Don't taint it with other than being an honest, decent phone.
A 25 quider I helped to realise they could have a say got one from both sides at the same time.

I got one about JC ages ago and just got the Owen one. I don't know why they are asking me how I intend to vote? The email from both say they are from he party, not the candidate.

I might join Momentum, they don't sound that bad and I'm big enough not to join in phone campaigns if I'm not in the spirit at the time.
I've never been a member of a trot organisation, but I did like having a gawp at some of the more thoughtful monthlies. I even saved a couple of copies of The Leninist. Not trots them lot, love the way it looks like the FT.
Puddy_Tat 'i can't be bothered to find / embed tweets, but one or two of today's pictures are doing the rounds with something along the lines of "of course, corbyn only appeals to a small, middle class, london elite'

I saw one piece saying that a lot of the joiners were stjdents, as if it were a bad thing. I know a wide variety of classes, ethnicity, occupations who joined, including students but id love to know why people sneer at folk for being young and persuing an education. A lot of people who sneer at 'middle class' are middle class themselves, its thus a form of self hstred. Theres a logic in deriding 'middle-class leftie' that anyone who by accident of birth had a relatively lucky start should really be a tory, and that giving a shit for others is a form of treachery
Anyone with a vote for the NEC please understand it is probably more important than the leadership vote now. The NEC will suspend local constituancies it doesn't like and make odd changes to the rules. It isn't glam, it is important. Glad I rejoined as a full member in time to have a vote.

Votes close on the 5th.

Some of those who know the history of gits in our movement (shits and giggles), know how often we forget the detail that makes all the difference.
Puddy_Tat 'i can't be bothered to find / embed tweets, but one or two of today's pictures are doing the rounds with something along the lines of "of course, corbyn only appeals to a small, middle class, london elite'

I saw one piece saying that a lot of the joiners were stjdents, as if it were a bad thing. I know a wide variety of classes, ethnicity, occupations who joined, including students but id love to know why people sneer at folk for being young and persuing an education. A lot of people who sneer at 'middle class' are middle class themselves, its thus a form of self hstred. Theres a logic in deriding 'middle-class leftie' that anyone who by accident of birth had a relatively lucky start should really be a tory, and that giving a shit for others is a form of treachery

They refined the terms in the USA. Working class is called middle class.

I'm working class sort-of. I make shit my company sells, a lot of it to the US. I make software. I often go home with a headache because it is difficult. I am one of the few that helps to improve the daft metrics about imports/exports.

I didn't have a union helping me when we all got sacked last time, or when I was forced to work though the night and at weekends. Unison should figure what made Joe Hill tick. Then they should do what he was doing knowing they aren't likely to be shot yet.

I get better pay than my friend at Starbucks, but she doesn't get bullied like that.

I am comfortable in my current job, and they were good when I was sick. I am still being payed what I was 8 years ago.

I'd count myself in the labour aristocracy. With all the shit that implies, with only a little credit for having a decent job. Be nice if I had a house, but my ex needed that to bring up my kids. You don't get a pension in the little companies, or extensions of anerican compaies that apparently are so important.

I thought Thatch was going to decimate the public sector. As it works out I should have got a council job or been a plasterer. People wonder why they can't get STEM graduates? It is because they aren't payed properly and are sneered at. Theses digital marketeers wouldn't know a digit even they have a prostate test.

Bring it on. I have nothing to lose, and making the world a better place is my reward.

I don't have it bad, but it is shit if this is as good as it gets working my arse off for 30 years being creative as well as skilled in my field.

Sod it. I've not tried acid yet.
Having trouble getting past the "me me me me me" bit. Does it stop?

Sort of, skip down to the questions. Then it gets more mememe at the end again.

What I can't get over about Jones is that surely Corbyn is what he has been working towards all his life. His parents met in militant, his whole 'brand' has been built on his status as a left of Labour journo and now here he is, backing a no hoper who discovered socialism five minutes ago and would abandon it five minutes after winning the leadership. If you look at what the people who are against Corbyn say about Jones, it isn't nice, they think he has brought the whole situation on himself and should eat the meal he asked for. As someone said upthread, Jones has shit the bed.

Owen Smith receiving said text:

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