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IRA worship

fanta said:
The best examples here are probably our friends Cathal Marcs, Pickmans Model, Cemertyone and the absent Ernestolynch.


Glad to see you call me a friend. Ill get you a pint in the Atlantic.
Divisive Cotton said:
The struggle as the time was a necessity - built out of the circumstances forced upon those who fought back.
Are bombs in shopping centres a "necessity"? I'm not a pacifist, I'm all for armed struggle when appropriate, but indiscriminate killing of people not even involved can never be justified, as far as I'm concerned.
In Bloom said:
Why is it that so many left-wingers and anarchists get so excited over the IRA? I mean, they're a bunch of nationalist twats who went round bombing totally innocent people, what's so wonderful about that?

And before anybody starts, the Unionists and the British army are no better, but they don't seem to enjoy the same sort of hero-worship that the IRA do on here.

What a stupid, uninformed question. :rolleyes:
tell us how the fuck it is uniformed?

oh and just for the sake of it, fuck the IRA anti working class mudering nationalist shitbags!
In Bloom said:
..............indiscriminate killing of people...............
Are you saying the intention was to kill innocents? Or that no efforts were made to avoid civilian casualties?

It easy to judge people if you've never been in their position. Never had your family, friends and community brutalised. The IRA could have killed vast numbers of the innocent. They didn't. And those they did, not deliberately. Of course, they could have just not bothered with any armed struggle. But you're not a pacifist, are you?
In Bloom said:
Are bombs in shopping centres a "necessity"? I'm not a pacifist, I'm all for armed struggle when appropriate, but indiscriminate killing of people not even involved can never be justified, as far as I'm concerned.

Not their greatest of moves, admittedly - I presume you mean Warrington. There has always been an element in Irish Republicanism that seeks to wind-up the English full stop. Just as there has always been an element of hard-man culture. I'm not going to go down the list of the thousands of operations they carried out and defend every single one. Do single actions like the Birmingham pub bombings cancel out the total? Perhaps, but I don't think so. It doesn't obliterate their ideological or strategic objections. But I would hope and expect that mistakes are learnt from - in the long-term, they have been.
rioted said:
Are you saying the intention was to kill innocents? Or that no efforts were made to avoid civilian casualties?

It easy to judge people if you've never been in their position. Never had your family, friends and community brutalised. The IRA could have killed vast numbers of the innocent. They didn't. And those they did, not deliberately. Of course, they could have just not bothered with any armed struggle. But you're not a pacifist, are you?
No I'm not a pacifist, but bombs in public spaces are not on. Its one thing to kill a senior politician or whatever, its entirely another to blow up innocent people.
their romantic nationalist shite wasn't worth losing one fucking pork scratching over nevermind anyones life.

Fucking terrific close to 30 years of killing so Ole Gerry can sit in fucking Stormont with a tricolour in the corner of his office!
revol68 said:
their romantic nationalist shite wasn't worth losing one fucking pork scratching over nevermind anyones life.

Fucking terrific close to 30 years of killing so Ole Gerry can sit in fucking Stormont with a tricolour in the corner of his office!

Mate, stop now. Trust me. You're making a fool of yourself. You simply don't know what you are talking about.
Divisive Cotton said:
Mate, stop now. Trust me. You're making a fool of yourself. You simply don't know what you are talking about.

aye mate wouldn't have a fucking baldy about it. Funny living in Northern Ireland it seems to be a hell of a lot of peoples feelings on it.
Pickman's model said:
i'd rather be in the 'ra than in any fucked up swappie army.

Yeah, but you wouldn't though given the chance, would you?

Easier and safer to post beligerent rhetoric on bulletin boards than actually pick up a weapon and step into the combat zone.

'RA ooOOooh, doesn't it sound so sexy!!! :)

'Ra 'ra 'rasputin... :D
rioted said:
Are you saying the intention was to kill innocents? Or that no efforts were made to avoid civilian casualties?

