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IRA worship

foggypane said:
... Well just for that last line, you are a cunt too. As for that thing Magee and the likes of it, I wouldn't feed it my turds if it was starving.

I take it you have never seen the aftermath of a bomb? Wishing that nightmare on your worst enemy I can sort of understand - wishing it on strangers makes you a cunt. Or maybe you just think human beings are expendable in the interests of your political opinions.

You utter fool. You dickhead. You undeveloped thoughtless poseur. You hopeless, stupid moron.

Could you slap yourself about a bit please, as I am unlikely to have the opportunity.
So your not entirely enamoured with me then?
revol68 said:
correct the shinners aren't actually stupid enough to believe most of their own propaganda...
That's not actually true, there are a few doubting Thomas's but they mostly gulp it down like a carryout of Guiness draft after fish supper. Look at the way they meekly accepted Stormont rule. SF folk are probably the most maleable and deferential followers an Irish leader's ever had, it's the greatest strength and weakness of the movement, there is more dissent in the DUP. And I say that as former Maoist.
oi2002 said:
That's not actually true, there are a few doubting Thomas's but they mostly gulp it down like a carryout of Guiness draft after fish supper. Look at the way they meekly accepted Stormont rule. SF folk are probably the most maleable and deferential followers an Irish leader's ever had, it's the greatest strength and weakness of the movement, there is more dissent in the DUP. And I say that as former Maoist.

well perhaps in the south but in the north most shinners don't really give two flying fucks about pfi, womens rights or anyother of that passe eighties rhetoric, basically as long as Gerry and the boys are lording it up over the unionists then everything else is secondary.

of course shinners in the south of a much more niave disposition.
foggypane said:
... Well just for that last line, you are a cunt too. As for that thing Magee and the likes of it, I wouldn't feed it my turds if it was starving.

I take it you have never seen the aftermath of a bomb? Wishing that nightmare on your worst enemy I can sort of understand - wishing it on strangers makes you a cunt. Or maybe you just think human beings are expendable in the interests of your political opinions.
Just for that last line?

Frankly I'd prefer to be a cunt just for being me but however...
Most people I know who remember that fucking bitch say words to the effect of, "the only thing the IRA done right was Brighton, except they they didn't kill the foul mouthed bitch."

I for one think it was a legitimate target. If you think otherwise then tell me how.
revol68 said:
aha gobshite, did i say it happened in Larne?

No it happened on the Donegall Road in Belfast, just after Christmas, before New Years, 3 years ago and it was me and my two flat mates in the house. Donegall Mews buildings. And there are plenty of people that can verfiy the story cock face.

Why of course I should have to defend myself to the likes of you is beyond me.

So hold on let me get this straight...you where shot out of your home ( on the Donegall Road......i would imagine by our more educated loyalist brethen ;) and then after suffering a terrible crime at the hands of Ulster`s best..you then moved into the hot bed of loyalism that is Larne???????.
None the less i will be trawling the papers today to verify what you have said to be true..
Come back to you soon....and p.s my cock does`nt need bringing up..thanks all the same :rolleyes:
cemertyone said:
So hold on let me get this straight...you where shot out of your home ( on the Donegall Road......i would imagine by our more educated loyalist brethen ;) and then after suffering a terrible crime at the hands of Ulster`s best..you then moved into the hot bed of loyalism that is Larne???????.
None the less i will be trawling the papers today to verify what you have said to be true..
Come back to you soon....and p.s my cock does`nt need bringing up..thanks all the same :rolleyes:
If middle class catholics had reached out to the protestant wc 35 odd years ago and converted them all to socialism instead of widening sectarian divisions with their vile agenda, this tragedy would never have occurred.
Dilzybhoy said:
Just for that last line?

Frankly I'd prefer to be a cunt just for being me but however...
Most people I know who remember that fucking bitch say words to the effect of, "the only thing the IRA done right was Brighton, except they they didn't kill the foul mouthed bitch."

I for one think it was a legitimate target. If you think otherwise then tell me how.

