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IWCA statement on BNP

the millions who have had families split .. yes it is an abomination .. a father or mother should NEVER have to leave their child for work ..

OK, but what about migration to 'better climes' from those wishing to leave these shores say, because of perceived 'mass migration' - an 'abomination', or downright hypocrisy? :D
I'm a pro-immigrant, capitalist lackey apparently.

Apparently. To deny mass immigration currently exists but refuse to define what mass immigration might look like, is even by the standards of the late an unlamented Trot Left, reeks of both cowardice and hypocrisy, especially when the tone adopted is one of moral superiority.
Apparently. To deny mass immigration currently exists but refuse to define what mass immigration might look like, is even by the standards of the late an unlamented Trot Left, reeks of both cowardice and hypocrisy, especially when the tone adopted is one of moral superiority.

Arrogant arse. :D

My definition of what mass immigration might look like would be when coral invades these islands that will have sunk beneath rising sea levels.

The Brits would have to move to the mainland of Europe, but would anyone let them in? ;)
OK, but what about migration to 'better climes' from those wishing to leave these shores say, because of perceived 'mass migration' - an 'abomination', or downright hypocrisy? :D
it is exactly what the thatcherites want .. a deskilled society with no community .. thick all around
Meanwhile, students and workers contine to fight for better wages and conditions for migrants.

Good stuff. Watch the video Durruti - the cleaners don't exactly come across like those "well off" immigrants from the third world you were on about earlier in the thread do they?
Good stuff. Watch the video Durruti - the cleaners don't exactly come across like those "well off" immigrants from the third world you were on about earlier in the thread do they?
well off immigrants from the third world?? .. wtf ru on about .. btw i have direct experiance of dealing with ISS and cleaners in situations like this .. do you?
Meanwhile, students and workers contine to fight for better wages and conditions for migrants.

yes was a great reaction all round .. but what is the solution .. to bring back in house and pay union rates .. why not then try to employ from the very high unemployed youth of that area?
yes was a great reaction all round .. but what is the solution .. to bring back in house and pay union rates .. why not then try to employ from the very high unemployed youth of that area?

Where, Russell Square, London WC1? Excuse my ignorance of whereabouts in London, but isn't that a posh bit?
Where, Russell Square, London WC1? Excuse my ignorance of whereabouts in London, but isn't that a posh bit?

Within a mile of there you have areas of high unemployment. Within 3 miles of there you have even more. inner London has some highest unemployment figures in the UK.
Is MC5 in Manchester?

MC5 hasn't been in Manchester since some junior City fans poked knitting needles through the windows of a coach he was sitting in outside Maine Road, in his days as a steward for Leeds, who apparently had stewards at least two decades before any other club and took them to away games too.
MC5 hasn't been in Manchester since some junior City fans poked knitting needles through the windows of a coach he was sitting in outside Maine Road, in his days as a steward for Leeds, who apparently had stewards at least two decades before any other club and took them to away games too.

Do fuck off. :D

I stewarded home games, paid ten bob, with free spit thrown in. I paid my own way to away games. :p

Leeds United were at that time innovators and a great team, when they weren't scrapping on the field with opponents, usually Man U.

City were shit then, as were it's supporters - some obviously still are shit in all departments. ;)
yes but also closer still and south of Euston Road .. several estates by Russell Square (the toblerone) and particularly south of Kings X

Don't really know the areas south of K X but I know where yer meaning. The 'Toblerone'? :confused:
Do fuck off. :D

I stewarded home games, paid 50 pence with free spit thrown in. :p

Leeds United were at that time innovators and a great team, when they weren't scrapping on the field with opponents, usually Man U.

City were shit then, as were it's supporters - some obviously still are shit in all departments. ;)

More mixing of different historical periods.
Not at all, City were shit then.

edit: Now that is a lie I know, as it was City's most successful period.

Why don't you just admit that you know nothing about football or Manchester?

Stewards in the early seventies indeed.
Don't really know the areas south of K X but I know where yer meaning. The 'Toblerone'? :confused:

.. south of Kings X is one big estate

.. 'the Toblerone' is the triangular council blocks by Russel Square Tube called apparrently 'The Brunswick Centre'

and i always have called it the Toblerone .. er .. but you google that and nothing comes up .. so maybe that is just me!! hey ho lol
Why don't you just admit that you know nothing about football or Manchester?

Stewards in the early seventies indeed.

Yes I do and have visited Manchester often.

It's daft to think now that on one visit just because I was wearing a Leeds scarf, as I did then, I've better things to do now, I was threatened with razors by Man U supporters, at strangely, the replay of the cup final held at Old Trafford in 1970, between Leeds and Chelsea. Chelsea fans were hunting Leeds fans too that day, but I did see Bobby Charlton in the crowd. :)

It was in '68 I began working at Elland Road selling refreshments. I used to take a cut of the profits from the Chairman of the Club, although he didn't know about it at the time.

Stewarding began not longer after that, which I moved over to. I was sacked when I walked off the job.

Guess what? Leeds were playing Man City again :rolleyes:, whose fans were in the 'scratching shed', as it was known then. Some were repeatedly trying to kick me in the bollocks and spitting. The garment I was wearing with Leeds United emblazoned on it didn't help. Were you there? :D

It was football hooliganism in the early 70's that led to stewarding in the first place. A way to turn young fans away from such things and pay them for it was the idea behind it and Leeds was one of the first clubs to try it, but they were not the only club to do this. Others came along later. Was Man City, your club, one of the late developers. :D

C'mon ye whites. ;)
Arrogant arse. :D

My definition of what mass immigration might look like would be when coral invades these islands that will have sunk beneath rising sea levels.

The Brits would have to move to the mainland of Europe, but would anyone let them in? ;)

Some people might think this merely a feeble attempt at humour but it is an attitude that has wiser resonance. At one meeting of the London Socialist Alliance leading members were gleefully discussing when whites in London would cease to be a majority as if the addition of some extra melanin would solve all their problems at a stroke. Barely believable. But true.

Dickheads of the world unite.
Some people might think this merely a feeble attempt at humour but it is an attitude that has wiser resonance. At one meeting of the London Socialist Alliance leading members were gleefully discussing when whites in London would cease to be a majority as if the addition of some extra melanin would solve all their problems at a stroke. Barely believable. But true.

Dickheads of the world unite.

C'mon ye whites. :D

Edit: Dumb idea all round to think an addition of melanin would solve any problem at a stroke, that's if they thought that, but you say they did? Then what was your response to this?
indeed .. he has always talked about manchester and lancs, and about the bnp there, as if he was there .. how strange

No I haven't you confused gimp, with a clear comprehension problem, but if you find any such posts I have alleged to have written about the BNP in lancs I would be interested. :D
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