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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Ho ho ho:

full text:

'A plea from resigning and former members of Islington North Labour Party: vote for Jeremy Corbyn, Independent.Dear voters of Islington North,We have been proud members of Islington North Labour Party for many years. Together, we have campaigned on a wide range of issues, from defending the local Number 4 bus route to saving the local hospital’s A&E. These campaigns have united members from all sides of our Party, and we are proud of the collegiate atmosphere that we have created. In many ways, Islington North CLP was the genuine broad church that the Labour Party claims to be.This year, we have been denied the right to choose our own candidate for the General Election. Not a single person in Islington North has had a say. We believe in democracy – and the people of Islington North deserve an MP who believes in democracy too.Jeremy Corbyn has dedicated his life to this constituency. We hear on a regular basis from people how Jeremy has been there for them in their time of need, whether that is housing, education or anything else. He has always worked in partnership with our progressive Labour Council, both as a Labour MP and as an Independent MP.We have been proud to stand alongside Jeremy over the course of ten General Elections. This year, we will be campaigning for him as an independent candidate for Islington North. Many of us have already resigned or been expelled from the Labour Party as a result. Those of us who are still in the Party know our support for Jeremy will result in the termination of our membership. We do not take this decision lightly, but it is time to take a stand in the name of democracy and justice.We will campaign on the same principles we have always had. That includes ending all privatisation of our NHS in order to restore the principle of free, public and universal healthcare.Jeremy has always been an honest, brave and principled voice. We need that voice now, more than ever. We implore Labour voters to support Jeremy Corbyn as an independent candidate, and vote for him on the 4th July. Signed,Alison McGarry (CLP Chair)Bisi Williams (CLP Vice Chair Membership) Gill Lawton (CLP Vice Chair Membership) Ruth Clarke (CLP Women’s Section Secretary)Steph Linkogle (CLP Vice Chair Campaigns)Sarah Doyle (CLP Secretary)Oliver Durose (CLP Assistant Secretary) Martin Franklin (CLP Environment Officer, Tufnell Park ward delegate)Michael Rowan (CLP Communications and Social Media)Gillian Dalley (Tollington Ward Chair) Diane Reay (Vice Chair Tollington Ward) Kate Buffery (Junction Ward GM delegate, Local Campaign Forum)Peter Murray (Treasurer, Junction Ward) Jonathan Gore (Ward Organiser, Highbury) Cassie Mayer (Hillrise Ward GM delegate) Sophie Maisey (Hillrise Ward GM delegate) Ginette Williams (Hillrise GM Ward delegate)Jan Whelan (Hillrise Ward GM delegate) Mica Nava (Tufnell Park Ward GM delegate)Dr Azhar Malik (Tufnell Park Ward GM delegate)Jeremy Maher (Tufnell Park Ward GM delegate)Annette Thomas (Tufnell Park Ward GM delegate)Tony Graham (Highbury Ward GM delegate)Simon Hin'


who would have guessed?

Could you break that mass of text into several chunks?
The implication I read in to it that Corbyn supporters were ignorant - of the fact that he was no longer a labour candidate and didn't know he was standing as an independent
Tbh, it surprised me that people wouldn't know he was no longer Labour, but that is what his team have been reporting on the doorstep. Maybe they are just saying this or exaggerating it simply to explain why he might be behind in the polls and/or as simply another way of getting the vote out. Having said all that, I do have a vague memory of the same phenomena happening in by elections when someone has been booted out or resigned from a party.
The implication I read in to it that Corbyn supporters were ignorant - of the fact that he was no longer a labour candidate and didn't know he was standing as an independent

Having spent the last month knocking on doors in a constituency with a higher than average turnout, I would take the view that you will never lose money by betting on public indifference and ignorance of politics.

That's not a criticism (it is, but..) but its a simple fact - that for lots of people, politics has no more meaning or Interest to them than the pop charts have for me. it's just not something that intrudes into their lives.
Having spent the last month knocking on doors in a constituency with a higher than average turnout, I would take the view that you will never lose money by betting on public indifference and ignorance of politics.

That's not a criticism (it is, but..) but its a simple fact - that for lots of people, politics has no more meaning or Interest to them than the pop charts have for me. it's just not something that intrudes into their lives.
People forget just how little news the public actually consume. When I worked in politics I was constantly amazed by how much cut through beyond the headlines…
Having done an extremely minor bit of digging, here's an instagram post of the poster from the people who made it with accompanying text:

Caption is
For the last 8 months @uklabour under @keirstarmer has openly green lighted and assisted Israel in the total destruction of Gaza and the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the people confined within its walls. So far this murderous campaign has killed over 40,000 people - with over 15,000 of them being children - in just a matter of months.

Schools, hospitals, refugee camps and aid trucks have all been blown up by the occupation forces - and its western allies - with hundreds of journalists, doctors and aid workers being targeted and killed in the process.

With the state of Israel on trial for genocide at the Hague and ICC arrest warrants issued for Netanyahu and and co, there are now growing international calls for all complicit government officials from the US, UK and Germany to also face justice for their role in the atrocities we’ve been forced to witness.

Perhaps these Labour MP’s failed to grasp the magnitude of what they were going along with - although far more likely that they just hoped they could get away with it. They made the decision to risk co-signing a genocide if it meant they could secure career longevity - a decision that has now well and truly backfired.

On July 4th the UK public will go to the polls to determine who will be in charge of running the country. On July 5th all genocide-complicit MP’s in parliament will be greeted by the resistance movement with immediate calls for them to be removed from their positions of power and pursued on war-crimes charges.

When you make your bed you must lay in it.

