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Is Brexit actually going to happen?

Will we have a brexit?

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Well I wouldn't imagine any hypothetical riot would have one isolated cause, it will be a lot of things reaching a critical mass, including the feeling of being excluded from having any control/agency. The far right inroads into this field should give some indication of its potential (not that it's likely but that it's possible)

True, but then Brexit seems an unlikely spark.

The far right involvement that you mention also demonstrates the problem. If they are the spark then where would they gain support? I can’t think of anywhere that they wouldn’t get a hiding. Most people will not join it if they lead it.
Brexit and the effects of brexit, yes. There have been riots about all manner of things, prices of theatre tickets, performances of the rite of spring, at the first performance of playboy of the western world so it's entirely feasible for there to be Brexit-based disorder.

Theatre tickets? Another Remain fuelled outrage.

Most riots in this country are related to the Police, discrimination, deprivation, industrial disputes or football. For it to be deprivation that’s usually within a community. I can’t think where the community is that will kick off about Brexit being revoked let alone delayed.

This is a confection of the Right, unnamed Tory ministers, the Murdoch press, blowhards on Twitter. It’s a projection of their desire not reality.
True, but then Brexit seems an unlikely spark.

The far right involvement that you mention also demonstrates the problem. If they are the spark then where would they gain support? I can’t think of anywhere that they wouldn’t get a hiding. Most people will not join it if they lead it.

Do you not remember the almost million votes the BNP got? Or all the councillors they had?

I'm willing to take a punt that they were mainly in places that are now regarded as "strong leave areas".
SNP saying they would support Corbyn now as interim caretaker...

But wouldn’t it make more sense for it to be ken Clarke? Let a Tory take the blame for thwarting brexit?

Although what do I know?
Theatre tickets? Another Remain fuelled outrage.

Most riots in this country are related to the Police, discrimination, deprivation, industrial disputes or football. For it to be deprivation that’s usually within a community. I can’t think where the community is that will kick off about Brexit being revoked let alone delayed.

This is a confection of the Right, unnamed Tory ministers, the Murdoch press, blowhards on Twitter. It’s a projection of their desire not reality.
It's disappointing but not surprising to see you post such tosh
Do you not remember the almost million votes the BNP got? Or all the councillors they had?

I'm willing to take a punt that they were mainly in places that are now regarded as "strong leave areas".

Not many riots then and there apart from confrontations with anti fascist groups around the Steven Lawrence demos or the Welling bookshop.
I'm surely not alone in easily envisaging the "we thought things would be better/different after Brexit" vox poops recorded in front of the smouldering ruins of what remained of the interviewee's shopping centre?
SNP saying they would support Corbyn now as interim caretaker...

But wouldn’t it make more sense for it to be ken Clarke? Let a Tory take the blame for thwarting brexit?

Although what do I know?

If Labour - and here I mean the leadership and the membership - explicitly say that Corbyn isn't the best/only person who can do this 'interim PM' job, they know that they are telling the electorate at the GE two months later that even they accept that he'd be a dead loss as PM.

That's why they bash so hard on this 'it can only be the leader of the opposition' thing - when in fact it can be any MP from any party who can find either 320-something other MP's to support him, or just more MP's than any other MP can find - if they publicly accept that Corbyn isn't the right/only man for the job because only those he pays (and not even all of them..) will support him, then they may as well not bother turning up to November's GE.
I'm surely not alone in easily envisaging the "we thought things would be better/different after Brexit" vox poops recorded in front of the smouldering ruins of what remained of the interviewee's shopping centre?

I predict that shortly after Brexit it will transpire that nobody voted leave at all so there'll be nobody to interview. Oh, this smouldering ruin? It was like that when I got here.
So, is this what the Johnson regime are sniggering about?

View attachment 185257

Sounds like bollocks to me. 'European law usurps British law' does not sound like the words of a person who knows about laws. The Benn act does not overrule article 50 anyway, it's a set of rules for what the government must do given that article 50 is in effect.
Sounds like bollocks to me. 'European law usurps British law' does not sound like the words of a person who knows about laws. The Benn act does not overrule article 50 anyway, it's a set of rules for what the government must do given that article 50 is in effect.
Wonder if the 'ruse' is basically as simple as asking for an extension (as per) then not accepting the offer?
Wonder if the 'ruse' is basically as simple as asking for an extension (as per) then not accepting the offer?

Interestingly, Article 50(3) doesn't even require the departing member state to request an extension. It simply requires the European Council to decide unanimously to extend the period "in agreement with the Member State concerned".
True, but then Brexit seems an unlikely spark.

The far right involvement that you mention also demonstrates the problem. If they are the spark then where would they gain support? I can’t think of anywhere that they wouldn’t get a hiding. Most people will not join it if they lead it.

I'm wondering how these Brexit riots are going to get started - you always need some kind of spark, and I don't think there's a clear chain of command between the rioters and Johnson, and putting subliminal messages in Britain's Got Talent might be a bit hit and miss.
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