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Jeremy Clarkson: strikers should be "executed in front of their families"

Good god, this topic has gone for 14 pages already. Unions are not even livid and dismayed. They have responded quite calmly and philosophically. ;)
Controversial people always after a gaff claim their words have been taken out of context. :oops:
What bewilders me is where does Clarkson get this kind of rants into his mind. Children and adults alike develop a culture of attitude, disposition, and a language of communication akin to their pervading environment, job and rarely what may have been implanted in their background, childhood or more likely in a previous incarnation. On the contrary one has to be a creative script writer to write or utter diatribe that is not akin to his or her culture and emotional environment. :confused:
However, I can’t help knowing someone lurking behind mirror shouting these rants.:rolleyes:
He's still a cunt BTW.

This revelation doesn't alter anyone's opinion of him in general, or of what he said.

But it DOES make the Beeb look somewhat hypocritical in the way that they acted yesterday.

As if it was simply Clarkson saying something "out of order" on live TV, so that they had no control over what he said, and they were as outraged as all the thousands of complainers!

Yeah. He said the thing about being able to drive around as London was quiet on LBC in the morning, so was repeating that, then said this.

I'm not joining the offenderati as Revol put it. Posted yesterday because I wanted to express my annoyance with the burnile wanker. But Clarkson's friends with Cameron and Waid. Establishment and poisonness anti working class media. When peple like that make jokes about striking workers, it's a bit more impactful than some other teadious anonamous controvertualist. It would have been better IMO if someone from unisome had just called him a childish prick rather than what has been some pretty poefaced wingeing though.
I was just going to press 'like' but have to say that I agree with you, so had to speak. Clarkson is big mates with some of the most cynical and powerful people in this country, as you pointed out, and therefore he should watch his big fat mouth before he utters a word in jest. What he said was in jest (ha, bloody ha!) and I have no hesitation in treating it as such and think people are taking it far too seriously, but given his history, the fact that he consorts with the scum of the country, none of whom supported the strike, make his juvenile attempt at wit stick in the craw of many otherwise sensible folk.
I was just going to press 'like' but have to say that I agree with you, so had to speak. Clarkson is big mates with some of the most cynical and powerful people in this country, as you pointed out, and therefore he should watch his big fat mouth before he utters a word in jest. What he said was in jest (ha, bloody ha!) and I have no hesitation in treating it as such and think people are taking it far too seriously, but given his history, the fact that he consorts with the scum of the country, none of whom supported the strike, make his juvenile attempt at wit stick in the craw of many otherwise sensible folk.

At fucking last. The guy has got massive influence, even if by proxy.
Tbh people choose sides and clarkson chose his a long time ago. I've been party to many conversations where similar things have been said about people like clarkson. It is refreshing if for some disturbing to hear people out of clarkson's set say what they think sbout workers - it's a reminder, to me anyway, to keep my hatred strong as hans-joachim klein said when he explained why he carried a picture of the dead holger meins
I listened to Any Questions on R4 tonight. Bonnie Greer, who was on the panel, has said that the BBC would be insane to sack Clarkson purely based on the revenue Top Gear brings to the corporation. I had no idea Top Gear was a money maker but it's true. Greer also added that every minority group has a speaker and that's what Clarkson is.
TBH, I think what he said was just stupid and not really sackable, but I still support the cries for him to be sacked, because he's a fucking arsehole, and this excuse is as good as any.

I listened to Any Questions on R4 tonight. Bonnie Greer, who was on the panel, has said that the BBC would be insane to sack Clarkson purely based on the revenue Top Gear brings to the corporation. I had no idea Top Gear was a money maker but it's true. Greer also added that every minority group has a speaker and that's what Clarkson is.

The minority group of white British men?
hes a cynical and reasonably talented and massively loathsome and POINTLESS commentator.

does anyone watch his show?
TBH, I think what he said was just stupid and not really sackable, but I still support the cries for him to be sacked, because he's a fucking arsehole, and this excuse is as good as any.

The minority group of white British men?

the minority group of white british men who believe they are a minority group.

does that make sence, it'sd perfectly clear in my head
hes a cynical and reasonably talented and massively loathsome and POINTLESS commentator.

does anyone watch his show?

Yes, I do. I ignored it for years for similar reasons to everyone else. Then I watched it and found it was a very funny, albeit slightly dodgy, treat.
hes a cynical and reasonably talented and massively loathsome and POINTLESS commentator.

does anyone watch his show?
Last I knew, a little over 7 million per episode (25%+ of the viewing audience) in the UK and and awful lot more around the world, particularly im markets like the USA and Germany. Producing Top Gear has effectively been a license to print money for years.
Fuck knows why all he ever does if get some twat to race a car around a track and race a snow plow to the noth pole. Pointless television.
hes a cynical and reasonably talented and massively loathsome and POINTLESS commentator.

does anyone watch his show?
Believe it or not, Top Gear does be entertaining, my son watches it all the time, Clarkson puts me off watching it because he never fails to put the boot in when the chance arises.
The only thing more desperately predictable and tedious than Clarkson being an unfunny cunt in his usual fashion is the righteous indignation of those he baits.
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