The text is:
View attachment 431140
How dare anyone suggest that Starmer has provided the state of Israel with political cover and assistance, the antisemitic bastards? :mad: :mad: :mad:
That's precisely the point where, in common sense, obvious terms, you would refer to Israeli 'interests', 'organised lobbying' and the rest. A straightforward and honest account of the way that states and associated actors exert power and influence. But part of that power contains within in it a defence against even speaking about that power, the claim that referring to Israeli interests and lobbies feeds into antisemitic tropes. A reminder how successful the Israeli state and Zionism have become at using the existence of antisemitism as a de facto defence against war crimes. :(
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That's precisely the point where, in common sense, obvious terms, you would refer to Israeli 'interests', 'organised lobbying' and the rest. A straightforward and honest account of the way that state's and associated actors exert power and influence. But part of that power contains within in it a defence against even speaking about that power, the claim that referring to Israeli interests and lobbies feeds into antisemitic tropes. A reminder how successful the Israeli state and Zionism have become at using the existence of antisemitism as a de facto defence against war crimes. :(
Yeah, fwiw I don't love the framing that LCCW has chosen, I think that talking about the Israel lobby a) leaves you open to this kind of bad-faith attack, b) is open to framing that can potentially lead in an antisemitic/conspiracist direction, and c) is ultimately unnecessary - it is verifiably true that various Labour right/centre figures have received various bits of funding from this and that dodgy donor, but even if they'd never received a single penny from any Israel-related lobbyist, I still reckon that Starmer would have exactly the same line on Israel, because he has an ideological commitment to not doing anything that would distinguish him too sharply from the tories, supporting Israel is just a part of how Starmer views the world and Britain's place in it.
But there's a huge difference between "a framing I would not personally use myself because I think it can potentially be interpreted in an antisemitic direction, although they have clearly not actually said anything antisemitic in this particular instance" and "anti-Semitic libel", which is what Paul Mason - and, by extension, our resident Mason-tweet-poster on here - has said. Although the offer for Kid_Eternity to take the floor and explain why the image is antisemitic and libellous still stands?
In passing, the other week Kid Eternity posted Lee Harpin characterising Alison McGarry as "one of the last Corbynistas in the CLP":

Not that long afterwards, we got a resignation letter where McGarry was joined by the Secretary, two Vice Chairs, the Women's Section Secretary, the Assistant Secretary, the Comms Officer, and various others - 72 members in total according to LabourList.
Ho ho ho:

full text:

'A plea from resigning and former members of Islington North Labour Party: vote for Jeremy Corbyn, Independent.Dear voters of Islington North,We have been proud members of Islington North Labour Party for many years. Together, we have campaigned on a wide range of issues, from defending the local Number 4 bus route to saving the local hospital’s A&E. These campaigns have united members from all sides of our Party, and we are proud of the collegiate atmosphere that we have created. In many ways, Islington North CLP was the genuine broad church that the Labour Party claims to be.This year, we have been denied the right to choose our own candidate for the General Election. Not a single person in Islington North has had a say. We believe in democracy – and the people of Islington North deserve an MP who believes in democracy too.Jeremy Corbyn has dedicated his life to this constituency. We hear on a regular basis from people how Jeremy has been there for them in their time of need, whether that is housing, education or anything else. He has always worked in partnership with our progressive Labour Council, both as a Labour MP and as an Independent MP.We have been proud to stand alongside Jeremy over the course of ten General Elections. This year, we will be campaigning for him as an independent candidate for Islington North. Many of us have already resigned or been expelled from the Labour Party as a result. Those of us who are still in the Party know our support for Jeremy will result in the termination of our membership. We do not take this decision lightly, but it is time to take a stand in the name of democracy and justice.We will campaign on the same principles we have always had. That includes ending all privatisation of our NHS in order to restore the principle of free, public and universal healthcare.Jeremy has always been an honest, brave and principled voice. We need that voice now, more than ever. We implore Labour voters to support Jeremy Corbyn as an independent candidate, and vote for him on the 4th July.

Alison McGarry (CLP Chair)
Bisi Williams (CLP Vice Chair Membership)
Gill Lawton (CLP Vice Chair Membership) Ruth Clarke (CLP Women’s Section Secretary)
Steph Linkogle (CLP Vice Chair Campaigns)
Sarah Doyle (CLP Secretary)
Oliver Durose (CLP Assistant Secretary)
Martin Franklin (CLP Environment Officer, Tufnell Park ward delegate)
Michael Rowan (CLP Communications and Social Media)
Gillian Dalley (Tollington Ward Chair)
Diane Reay (Vice Chair Tollington Ward)
Kate Buffery (Junction Ward GM delegate, Local Campaign Forum)
Peter Murray (Treasurer, Junction Ward)
Jonathan Gore (Ward Organiser, Highbury)
Cassie Mayer (Hillrise Ward GM delegate)
Sophie Maisey (Hillrise Ward GM delegate)
Ginette Williams (Hillrise GM Ward delegate)
Jan Whelan (Hillrise Ward GM delegate) Mica Nava (Tufnell Park Ward GM delegate)
Dr Azhar Malik (Tufnell Park Ward GM delegate)
Jeremy Maher (Tufnell Park Ward GM delegate)
Annette Thomas (Tufnell Park Ward GM delegate)
Tony Graham (Highbury Ward GM delegate)
Simon Hin'


who would have guessed?

I mean, I suppose it's technically the case that McGarry could be described as "one of the last 72 or so Corbyinistas in the CLP", but I am starting to think that this Lee Harpin person might not be a terribly reliable source of information.
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