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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

I hate this place but I keep coming back. I spend less time here than I used to but I need to get away from it permantently. I don't like the politics on here and how I get treated. I prefer to be away from this place and do other more practical stuff instead. Someone suggested I try changing my email and posting a load of nonsense as my password, but it didn't work. The bandwidth thread is good and there are other parts of these forums that can be good and it can be quite informative. But at the end of the day its horrible interacting with people on here, especially when it comes to politics.
This bit is self-pitying bullshit. Look at yourself and how you post. Stop assuming you know better than everyone else or that you're the first person on here who has thought the thoughts you're presenting. You come across as a teenager who has just discovered a bunch of ideas and doesn't realise that others have also thought those things. It's not all about you.

If you want to flounce, just fucking flounce.
I hate this place but I keep coming back. I spend less time here than I used to but I need to get away from it permantently. I don't like the politics on here and how I get treated. I prefer to be away from this place and do other more practical stuff instead. Someone suggested I try changing my email and posting a load of nonsense as my password, but it didn't work. The bandwidth thread is good and there are other parts of these forums that can be good and it can be quite informative. But at the end of the day its horrible interacting with people on here, especially when it comes to politics.
Do take the advice people have given - log off, scramble your password, block the site - it is being given in good faith, you clearly need a break from this place.
This forum will become a shrine, and punks and skins and rastas will all gather round and hold their hands in sorrow for their fallen leader. And all the grown-ups will say, "But why are the kids crying?" And the kids will say, "Haven't you heard? Amateur Agitator is banned!"

And then one particularly sensitive and articulate teenager will say, "Other kids, do you understand nothing? How can Agitator be banned when we still have his posts?" And then another kid will say... [he then farts loudly
To add my endless interchangeable posts, I do wonder how helpful it is for some people to get involved in political groups. Political groups aren’t, and never will be, a replacement for community/peer relationships. There’s so much opportunities outside of activism to find supportive people, and to do anarchist-ish stuff. Why get involved in activism if it’s just going to do your head in (or if you’re going to do everyone else’s head in)? And whilst those with problems with living/serious mental illness can be, well, tricky to work with, they are also open to being used/abused by those who can spot such vulnerabilities.

on a personal note, urban was pivotal in getting me out of the SWP (around the time we were told in no uncertain terms not to read criticism of us on the web). So whilst I don’t share editor ‘s views on pretty much anything, I’m glad this place exists. it’s good to be somewhere where people will call me a pillock for spouting nonsense, much healthier than the alternative
I was going to post this on the next door thread until i read the last line! ( there is virtually someone every day reporting their
big flash, unnecessary car being stolen ). Was this kharma?

"I'm absolutely furious.
Someone has stolen my Range Rover, made off with an armful of my Amazon parcels and then left a big sh*t on the exact spot that they stole them from. Livid...
I blame Jeremy Corbyn"
A follow up comment in full "He despises the Chelsea set with their Chelsea Tractor. Sad but true."

Sad but for the right reasons, sad that nothing can be done about it.
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