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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

So what we're saying is the private healthcare guy can't rely on the local CLP even at chair level. This reflects well on him does it? Because to me it looks like the parachuted in hustings avoider is having to rely on equally bussed in people as the local party think he's a massive wanker. Again, is this a good look for the private healthcare nepo lad?

Yes but what do you think about the labour candidate?
Also one of the reasons idiots like Corbyn are deified, it's all vibe and not rational understanding of just how dangerous and dimwitted he really is....
Again, it's not people on here who are deluding themselves. Evidently Corbyn was popular because his aims reflected the views of a very large portion of society and particularly a section which has been ignored by the Parliamentary system for a long time. To that end the 2017 election saw Labour pick up 3 million extra votes (this being true regardless of the Tories also increasing their vote via antipathy from the other direction). Far from being deified, he was simply well liked while also being a convenient figurehead, and the only available option (as his reason for being there was entirely down to a one-off opening of the door). That's what the partying and chanting were about. I think you'd have to look very hard to find people anywhere on the political left who thought he was a perfect candidate at any stage.

You, on the other hand, have convinced yourself that saying the man is dim-witted is perfectly reasonable behaviour when you know perfectly well he isn't. You can say many things about his shortcomings - naive, dogged to the point of farce, unimaginative - but he's not stupid. The reason you come up with lines like this is because you specifically don't have a reasoned critique of him, and it is all about your feelings.
So what we're saying is the private healthcare guy can't rely on the local CLP even at chair level. This reflects well on him does it? Because to me it looks like the parachuted in hustings avoider is having to rely on equally bussed in people as the local party think he's a massive wanker. Again, is this a good look for the private healthcare nepo lad?

All your other criticisms are spot on, but the Labour candidate (whose name I've forgotten) is apparently a local councillor rather than someone parachuted in with no connection to the area.

That makes it even more damning that the local CLP aren't giving him much in the way of support.
An old schoolfriend of mine is now an Islington Labour councillor (not going to name them however unlikely it is that the Labour Right would read this) and their social media activity, given it's an election campaign and it's a colleague standing, is oddly non-existent, apart from some reposting of canvassing from several years ago when the CLP had a different candidate.
A couple of questions in case anybody knows (or where I can find the answers?):

1) is there a copy of the leaked Forde report anywhere? Also copies of the leaked WhatsApp messages preferably with who said what?
2) Forde said that some of the worst WhatsApp messages were from people at the top of Labour HQ. Do we know who was/were leading Labour HQ at the time?
3) the report and the messages (surprise surprise) were not submitted to the subsequent ECHR report, so that will just have assumed that Corbyn was personally responsible for delaying/ignoring the antisemitism accusations, rather than the people in Labour HQ who then blamed Corbyn for them? So is there a copy of the ECHR report on line anywhere?

Ta :)
A couple of questions in case anybody knows (or where I can find the answers?):

1) is there a copy of the leaked Forde report anywhere? Also copies of the leaked WhatsApp messages preferably with who said what?

The Forde report is in the public domain and is here:

I suspect however that you may be referring to a different internal Labour report, titled "The work of the Labour Party’s Governance and Legal Unit" leaked before the Forde Report was published, which included a lot of personal data that violated data protection laws. That report was circulating online for a while but now seems to have largely disappeared, probably because people have realised the legal implications of putting it out there.

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Yes I've read the Forde report, was hoping for the leaked one. I do wonder whether they had to disclose it for the case Starmer was bringing against the alleged 'leakers'.
Leaked UK Labour Party anti-Semitism report: A filthy witch-hunt exposed
Yes I've read the Forde report, was hoping for the leaked one. I do wonder whether they had to disclose it for the case Starmer was bringing against the alleged 'leakers'.
I read the 860 page report at the time it was leaked, and was disturbed by the number of instances where individuals were named. I'm not referring here to Labour Party staffers who opposed Corbyn, but to members of the public - some of them below adult age - who were allegedly subjected to anti-semetic behaviour and whose cases were investigated. Those details should have been redacted. It was a clear violation of data protection laws.
This idea that Corbyn only talked to one side in conflict - Israel/ Palestine. As though that is some kind of condemnation.

This makes it sound like their is a neutral position to take on this.

In case of the Israel/ Palestine Israel state has been occupying West Bank for decades now. Building settlements under right and left governments in Israel.

Israel state has got little opposition from Western governments in past for its occupation. And gradual de facto annexation of Palestinian land in West Bank.

Seems to me Corbyns crime was to take side of those who were being occupied.

And not the lets talk to both sides as though they were equal.

Surely as with Ukraine its perfectly reasonable to take the position of opposing occupation?
This idea that Corbyn only talked to one side in conflict - Israel/ Palestine. As though that is some kind of condemnation.

This makes it sound like their is a neutral position to take on this.

In case of the Israel/ Palestine Israel state has been occupying West Bank for decades now. Building settlements under right and left governments in Israel.

Israel state has got little opposition from Western governments in past for its occupation. And gradual de facto annexation of Palestinian land in West Bank.

Seems to me Corbyns crime was to take side of those who were being occupied.

And not the lets talk to both sides as though they were equal.

