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IRA worship

cemertyone said:
By any chance do you know the "Graham" brothers from Larne???? two more of your fellow catholics living in that "wee" town...One of the brothers used to walk around Larne with a Celtic motor bike helmet on ( he was a bit mad).....

Never heard of 'em. The daft cunt would need his crash helmet if he was ever caught wearing it. A claw-hammer would soon smash that open.
Nigel said:
Whats that from???
:eek: :eek: :eek:
A book I picked up from the library. If you look closely it tells you the "primary source blah blah is McKittrick et al. (2000) but where necessary blah blah Sutton (1994, 1999,) Fay et al. (1999) and McGarry and O'Leary (1996). These figures are from varying sources with different blah blah..."

But if you want to know where the pic is from then it's from my pin board. My "all in one" is not scanning due to it being hewlet packard and crap.
I am now forced to take close ups with my camera. :(
Indymedia Ireland has a picture of Martin McGuinness hanging out with Hery Kissinger up at the moment. That's one that should be filed alongside the snaps of Gerry Adams brown-nosing the assembled capitalist class in Dublin at the Chamber of Commerce and the holiday shots of him shaking hands with George Bush in the week the war in Iraq began.

That surely can't be the same left-wing revoluitionary Martin McGuinness from Derry who wants freedom and equality for all poor and working class people?

He wouldn't rub shoulders with cunts like Kissinger would he?

How confusing...
Fanta, Adams and Garfunkel or as I like to call them the Adams family's supposed leftwing cred for the sham that it is has been well exposed for years it isn't anything new.
cathal marcs said:
Fanta, Adams and Garfunkel or as I like to call them the Adams family's supposed leftwing cred for the sham that it is has been well exposed for years it isn't anything new.

really? tell that to some of the gobshites on urban.

oh and the ginger wee fucks who make up Ogra Sinn Fein, stupid lil fuckers!
revol68 said:
. I've also had the pleasure of being shot out of my hosue by loyalists and you have the nerve to till me im sitting on my fucking armchair.? !

Fuck off you have you tosser :rolleyes: :rolleyes: was it in Larne where you are supposed to still live????...If you have been "shot out of your house" as you allege... then name the date and where it happenend..i will get in contact with my friend from the PSNI and verify it...if so then i will send you £50 to get yourself a drink and apoligise to you...BUT i suspect your full of FUCKING SHIT.....
cemertyone said:
Fuck off you have you tosser :rolleyes: :rolleyes: was it in Larne where you are supposed to still live????...If you have been "shot out of your house" as you allege... then name the date and where it happenend..i will get in contact with my friend from the PSNI and verify it...if so then i will send you £50 to get yourself a drink and apoligise to you...BUT i suspect your full of FUCKING SHIT.....

As much as it pains me to agree with you, I think revol68 has posted 1 spoof too many. I don't have any friends in the sinn fein police force of Northern Ireland, but I do have a few old mates in the town where revol lives. I too would like to know when this incident, allegedly happened.

nacho novo said:
As much as it pains me to agree with you, I think revol68 has posted 1 spoof too many. I don't have any friends in the sinn fein police force of Northern Ireland, but I do have a few old mates in the town where revol lives. I too would like to know when this incident, allegedly happened.


Apparently the word on the street is these Loyalists were around three feet tall shooting spud guns.
Nigel Irritable said:
Indymedia Ireland has a picture of Martin McGuinness hanging out with Hery Kissinger up at the moment. That's one that should be filed alongside the snaps of Gerry Adams brown-nosing the assembled capitalist class in Dublin at the Chamber of Commerce and the holiday shots of him shaking hands with George Bush in the week the war in Iraq began.


That's politics.

I also saw, behind the masks of bonhomie, the single-mindedness of Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness in pursuit of political advantage. They moved through Washington as smoothly as sharks in warm water. Whatever else they were, or had been, they were politicians to their fingertips, wholly at ease in their surroundings.

It helped, of course, to have powerful friends at court. By contrast, there was something terribly awkward and admirable about the likes of Trimble, Mallon, Alderdyce and the others who were Sinn Féin's political opponents.

After a lunch in March 2001, attended by George Bush and figures from both sides of the Irish divide, I stood at the top of the Capitol steps with the other guests to bid farewell to the president.

As Bush headed down the steps to get into his car, I saw that Adams had somehow managed to insert himself into the small knot of American politicians who were escorting the president.

He had a brief, smiling exchange with Bush. Cameras were flashing and rolling. What a photo opportunity for Adams and Sinn Féin! What a coup!

I whispered to the other Northern Ireland party leaders, standing gauche and uncomfortable alongside me: "For Christ's sake, get down the bloody steps before it's too late!" It was too late.
Nigel Irritable said:
Indymedia Ireland has a picture of Martin McGuinness hanging out with Hery Kissinger up at the moment. That's one that should be filed alongside the snaps of Gerry Adams brown-nosing the assembled capitalist class in Dublin at the Chamber of Commerce and the holiday shots of him shaking hands with George Bush in the week the war in Iraq began.


