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Jeremy Clarkson: strikers should be "executed in front of their families"

I'm being gentle with you as I know you're way to precious to fight with the big boys ... I mean one wrong word and toys will fly out of the pram and you'll quit the boards in a ridiculous fit of pique like the overgrown brat you are so I don't want to be blamed for that and hounded by urbans lefty twatteritti for bullying you off the boards....

been there done that... :D
what are you on about? you are living in a fantasy world
when i retard my ignition or advance it are you offended?

retard means to slow. eg the progress of logic has been retarded by the presence of hang wringing liberals on this thread...
You're using it as a verb, not a noun. When it's used as a noun, it's pretty much exclusively used to describe people with LD. As in 'garf is retarded because he can't spell'
Revol - you do know this thread is a huge :facepalm: fail on your behalf?

coming from a labour party member, one that joined what less than 2 year ago.

if that's not a sign of political retardation I don't what is.

now fuck off and stick to playing the more revolutionary than thou in theory threads.

perhaps one on anti poetry where you can quote Adorno on the holocaust like it's impressive.
You're using it as a verb, not a noun. When it's used as a noun, it's pretty much exclusively used to describe people with LD. As in 'garf is retarded because he can't spell'

yes and he might well be retarded due to social factors rather than physical ones, for example a lot of people on urban have retarded politics because they've never got beyond liberal political correctness to asomething approaching a structural analysis, or more than likely cos quite a few of them are middle class fannies.
Here's Clarkson's statement:
I didn't for a moment intend these remarks to be taken seriously – as I believe is clear if they're seen in context. If the BBC and I have caused any offence, I'm quite happy to apologise for it alongside them.

Some of what Clarkson said now transcribed. Clearly in joke mode:

Matt Baker: So Jeremy, schools, hospitals, airports, even driving tests have been affected. Do you the strikes are a good idea?
Jeremy Clarkson: It's been fantastic. Seriously, never had … London today has just been empty. Everybody stayed at home, you could whizz about, your restaurants were empty.
Alex Jones: The traffic actually has been very good today.
Jeremy Clarkson: Very light. Now airports, you know, people streaming through with no problems at all and it's also like being back in the 70s, it makes me feel at home somehow.
Alex Jones: Do you know anybody who …
Matt Baker: [interrupts – inaduiable] – being on strike today?
Jeremy Clarkson: What, in public service? Of course I don't. No, absolutely. We have to balance it though, don't we because this is the BBC.
Alex Jones and Matt Baker: Exactly.
Jeremy Clarkson: Frankly, I'd have them all shot!

We're due a very general:

no it fucking isn't.

plenty of people throw the term about all over the place at various people but very few would direct it at someone with actual learning disabilities, unless they are cunts.

your position is the one that is making it synonymous with actual learning disabilities, which is pretty fucked up.

Keyboard warrior. Sophist. Muppet.
I've just been told that Clarkson's apology has been accepted by Unison - and that they have offered him the opportunity to accompany a health care worker for a day.......
I've only heard the clip they've been playing on loop but from that transcript it sounds like a dig at the BBC? The blokes a cunt but this like the last twenty Clarkson being shocking controversies seems to have been blown out of all proportion and in this case possibly been taken out of context. Has anyone actually watched this the whole way through?
I've only heard the clip they've been playing on loop but from that transcript it sounds like a dig at the BBC? The blokes a cunt but this like the last twenty Clarkson being shocking controversies seems to have been blown out of all proportion and in this case possibly been taken out of context. Has anyone actually watched this the whole way through?
It _was_ a dig at the BBC - at least the strikers thing was.
i watched it when it was on. the 15 second clip is taken out of context as he goes on to say far worse.
Such as what? I can't find a transcript and I can't get iplayer to work right now. If I could I probably couldn't bring myself to click on the one show.
Such as what? I can't find a transcript and I can't get iplayer to work right now. If I could I probably couldn't bring myself to click on the one show.
This purports to be the full transcript of the interview: http://news.sky.com/home/uk-news/article/16122040

One Show presenter Matt Baker (MB): Now, at the end of a day where Britain has seen some of its biggest strikes, what we need is someone calm and level-headed.

One Show presenter Alex Jones (AJ): Yes, a guest with balanced, uncontroversial opinions, who makes great effort not to offend.

MB: And we have got Jeremy Clarkson!

Jeremy Clarkson: Thank you very much.

MB: So Jeremy, schools, hospitals, airports, even driving tests have been affected. Do you the strikes are a good idea?

Jeremy Clarkson: I think they have been fantastic. Seriously … London today has just been empty. Everybody stayed at home, you can whizz about, restaurants are empty.

AJ: The traffic actually has been very good today.

Jeremy Clarkson:Very light. Now airports, you know, people streaming through with no problems at all and it is also like being back in the 70s, it makes me feel at home somehow.

MB: Do you know anybody who has been on strike today?

Jeremy Clarkson: What, in public service? Of course I do not. No, absolutely. We have to balance it though, because this is the BBC.

MB: Yes. Exactly.

Jeremy Clarkson:Frankly, I would have them all shot. I would take them outside and execute them in front of their families. I mean how dare they go on strike when they have got these gilt-edged pensions that are going to be guaranteed while the rest of us have to work for a living?

MB: Well, on that note of balancing an opinion of course those are Jeremy's views.

AJ: Only Jeremy's views.

Jeremy Clarkson: They are not. I was just giving two views for you.
Such as what? I can't find a transcript and I can't get iplayer to work right now. If I could I probably couldn't bring myself to click on the one show.
he said how trains shouldn't stop if someone gets 'burst' under them and they should just carry on as if nothing had happened.
you can tell the intent of a word by it's fucking intent! which is quite plain to see because that's what words are fucking for!!
no you can't. otherwise there wouldn't be words like equivocal. sometimes it is obvious what someone means, perhaps due to their language, perhaps due to the manner in which the comment is delivered. other times it's not so clear, for example euphemisms. the nazis, for instance, used a wide range of euphemisms to describe their treatment of the jews and other groups they targeted, things like 'special treatment' or 'resettlement in the east'. someone seeing that last one might think jews really had been resettled in the east. the intent behind it is somewhat hidden. equally, the new police phrase of 'robust policing' means to people who've seen it that they whack people. other people might have different interpretations of the phrase. i'm sure you can think of a variety of other phrases where people's meanings are unclear except to those who can understand the coded language.
Well I came on to this thread thinking "nothing to see here - we already knew Clarkson was an oxygen thief cunt." But I was wrong, this thread has taught me that revol68 is an even bigger cunt.

No doubt this makes me a middle class pc liberal handwringer who doesn't understand structural analysis or something, which would amuse everyone who knows me no end.
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