Surely as with Ukraine its perfectly reasonable to take the position of opposing occupation?
Guess who was promoting the 'we've got to listen to both sides' in Apartheid South Africa? The UK and US.
Ho ho ho:

full text:

'A plea from resigning and former members of Islington North Labour Party: vote for Jeremy Corbyn, Independent.Dear voters of Islington North,We have been proud members of Islington North Labour Party for many years. Together, we have campaigned on a wide range of issues, from defending the local Number 4 bus route to saving the local hospital’s A&E. These campaigns have united members from all sides of our Party, and we are proud of the collegiate atmosphere that we have created. In many ways, Islington North CLP was the genuine broad church that the Labour Party claims to be.This year, we have been denied the right to choose our own candidate for the General Election. Not a single person in Islington North has had a say. We believe in democracy – and the people of Islington North deserve an MP who believes in democracy too.Jeremy Corbyn has dedicated his life to this constituency. We hear on a regular basis from people how Jeremy has been there for them in their time of need, whether that is housing, education or anything else. He has always worked in partnership with our progressive Labour Council, both as a Labour MP and as an Independent MP.We have been proud to stand alongside Jeremy over the course of ten General Elections. This year, we will be campaigning for him as an independent candidate for Islington North. Many of us have already resigned or been expelled from the Labour Party as a result. Those of us who are still in the Party know our support for Jeremy will result in the termination of our membership. We do not take this decision lightly, but it is time to take a stand in the name of democracy and justice.We will campaign on the same principles we have always had. That includes ending all privatisation of our NHS in order to restore the principle of free, public and universal healthcare.Jeremy has always been an honest, brave and principled voice. We need that voice now, more than ever. We implore Labour voters to support Jeremy Corbyn as an independent candidate, and vote for him on the 4th July.

Alison McGarry (CLP Chair)
Bisi Williams (CLP Vice Chair Membership)
Gill Lawton (CLP Vice Chair Membership) Ruth Clarke (CLP Women’s Section Secretary)
Steph Linkogle (CLP Vice Chair Campaigns)
Sarah Doyle (CLP Secretary)
Oliver Durose (CLP Assistant Secretary)
Martin Franklin (CLP Environment Officer, Tufnell Park ward delegate)
Michael Rowan (CLP Communications and Social Media)
Gillian Dalley (Tollington Ward Chair)
Diane Reay (Vice Chair Tollington Ward)
Kate Buffery (Junction Ward GM delegate, Local Campaign Forum)
Peter Murray (Treasurer, Junction Ward)
Jonathan Gore (Ward Organiser, Highbury)
Cassie Mayer (Hillrise Ward GM delegate)
Sophie Maisey (Hillrise Ward GM delegate)
Ginette Williams (Hillrise GM Ward delegate)
Jan Whelan (Hillrise Ward GM delegate) Mica Nava (Tufnell Park Ward GM delegate)
Dr Azhar Malik (Tufnell Park Ward GM delegate)
Jeremy Maher (Tufnell Park Ward GM delegate)
Annette Thomas (Tufnell Park Ward GM delegate)
Tony Graham (Highbury Ward GM delegate)
Simon Hin'


who would have guessed?
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If they were upset about candidate selection - fine, understandable - why not resign 3 weeks ago?

If they wanted to support Corbyn - fine, they've known him 30 years or whatever, it's understandable - why not join his campaign 3 weeks ago?

Did they think Corbyn was going to walk it, he'd be the MP, they'd keep their positions, and it would all be fine - so what's changed?

Is it perhaps on a knife edge, and they think that unless they launch into his campaign, he's got a solid chance of losing?

I'm genuinely intrigued as to their motivation in going now - 3/4 weeks ago, sure, obvious - but now?

Whatever else, anyone who thinks 30 of Corbyns' closest friends leaving the Labour party in the same 7 days that Labour wins (probably, touch wood..) a landslide is a hammer blow against Starmer is on Crack.

If they were upset about candidate selection - fine, understandable - why not resign 3 weeks ago?

If they wanted to support Corbyn - fine, they've known him 30 years or whatever, it's understandable - why not join his campaign 3 weeks ago?

Did they think Corbyn was going to walk it, he'd be the MP, they'd keep their positions, and it would all be fine - so what's changed?

Is it perhaps on a knife edge, and they think that unless they launch into his campaign, he's got a solid chance of losing?

I'm genuinely intrigued as to their motivation in going now - 3/4 weeks ago, sure, obvious - but now?

Whatever else, anyone who thinks 30 of Corbyns' closest friends leaving the Labour party in the same 7 days that Labour wins (probably, touch wood..) a landslide is a hammer blow against Starmer is on Crack.
I'm coming at this from a different direction than you, but have some of the same questions. If nothing else it just seems a bit late as an intervention.

Maybe it will have a slight impact on this idea that a lot of Corbyn friendly voters think he's still Labour?

If they were upset about candidate selection - fine, understandable - why not resign 3 weeks ago?

If they wanted to support Corbyn - fine, they've known him 30 years or whatever, it's understandable - why not join his campaign 3 weeks ago?

Did they think Corbyn was going to walk it, he'd be the MP, they'd keep their positions, and it would all be fine - so what's changed?

Is it perhaps on a knife edge, and they think that unless they launch into his campaign, he's got a solid chance of losing?

I'm genuinely intrigued as to their motivation in going now - 3/4 weeks ago, sure, obvious - but now?

Whatever else, anyone who thinks 30 of Corbyns' closest friends leaving the Labour party in the same 7 days that Labour wins (probably, touch wood..) a landslide is a hammer blow against Starmer is on Crack.
All candidates have a chance of losing.
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