Hell, everyone makes mistkakes!

Saddam with Rummy,

Hitler rimming Thatcher...

(ok, the last is a lie but who knows if Thatch had been around those days! )

Gery Adams is the man - time yall waked up and accepted that, he will be the leader one day.

At last a real Ireland!!!

A Marxist, a real revolutionary. Bless.
durruti02 said:
what on earth does this mean??? .. 'a real ireland' .. nowt but nationalist gobbledegook ..

Was being sarcastic. SF grassroots activists are so far removed from the leadership these days, Martin & Gerry seeking acceptance by the champagne-socialist crowd... I believe they have been temporarily seduced by the players but maybe we'll see a return to proper beliefs.

It pisses me off to see them indulge in brown-nosing but I still have faith that maybe when they eventually form part of the Irish govt we'll see some changes in Irish life. For all people's misgivings about SF, there are some in there who want to make a difference. Hells bells, I was sceptical about them for years. And I'm no nationalist, just want to see an Ireland not bogged down by the usual FF, FG, PD shite...
foggypane said:
The point remains though. War is one thing, terrorism is another.

Your right there..but then again do you equally condem the British security services for killing 50 plus people in the bombings of Dublin...???
or as i suspect is your critictism only one sided?????
cemertyone said:
Your right there..but then again do you equally condem the British security services for killing 50 plus people in the bombings of Dublin...???
or as i suspect is your critictism only one sided?????

Dont forget the people of Monaghan also.
think of a number.....

cemertyone said:
Your right there..but then again do you equally condem the British security services for killing 50 plus people in the bombings of Dublin...???
or as i suspect is your critictism only one sided?????

'Collusion' isn't a one-way-ticket.....

This is Irony, Right ?

jer said:
Was being sarcastic. SF grassroots activists are so far removed from the leadership these days, Martin & Gerry seeking acceptance by the champagne-socialist crowd... I believe they have been temporarily seduced by the players but maybe we'll see a return to proper beliefs.

It pisses me off to see them indulge in brown-nosing but I still have faith that maybe when they eventually form part of the Irish govt we'll see some changes in Irish life. For all people's misgivings about SF, there are some in there who want to make a difference. Hells bells, I was sceptical about them for years. And I'm no nationalist, just want to see an Ireland not bogged down by the usual FF, FG, PD shite...

You are kidding aren't you ? Gerry has been angling to get his nose working since the late 1970s when Irish nationalism wouldn't let him near their nether regions. THis is no aberration, its his life's work.
gilhyle said:
You are kidding aren't you ? Gerry has been angling to get his nose working since the late 1970s when Irish nationalism wouldn't let him near their nether regions. THis is no aberration, its his life's work.
Hell's Bells and buckets of shite!!!
cemertyone said:
Your right there..but then again do you equally condem the British security services for killing 50 plus people in the bombings of Dublin...???
or as i suspect is your critictism only one sided?????

This thread is about IRA worship.

My 2 points on it have been

1. A lot of IRA worshippers are over romantic about the organisation and it's capabilities, especially the fact that it only exist/ed at HM Government's pleasure

2. Anyone who plants a bomb knowing it will kill non-enemies is a cunt.

Therefore, if I may indulge myself a little,

2(b) The IRA are cunts.

Perhaps on another thread I could bang on about what twats the security forces can be. This ain't that thread.
foggypane said:
This thread is about IRA worship.

My 2 points on it have been

1. A lot of IRA worshippers are over romantic about the organisation and it's capabilities, especially the fact that it only exist/ed at HM Government's pleasure

2. Anyone who plants a bomb knowing it will kill non-enemies is a cunt.

Therefore, if I may indulge myself a little,

2(b) The IRA are cunts.

Perhaps on another thread I could bang on about what twats the security forces can be. This ain't that thread.

It depends what or who you mean by "worshippers".
I don't think anyone is entirely uncritical of the IRA.
But take for example the bomb planted in Brighton. Surely Patrick Magee knew "non-enemies" would be killed.
But I think the planting of that device was entirely justifiable.
i cant be bothered trawling through all 14 pages

has it been established what is meant by 'IRA worship'?

support of the IRA- in particular the men of 1916 is perfectly justifiable imo
the men who founded a nation

the men of 2005- the men who robbed a bank
are a bunch of criminals
end of.

thats my 2 pence
met a few idiots who seem to belive the IRA are the equals of the rebel allliance
:rolleyes: and the british state is the evil empire.
although counting some one who belives the "rebels" actually have forts in south armagh possibly does'nt count.
its the political version of wearing a cradle of filth T-shirt.
although always remembered the shocked expression of some student in cambridge who'd just told me he supported the IRA and seem suprised when he got punched on the nose hard :(
not exactly an interlluctural giant ;)
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