free spirit
more tea vicar?
once a year before conference is how I read the rules on that.Someone mentioned that they will keep on making leadership challengers until corbyn goes. Can they really do that? Would there be a majority in the PLP for such a move? Couldn't they be expelled/deselected for such malicious action - effectively deliberately sabotaging the party?
Its clearly a fight to the death and the Blairites will do anything to stop the membership and corbyn - but is this a realistic scenario?
If they refuse to follow the party whip continuously in the meantime then that should put them at risk of having the whip removed, though Corbyn is on a bit of a sticky wicket with that one given his rebellious history. Some sort of bringing the party into disrepute charge could also probably be made against MPs found leaking to the press and briefing against the leadership.
But that presumably all depends on the make up of the NEC and willingness of the NEC to take on the PLP plotters and support the leadership that the party members elect (assuming corbyn is elected again).