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Ireland - newcomers and the far right

So you got the same answer 7 times. Saul actually posted links you can look at too.

There is nothing false. Every one of 100000 asylum seekers got 220 cash per week and a medical card and free accommodation.and food..valued upwards of 300 and more.

The direct provision situation is very different thing and has been around for ar least 20 years. We have historically had small numbers in direct provision
They have not received much money at all... Only getting 38 euros a week. It caused a lot of controversy.. pretty racist that one group got so much more than another group.

Now I am not going to be replying anymore. You've stalked me through this thread trying to get me to say I made an error. Fact is 220 plus medical card and free accommodation does add up to more than 300 a week.

Now kindly fuck off.

Btw.. you're now on ignore. Which is a pity cos I like your cat.
Bizarre! Is asking you to back something up stalking now? If you had backed it up the first time I asked with a proper source you wouldn't have had to post the same link over and over, all as I asked was whether ALL asylum seekers got the amount you claimed or just Ukrainians and you didn't/wouldn't answer

Odd to send me a pm and remove yourself from it too :confused:
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This is not true. Same as the UK.
We just choose not to.
If by we you mean the government, yeah maybe. But even the government struggle from construction labour shortages. Incentives have been offered for tradespeople returning to Ireland from Canada, Australia, etc. That's a doomed solution though, as there's nowhere to house them in Ireland.
I know it was a thing historically but is there really much of the fash legacy in FG these days?
Well, as an answer to “I dont think fascism will get a hold here”, it’s a fair response to say “well, it did, though”. But just in the last week FG’s European Parliament grouping refused to sign a declaration condemning far-right attacks. So that gives you a flavour of where they position themselves. (Although FG have since been forced into saying that doesn’t mean they support violence).
The ones burning down hostels etc are nothing to do with FG, and would blame FG for mass immigration.
This is true.

The online contingent of fash freaks frequently refer to FG as "communists" and "Marxists".

They are, admittedly, as thick as fuck, but dangerous all the same.
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local elections are next month, we’ve had a sitting councillors leaflet through the door that is all far right talking points. The fucker has a base here in north Monaghan. The far right are gaining traction in a way that has surprised me. They are emboldened and while the far right parties are small their following tiny they are clearly inserting their politics into the centre right. Ireland is in a depth of a poly crisis that has no sign of resolving under FFGreens. Simon Harris seems to acknowledge this because he’s turn hard to law and order and trad FG politics and nor will Sinn Fein should they win the next general election.
I was down by Baggot Street bridge this morning. The lads (mostly middle-aged blokes as far as I could tell) were being moved on. And moved on without fuss, as far as I could tell. Corporation lads erecting barriers, with three gardaí observing from across the street.
We certainly have taken in over 100000 people from the war zone that is Ukraine. They're in hotels, nursing homes, hostels, people's own homes, and in the past 2 years thousands and thousands of people have been coming into Ireland from international areas such as Iraq, Syria, African countries and more.
There are 1000s of Irish homeless for over 10 years. 3500 homeless Irish children are living in hostels or hotel rooms with their entire family.

There are fewer GPs now than ever. Hospitals are unable to cope with numbers. Elderly patients who USED to be able to leave hospital and go to step down nursing home accommodation while recovering..are now unable to leave hospitals...because NURSING homes have been taken over for asylum seeker accommodation.
So these elderly people ALL of whom worked their entire lives and paid taxes for whatever services we have..are stuck in hospital beds. This means they dont leave. This is creating another crisis for sick people who need a hospital bed. Knock on effect is A and Es are overcrowded with the latest figures of over 36 hours waiting to be admitted to a hospital bed. People are dying because of this.
Up to a few weeks ago all asylum seekers in Ireland were getting more money per week than Irish people on the disability allowance. We have paid out massively... our community services are suffering. We have young Irish people leaving to try to have a better life rather than living at home until they are in their 30s. I mean...with respect krtek a houby
the situation is really bad. Irish tax payers and Irisb families have paid thousands to educate their children into necessary careers. We need Irish nurses and doctors to stay here. Their education has been paid for and subsidised massively by the state...by us..tax payers. We cannot afford to be educating people who then leave because they cannot afford to pay the rents or get a morgage here. It's crazy that this is happening and then the country is supposed to turn around and give each asylum seeker...nearly €300 a week...along with practically free accommodation and food and free health care..free education...free clothing....free everything. Many Ukrainians were getting all that and also working..getting paid under the table...
Whereas an Irish homeless family could expect to be left on a list waiting years for a home and have no chance of work with no permanent address. An ordinary Irish worker aged 25 is unable to pay rent in Dublin or get a mortgage.