1 ..cos bombs change nothing and perpetuate stupid wars that hurted the northern catholic w/c more than the so called brits

2..cos innocent people get killed ..

and all for bollox .. without nationalism the northern w/c would have sorted shit out years ago .. instead it has sufferred 30 years of killings .. nationalist fools .. :mad:
Possible Worlds

durruti02 said:
without nationalism the northern w/c would have sorted shit out years ago

This kind of hypothetical thinking is no use. The northern working class adopted nationalism and loyalism. They did so for reasons, some material, some sentimental, some based on deception. So these same people, in some hypthetical world you imagine, without changing, are so totally different that they solve all the problems of sectarianism.....sorry, wish it was true, but it makes no sense.

Its like saying what would I be like if someone else was my father
Dilzybhoy said:
Just for that last line?

Frankly I'd prefer to be a cunt just for being me but however...
Most people I know who remember that fucking bitch say words to the effect of, "the only thing the IRA done right was Brighton, except they they didn't kill the foul mouthed bitch."

I for one think it was a legitimate target. If you think otherwise then tell me how.

Look, if they were so keen to zap that mad old bint why not get a sniper rifle or something? Why kill x numbers of barmen, cleaners, perfectly harmless minor MPs and so on? Jesus, is this not obvious to you?

If you and I are in a pub and fall out, (which could happen), and come to blows, and you pop me one in the gob, I'll try the same on you.

Chucking glasses indiscriminately in your general direction, heedless of the screams of the maimed casual drinkers to either side, is hardly appropriate.

And there, in one clumsy analogy, is why the IRA are cunts.

.... I like your good leg. Which one is it?
foggypane said:
Look, if they were so keen to zap that mad old bint why not get a sniper rifle or something? Why kill x numbers of barmen, cleaners, perfectly harmless minor MPs and so on? Jesus, is this not obvious to you?
If only twas that easy. In th real world there is always collateral damage. Never was a guerilla struggle without the same. Algeria, Vietnam. 'perfectly harmless minor MPs' sums up the idiocy of your position.
No really easy point and shoot . No skill required under 300m mornings
practisce should be good enough . Suggest you use a crippled child in a wheelchair next to a deep pond as bait :D
bolshiebhoy said:
If only twas that easy. In th real world there is always collateral damage. Never was a guerilla struggle without the same. Algeria, Vietnam. 'perfectly harmless minor MPs' sums up the idiocy of your position.

What are you talking about?

My position is that gratuitously killing people makes the killer/s a cunt/cunts.

The IRA could never militarily 'win', and they knew it. Therefore all their killing was gratuitous. (Or 'murder', as we say in English).

As a subsidiary point, supporters of the killers are also cunts.

I'd say there was ground to argue whether various Tory MPs of the 80s were harmless or not, but I see you skip lightly over the death and maiming of passers - by with an airy 'collateral damage'.

I haven't looked at all your posts on U75 - would there possibly be one somewhere, or maybe you have said out loud, to the effect that Iraqi civilians shouldn't be getting it from the US Air Force or our own RAF?

Grow up. Terrorist bombs are political masturbation. The simple fact that the IRA plainly cared not at all for the lives of non-participants in their fantasy struggle was what made them doomed to defeat, just as much as their military insignificance and internal bickering.

Planting a bomb which will kill a cleaner or a barman shows Joe UK Public that Mr IRA hates him, wants him as an enemy, and therefore must not be surrendered to. The IRA must have known this. Therefore they knew their mainland bombing campaign was self defeating. Therefore they were just doing it for symbolic reasons. Political masturbation.

You must be another one who has never seen the aftermath of a bomb. Nice and safe in your life is it?
foggypane said:
What are you talking about?

My position is that gratuitously killing people makes the killer/s a cunt/cunts.

The IRA could never militarily 'win', and they knew it. Therefore all their killing was gratuitous. (Or 'murder', as we say in English).
What so unless you know you can win militarily (and how are you meant to know this?) then you shouldn't use military actions as a means of struggle. What crap.
I would have thought this simple proposition:

It is wrong to kill people other than in immediate defence, or when they are your declared mortal enemy'

... was fairly robust, but it seems U75 has enough bloodthirsty fascists to keep me patiently saying it over and over.

Anyway, redsquirrel, you imply that the IRA could somehow have 'won' militarily.

