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Is Brexit actually going to happen?

Will we have a brexit?

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They will have to trigger article 50 asap. I agree it has to wait until a negotiating team can be assembled & that might take 3mnths & I see nothing wrong with informal talks first but it cannot be open ended. The referendum result cannot be overturned or rerun until a desired result that is achieved. ignoring election results they don't like is the stuff of dictatorships.

They can trigger it whenever they want and as long as they don't they control the situation. They won't do it until they get the best deal that they can.
They can trigger it whenever they want and as long as they don't they control the situation. They won't do it until they get the best deal that they can.
I don't think Europe can exist in a limbo with no time limit. I would agree the UK can control the situation but there has to be some sort of time limit. There does seem some sort of idea emerging that if you put this off long enough it will just eventually go away with normal service resumed. That does not seem credible.

I don't think it will happen. There you go :D
Right then, I just voted for a Norway type deal.

I think that that seems the most plausible at the moment. But really, fuck knows what's going to happen. It's all so exciting.
I don't think Europe can exist in a limbo with no time limit. I would agree the UK can control the situation but there has to be some sort of time limit. There does seem some sort of idea emerging that if you put this off long enough it will just eventually go away with normal service resumed. That does not seem credible.

It's the EU not Europe. The geographical entity will continue tobexist regardless. As to the time limit, well the point is that there is no time limit so it's credible and sensible to take a leisurly approach if that gets you the best deal.
It's the EU not Europe. The geographical entity will continue tobexist regardless. As to the time limit, well the point is that there is no time limit so it's credible and sensible to take a leisurly approach if that gets you the best deal.
I said Europe because one can include non EU countries which will include the UK eventually. I agree there needs to be time allowed to get things in place. That can within limits take as long as it takes but first it was to wait for the next prime minister in place now it is being suggested then there would need to be a general election before anything can be started. It just seems to me that there is a move afoot to delay things indefinitely.
They will have to trigger article 50 asap. I agree it has to wait until a negotiating team can be assembled & that might take 3mnths & I see nothing wrong with informal talks first but it cannot be open ended. The referendum result cannot be overturned or rerun until a desired result that is achieved. ignoring election results they don't like is the stuff of dictatorships.

Of course you're right. But I suspect this will be the moment when our rulers drop their democratic masks and force us to follow their will. It will be interesting to see how the people respond. I hope they respond angrily.
Not least, it would give the far right a really juicy issue for their potential mass base to feel (even more) aggrieved and betrayed about.

Not just the far Right. If our rulers try to annul or ignore this vote, everyone should feel angry and betrayed. They should do more than feel actually.
As others say, and regardless of what I voted, I think we need to shit or get off the pot before (if) the weather heats up and we all start getting irritable.
Jeremy Cunt(probable candidate for prime minister)on R4 just now saying a deal should be decided beforehand & put to the electorate at the next GE in 2020 before triggering Article 50. :hmm:
I don't think Europe can exist in a limbo with no time limit. I would agree the UK can control the situation but there has to be some sort of time limit. There does seem some sort of idea emerging that if you put this off long enough it will just eventually go away with normal service resumed. That does not seem credible.

I actually feel this is what they are going to try, fudge, fudge, Tories elect a new leader! EU grudgingly offers ' more concessions' new Tory leader decides on a GE to 'gauge' the nations 'mood'
I honestly feel they have the arrogance to try this.
I actually feel this is what they are going to try, fudge, fudge, Tories elect a new leader! EU grudgingly offers ' more concessions' new Tory leader decides on a GE to 'gauge' the nations 'mood'
I honestly feel they have the arrogance to try this.

You bet they do. Is there any way to stop them? The democratically expressed will of the people looks awfully weak in the face of such powerful vested interests....
You bet they do. Is there any way to stop them? The democratically expressed will of the people looks awfully weak in the face of such powerful vested interests....
Esp as the ' result' was so 'narrow' this is the card that will be played increasingly over the next few weeks and months.
As others say, and regardless of what I voted, I think we need to shit or get off the pot before (if) the weather heats up and we all start getting irritable.

I'm thinking a summer of discontent against our utterly void politicians and parties is just what needs to happen.
Esp as the ' result' was so 'narrow' this is the card that will be played increasingly over the next few weeks and months.

Aye. Give it a couple more days and we'll be deluged with opinion polls claiming to prove that we've changed our minds...
Democracy should take priority! The people have spoken.
When most vote against the Tories but they still get to govern, that's 'democracy' when people vote for something the establishment don like? That's a ' mistake'
Fuck it. i'll trigger it.
If there is a re-referendum I expect it would be on multiple options for exit, then remain could win with the vote split between efta, wto etc. Outright ignoring the referendum result may cause civil unrest.
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