As for the damage done to tents along the canal in Dublin..
People have been attacked on those canals for decades... They're not safe to walk at night. Even as a child I knew that the Dublin Canals were tricky and dangerous to be on and we always steered clear...even in the daytime.

As for Barrett?? Nobody gives a toss about him. He's a big old loud mouth with zero clout... in a party with zero elected representatives. He's going nowhere.

You may be reading a few nutters online but honestly I suspect they're all out of the same half litre pot posting under multiple names. Barrett has zero real following. He's a one trick pony that nobody wants.

By the way there are some really serious criminals now in the country and we have our own home grown gangland criminals too. Saw that some Dublin gangland criminal has been joining those anti migrant protests..ramping things up. These guy's have no political allegiance whatsover. They're just murderous scumbags out for a fight and to maintain control of their illegal empires.

We haven't a hope of being able to manage the shitstorm that will happen. Unarmed gardaí expected to deal with gangs carrying AK 47s. We don't even have a fully equipped army. The Black Axe gangs are here in every city now.
And the IRA is disbanded and has handed in their weapons for years. So .. when the eastern european gangs that are here a while , and the Nigerian gangs that are around since 2017, start fighting with the big Irish gangland criminals....we will have some shitstorm. I dont believe for one second any of that will be caused by "Fascism". It will be from gangs wanting the malicious control of land, gangland turf, illegal wealth and illegal drugs. Ordinary people from all denominations will suffer as a result.
Who runs the craic in Dublin? Cos the police definitely turn a blind eye. Speak to any of the homeless on Dublins streets. Be they Polish or afghani or Irish. There are literal vampires out there at night. The violence I saw is of a ruined country. You might ask what kind of influence has been there.
It’s certainly worrying that even established Urbanites are now employing the rhetoric of the far right.

The left used to have decent rhetoric of its own to counter with, but it's been a long time since any of that was out in public. A lot of otherwise reasonable people are feeling angry and alienated, the far right is well and truly mobilised, is as far as I can see driving the wider narratives about immigration all across europe, while the left everywhere is failing to make any of the arguments that could undermine their cause.

In short, we need to get used to hearing far right arguments coming from places we never expected.
Who runs the craic in Dublin? Cos the police definitely turn a blind eye. Speak to any of the homeless on Dublins streets. Be they Polish or afghani or Irish. There are literal vampires out there at night. The violence I saw is of a ruined country. You might ask what kind of influence has been there.
I don't believe you. Whatever else is going on in Dublin I don't believe there are literal vampires prowling drumcondra, Dundrum or Dorset Street. Pics or stfu
Who runs the craic in Dublin? Cos the police definitely turn a blind eye. Speak to any of the homeless on Dublins streets. Be they Polish or afghani or Irish. There are literal vampires out there at night. The violence I saw is of a ruined country. You might ask what kind of influence has been there.

oddly lots of British press getting involved in Ireland and the retoric from.over here creeping slowly into a country that never had a issue with immigration before the last 30 year because our main export.used to be people
oddly lots of British press getting involved in Ireland and the retoric from.over here creeping slowly into a country that never had a issue with immigration before the last 30 year because our main export.used to be people
And British fash, unfortunately
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oddly lots of British press getting involved in Ireland and the retoric from.over here creeping slowly into a country that never had a issue with immigration before the last 30 year because our main export.used to be people
It’s not odd. It’s what they have always done. To great effect.
Portugal was the same , no far right of any meaningful size post revolution and a history of emigration. The third largest party is now far-right populists. There may or may not be a case of contamination by the British press or the involvement of a handful of British fash in Ireland however what country in Europe is immune from far right populism? They will be the ones who will make gains in the Euro elections.

The mainstream parties and their economic policies cannot provide the housing, health and other services, there is no ambition and the left has been marginalised, demonised and neutralised for decades. The centrist's response to the far right will be to borrow some of their clothes.
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