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Jeremy Clarkson: strikers should be "executed in front of their families"

I've just been told that Clarkson's apology has been accepted by Unison - and that they have offered him the opportunity to accompany a health care worker for a day.......

It would be better if they accompanied Clarkson...Trade Unionist In A reasonable Priced Car
They could drive over Hammond and not stop and see how Clarkson likes that.
I realise I'm late to this particular thread. But may I say that Gerald Clarkson is a git.

However I always hated That's Gear on TV. Even though I thought Esther Ransom was wonderful.

Stig of the Dump learns to drive. Classic BBC Watch With Mother.

They don't make them like that nowadays.
Ah right. So the union thing is bollocks but he was still his usual twatty self later. A nice little aside that. The beeb can look like it gives a shit because it made the nasty man apologise but then it can carry on with Its usual one sided coverage and claim balance. What was this crap about police action? When the council i worked for changed Its say and conditions Unison accepted it without protest despite the fact it reduced weekend enhancements and fuel allowances making life difficult for low paid community workers. I left a few months later (for a cushie job in the private sector) and 3 more of the team of 5 i was in have followed. Makes you wonder where their priorities are.
It _was_ a dig at the BBC - at least the strikers thing was.

Yeah. He said the thing about being able to drive around as London was quiet on LBC in the morning, so was repeating that, then said this.

I'm not joining the offenderati as Revol put it. Posted yesterday because I wanted to express my annoyance with the burnile wanker. But Clarkson's friends with Cameron and Waid. Establishment and poisonness anti working class media. When peple like that make jokes about striking workers, it's a bit more impactful than some other teadious anonamous controvertualist. It would have been better IMO if someone from unisome had just called him a childish prick rather than what has been some pretty poefaced wingeing though.
Well I can imagine you ejaculating a couple of puffs of sand just after hitting 'post reply' every time you make yet another unwelcome and joyless pontification
Yeah. He said the thing about being able to drive around as London was quiet on LBC in the morning, so was repeating that, then said this.

I'm not joining the offenderati as Revol put it. Posted yesterday because I wanted to express my annoyance with the burnile wanker. But Clarkson's friends with Cameron and Waid. Establishment and poisonness anti working class media. When peple like that make jokes about striking workers, it's a bit more impactful than some other teadious anonamous controvertualist. It would have been better IMO if someone from unisome had just called him a childish prick rather than what has been some pretty poefaced wingeing though.
I can't stand Clarkson and what he represents, but if he's going to be attacked for something, it shouldn't be for one of the bits where he's being self-deprecating and even mildly funny. He should have been criticised for the suicide comments, which have just fallen off the radar. Now it all just looks like reflex offended crap.
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