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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

And it does grate that it's always 'Corbynistas' or 'acolytes' or 'fanbois' as if people like him just because he's got an allotment or he knits his own yogurt. For me and I'm sure most people it's his fucking policies that I support.
Yeah, I'm far from his biggest fan, tbh, certainly think he's got a number of flaws, but I'm always gonna stick up for a lot of the ideas he puts forward, because they're ideas I believe in too.
If not social housing, it should be genuinely affordable housing. Additionally, stop the sale of any social housing property's.
Didn't used to think the sale of social housing was bad per say - as long as you built replacement stock (which they weren't allowed to do)....However was talking to someone about a month ago had had the opportunity but declined and carried on renting same property ..been there over 20years...turns out is built of RAAC and fella had been suspicious of a game of pass the lemon.
I've met him a couple of times.... My impression is that one of his best qualities is that he genuinely likes people and makes time for everyone. He's not aloof, he's not a snob. He talks to everyone like an equal, never patronising .This umbrella thing is standard unsurprising behaviour.

It's a quality that's also a weakness though, because I don't think he's very good at telling when someone is about to stab him in the back...a bit too trusting of arseholes...the kind of people who think him holding an umbrella for someone is some kind of weakness
Starting to sounds like Corbyn and his lot are struggling to get the resources to campaign effectively. Door step feedback is putting support 20/80 Corbyn/Labour. None of which surprises me, as mentioned previously running an independent campaign is VERY resource and leadership intensive, qualities Corbyn has demonstrably very little of.

I found the source for this . I did ask you for it but you didn't reply. Do you want to break the news or shall I ?
I'll wait until after the football.
I've met him a couple of times.... My impression is that one of his best qualities is that he genuinely likes people and makes time for everyone. He's not aloof, he's not a snob. He talks to everyone like an equal, never patronising .This umbrella thing is standard unsurprising behaviour.

It's a quality that's also a weakness though, because I don't think he's very good at telling when someone is about to stab him in the back...a bit too trusting of arseholes...the kind of people who think him holding an umbrella for someone is some kind of weakness
Yes the "weak leadership" - so weak that he attracted 100,000+ new members to the party. He tried to lead with consensus, included critics in his cabinet, as you say didn't see it coming that they were going to shaft him and actually stop the party being elected in 2017 & 2019.

Starmer's clearly the leader you want - pretend you're left wing and support your party leader then stab him in the back, go back on your promises and expel people who don't agree with you or could be a threat.

I thought it telling his quote the other day that he only supported Corbyn because he thought the party would lose, and specifically said that he supported candidates he agreed with. That was one of the things the traitorous shits in Labour HQ did - divert money away from left wing candidates to 'moderate' i.e. tory lite ones even though this could deprive the party of seats.
And it does grate that it's always 'Corbynistas' or 'acolytes' or 'fanbois' as if people like him just because he's got an allotment or he knits his own yogurt. For me and I'm sure most people it's his fucking policies that I support.
Yes, and if he had ever got into power, it would have been about holding him to those policies, ensuring he did what he said he would, or at least genuinely tried to, and holding him to account if he didn't.

It was never about Corbyn the individual. It's crazy, and revealing, how people jump on it and think it must have been.
I genuinely don't know what it is about him that makes so many people get so annoyed.
Well, the Sun, the Mail, Express, Guardian, BBC News, ITN and pretty much all the media as well as most Labour MPs when he was party leader have said he's a wrongun. It's amazing Labour got any MPs. Just goes to show not everyone were duped by mass media and right-wing Labour bollocks.

And I say this as someone who's never supported Labour, whether led by Corbyn or otherwise.
Didn't used to think the sale of social housing was bad per say - as long as you built replacement stock (which they weren't allowed to do)....However was talking to someone about a month ago had had the opportunity but declined and carried on renting same property ..been there over 20years...turns out is built of RAAC and fella had been suspicious of a game of pass the lemon.
No, the policy was always utterly wrong. But at the same time it was introduced there was a much less well known scheme by which Housing Association tenants could be paid, in cash, to hand back their tenancy and buy elsewhere. A much more socially beneficial policy... but the tories did not have as much ideological hatred of HAs as they did of Council housing.

My Dad has lived in (what is now) a HA house for the last 70 years. It was newbuilt when he moved in, I can't imagine how many times he's repaid the purchase price.
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