No, of course not. The Birmingham pub bombings were acts of altruism, love and kindness, obviously.
my father's generation who came over to england in the 50s/60s, have ime, become less supportive of the ira as they have grown older, and the romantic ties to the old country lessen....
I've always thought it funny how the far-right in the UK despise the IRA, probably because they see them as marxist race-traitors, while their counterparts in Europe revere them as nationalist warriors. I believe this difference of opinion has led to open conflict in the past.
In Bloom said:
Why is it that so many left-wingers and anarchists get so excited over the IRA? I mean, they're a bunch of nationalist twats who went round bombing totally innocent people, what's so wonderful about that?

And before anybody starts, the Unionists and the British army are no better, but they don't seem to enjoy the same sort of hero-worship that the IRA do on here.

YEAH UP THE PROVO`S... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ...Now why is it that so many right-wingers get so excited about the invasion of Iraq and the possibility of making money...answers to in bloom via his/her pm.... ;)
cemertyone said:
YEAH UP THE PROVO`S... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ...Now why is it that so many right-wingers get so excited about the invasion of Iraq and the possibility of making money...answers to in bloom via his/her pm.... ;)
Isn't it a bit early in the day for heavy drinking?
Pickman's model said:
in class war there's been a tradition of supporting the ira because of their resistance to unionist and british oppression,

That is not only untrue but couldn't be further from the truth. On the very few occasions Ireland was discussed in Class War (certainly in London), those who supported the IRA were very much in the minority.

Like I said earlier, liberation struggles all over the world had pretty much uncritical support. Mention the IRA and everyone starts squealing! :eek:

john x
Divisive Cotton said:
How are they supressing the community they purport to defend?
Oppressing, I said.
As for authoritarian - yes, they had a very definite command structure.
Completely missing the point, you assumed I was talking about internal command structures? You are beyond help.
Worker-murdering nationalist arseholes. I don't understand why so many on the left spunk their shorts about them either. Apart from the fact they wore balaclavas.
pilchardman said:
Oppressing, I said.
Completely missing the point, you assumed I was talking about internal command structures? You are beyond help.

So were the IRA oppressing the community they defended?

And how were they authoritarian?
Oh, come out you black and tans,
Come out and fight me like a man
Show your wife how you won medals fown in Flanders
Tell them how the IRA
Made you run like hell away,
From the green and lovely lanes in Killashandra.

*gets coat*
icepick said:
Surely you couldn't describe blowing up drinkers in a pub as being "a little stern" or something could you?

No he made a clear statement here:

So, fundamentally, he's right: the IRA - whatever the beginnings - are an authoritarian organisation, oppressing the community it purports to defend. They are not part of the struggle now if they ever were; they are now something to be struggled against.

I thought he was talking about the organisational structure. Obviously, there's nothing democratic about those who are blown up by bombs - they obviously don't get consulted before hand.
Divisive Cotton said:
Obviously, there's nothing democratic about those who are blown up by bombs - they obviously don't get consulted before hand.
Indeed. That's what I was talking about.

Like the wee boys in Warrington. They weren't "in the wrong place at the wrong time"; the bombs were.

I have no problem with the IRA fighting a war. But blowing up kids isn't fighting a war; it's murdering kids. And the people who do that are scum, pure and simple.

As are the powerfreak arsewipes who rule working class areas of the North with an iron fist, or whatever the fuck it is they think they're doing. They are worker-murderers, threatening or using violence against their "own" people. That makes them class traitors of the worst variety.
More to the point, the IRA have never been about equal rights for catholics, they are not the armed continuation of the civil rights movement since it was beaten off the street. The provo's never had anytime for the civil rights movement, and equal rights was never their concern. Their concern was a United Ireland, everything else was just tactical, womens rights, trendy anti imperialist rhetoric.

Look at how Sinn Feinactually voted on abortion, on pfi/ppp.
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