Eeeeeeeeeerrrrrrmmmm.... how exactly, Oh Mighty Strategist? Come on, show us how 200-odd assorted psychos, drug runners, fantasists and fuck-ups armed with fertilizer and stolen 12-bores could have trounced 100,000 fully tooled up British sodiers with tanks, helicopters, beerbellies and low GCSE scores.

I could do with a laugh.
foggypane said:
What are you talking about?

My position is that gratuitously killing people makes the killer/s a cunt/cunts.

The IRA could never militarily 'win', and they knew it. Therefore all their killing was gratuitous. (Or 'murder', as we say in English).

As a subsidiary point, supporters of the killers are also cunts.

I'd say there was ground to argue whether various Tory MPs of the 80s were harmless or not, but I see you skip lightly over the death and maiming of passers - by with an airy 'collateral damage'.

I haven't looked at all your posts on U75 - would there possibly be one somewhere, or maybe you have said out loud, to the effect that Iraqi civilians shouldn't be getting it from the US Air Force or our own RAF?

Grow up. Terrorist bombs are political masturbation. The simple fact that the IRA plainly cared not at all for the lives of non-participants in their fantasy struggle was what made them doomed to defeat, just as much as their military insignificance and internal bickering.

Planting a bomb which will kill a cleaner or a barman shows Joe UK Public that Mr IRA hates him, wants him as an enemy, and therefore must not be surrendered to. The IRA must have known this. Therefore they knew their mainland bombing campaign was self defeating. Therefore they were just doing it for symbolic reasons. Political masturbation.

You must be another one who has never seen the aftermath of a bomb. Nice and safe in your life is it?

Yes and I'm sure you'll agree Cromwell and the English ilk that have ravaged Ireland for 800 years are also murdering cunts. Yes?

Supporters of the killers are cunts aswell? Weird logic, care to elaborate?

Oh and I live in Northern Ireland, I know rightly what it's all about and you my dear haven't got a clue.

To the thread starter. The IRA was formed as a Marxist organisation, it's predecessors the IRB were even slightly more Marxist. However, due to political and social rammifications in the late 60's, the IRA had to change it's position.

Oh and hi everyone, heard of this site on another forum I go to so just wanted to say hello and hope to post here more often. :)
N_igma said:
Yes and I'm sure you'll agree Cromwell and the English ilk that have ravaged Ireland for 800 years are also murdering cunts. Yes?

Not sure about that the first English settlers, in the true sense of the word, were the Elizabethan protestants settlers in the sixteenth century. Cromwell followed less than hundred years later.
Andy the Don said:
Not sure about that the first English settlers, in the true sense of the word, were the Elizabethan protestants settlers in the sixteenth century. Cromwell followed less than hundred years later.

There has always been an English presence in Ireland over the past 800 years. Usually situated around the Pale area (around Dublin) What you must be on about are the Protestant settlers, they were no military and I have no problem with them. Cromwell, however, plus countless of military leaders before and after him have done nothing for our people except shit and piss on them.

But the IRA of course are murdering cunts because they decided to stand up and fight that. :rolleyes:
N_igma said:
There has always been an English presence in Ireland over the past 800 years. Usually situated around the Pale area (around Dublin) What you must be on about are the Protestant settlers, they were no military and I have no problem with them. Cromwell, however, plus countless of military leaders before and after him have done nothing for our people except shit and piss on them.

But the IRA of course are murdering cunts because they decided to stand up and fight that. :rolleyes:

The IRA were fighting Cromwell??
angry bob said:
The IRA were fighting Cromwell??

No but the IRA decided in further centuries that they wouldn't stand for it anymore.

There were minor rebellions in the centuries before it, 1798 the most notable but it wasn't until the 1900's that we actually got anywhere.
N_igma said:
No but the IRA decided in further centuries that they wouldn't stand for it anymore.

There were minor rebellions in the centuries before it, 1798 the most notable but it wasn't until the 1900's that we actually got anywhere.

Who's we? Are you in the IRA?
N_igma said:
To the thread starter. The IRA was formed as a Marxist organisation, it's predecessors the IRB were even slightly more Marxist. However, due to political and social rammifications in the late 60's, the IRA had to change it's position.
it's back to the history books for you, young man!

Oh and hi everyone, heard of this site on another forum I go to so just wanted to say hello and hope to post here more often. :)
welcome aboard! :)
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