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My first direct experience of privilege/intersectionality was from an "anarchist" (read militant liberal) from APOC (anarchist people of color) who came to Belfast and tried to force the troubles into a racialised framework. That was in 2003 and I honestly never thought it would ever gain any foothold in the UK or Ireland, sadly I underestimated the idiocy of student politicos nor had the foresight to predict that the spreading of the internet and multiplication of social media would reach it's apex with a 140 character limit.
It's about jockeying for position; there's only so many academic posts and columns in liberal publications to go round. It's a ruthless, bloody, business. You need to call out your rivals before they call you out.
Fuck, now I have liked a post by Belushi. What am I?
My first direct experience of privilege/intersectionality was from an "anarchist" (read militant liberal) from APOC (anarchist people of color) who came to Belfast and tried to force the troubles into a racialised framework. That was in 2003 and I honestly never thought it would ever gain any foothold in the UK or Ireland, sadly I underestimated the idiocy of student politicos nor had the foresight to predict that the spreading of the internet and multiplication of social media would reach it's apex with a 140 character limit.

While I found Delroy's endless and fruitless quest for an intersectional analysis of Syria particularly entertaining, I actually hadn't stopped to think what a dickhead's charter this stuff would be in your grim northern wasteland.
While I found Delroy's endless and fruitless quest for an intersectional analysis of Syria particularly entertaining, I actually hadn't stopped to think what a dickhead's charter this stuff would be in your grim northern wasteland.

Yup, like I said the "cultural turn" since the weapons have been put away has meant this kind of shit is the dominant political framework, all parties of course united in managing austerity.
Let's see how many of the london based ones manage to get to the Southall Black Sisters things at Eaton House, Hounslow rather than just tweeting support on twitter.
In the UK I think it's fair to say, which actually happens not to be an exclusively white country.

Then maybe you might like to think about what it is about the UK which encourages and sustains this situation, rather than looking for something essential (which you seem to be suggesting) in anti-fascism, hard leftism or anarchism? All those black commies around the world could think you're being a little eurocentric.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
another thing is that an awful lot of these 'oppressions' aren't anything of the sort. the 'attractiveness/ugliness' 'oppression' spectrum is one example, as if the one group were directly persecuted by the other. it's fuck all to do with that, it's just unfortunate and there is nothing anyone will ever be able to do about it so to be frank stop fucking whining and crying. the other one is this 'able-bodied privilege'... seriously the scale of melodrama involved in labelling disabled people 'oppressed' is truly fucking offensive. this isn't Nazi Germany, the disabled aren't getting offed in prison camps. no-one has to be found to 'blame' for the fact that having a disability makes a person's life harder - some things are just shit like that. this isn't an argument against compassion or access initiatives, just a commonsense recognition that the one shit thing isn't a product of the 'privilege' of another.

not to mention that it is genuinely fucking sickening to hear middle-class lgbtqrsvwxyz student "activists" crying about their social oppression in their cossetted university existences where the vast, vast majority of people in their generation and their surroundings couldn't give a shit about who they want to shag, in what costume or for what purpose. this whilst expecting a decent degree and professional/semi-professional decent paid roles in teaching and social services to last them out the rest of their bureaucratic existences. i can think of one Sheffield 'queer activist' in particular, who went to Altrincham Grammar before arriving at uni, has flagrantly never suffered in his entire life yet cannot fucking stop asserting his grotesquely inflated sense of self-entitlement to every social nicety known to society whilst constantly insulting life-long activists and socialists by labelling them as prejudiced, racist, blah blah blah blah blah.

these people are an exhaustive cancer on the movement and need to be blotted out as offensively and insensitively as possible
another thing is that an awful lot of these 'oppressions' aren't anything of the sort. the 'attractiveness/ugliness' 'oppression' spectrum is one example, as if the one group were directly persecuted by the other. it's fuck all to do with that, it's just unfortunate and there is nothing anyone will ever be able to do about it so to be frank stop fucking whining and crying. the other one is this 'able-bodied privilege'... seriously the scale of melodrama involved in labelling disabled people 'oppressed' is truly fucking offensive. this isn't Nazi Germany, the disabled aren't getting offed in prison camps. no-one has to be found to 'blame' for the fact that having a disability makes a person's life harder - some things are just shit like that. this isn't an argument against compassion or access initiatives, just a commonsense recognition that the one shit thing isn't a product of the 'privilege' of another.

not to mention that it is genuinely fucking sickening to hear middle-class lgbtqrsvwxyz student "activists" crying about their social oppression in their cossetted university existences where the vast, vast majority of people in their generation and their surroundings couldn't give a shit about who they want to shag, in what costume or for what purpose. this whilst expecting a decent degree and professional/semi-professional decent paid roles in teaching and social services to last them out the rest of their bureaucratic existences. i can think of one Sheffield 'queer activist' in particular, who went to Altrincham Grammar before arriving at uni, has flagrantly never suffered in his entire life yet cannot fucking stop asserting his grotesquely inflated sense of self-entitlement to every social nicety known to society whilst constantly insulting life-long activists and socialists by labelling them as prejudiced, racist, blah blah blah blah blah.

these people are an exhaustive cancer on the movement and need to be blotted out as offensively and insensitively as possible

And - breathe.
another thing is that an awful lot of these 'oppressions' aren't anything of the sort. the 'attractiveness/ugliness' 'oppression' spectrum is one example, as if the one group were directly persecuted by the other. it's fuck all to do with that, it's just unfortunate and there is nothing anyone will ever be able to do about it so to be frank stop fucking whining and crying. the other one is this 'able-bodied privilege'... seriously the scale of melodrama involved in labelling disabled people 'oppressed' is truly fucking offensive. this isn't Nazi Germany, the disabled aren't getting offed in prison camps. no-one has to be found to 'blame' for the fact that having a disability makes a person's life harder - some things are just shit like that. this isn't an argument against compassion or access initiatives, just a commonsense recognition that the one shit thing isn't a product of the 'privilege' of another.

not to mention that it is genuinely fucking sickening to hear middle-class lgbtqrsvwxyz student "activists" crying about their social oppression in their cossetted university existences where the vast, vast majority of people in their generation and their surroundings couldn't give a shit about who they want to shag, in what costume or for what purpose. this whilst expecting a decent degree and professional/semi-professional decent paid roles in teaching and social services to last them out the rest of their bureaucratic existences. i can think of one Sheffield 'queer activist' in particular, who went to Altrincham Grammar before arriving at uni, has flagrantly never suffered in his entire life yet cannot fucking stop asserting his grotesquely inflated sense of self-entitlement to every social nicety known to society whilst constantly insulting life-long activists and socialists by labelling them as prejudiced, racist, blah blah blah blah blah.

these people are an exhaustive cancer on the movement and need to be blotted out as offensively and insensitively as possible
TBH I think a lot of disabled people suffer a lot more than is obvious to a causal observer.
TBH I think a lot of disabled people suffer a lot more than is obvious to a causal observer.

Is it because they're oppressed though or just because of the disability?

a lot of the reason why my disability affects me so much isn't because of oppression it's because i turn into a fucking nervous wreck over stupid worries that i know are stupid.
these people are an exhaustive cancer on the movement and need to be blotted out as offensively and insensitively as possible

testify brother etc

mind you you have to think the zietgiest/assange fanboy crossover crowd are potentially worse. Theres real bad conspiracy stuff underlying that milieu
i think the current attacks on benefits and support for people with disabilities is pretty darned oppressive
agree completely, but i think the point that's being made (unless i've completely misunderstood) is that the people going on about oppression are the ones that AREN'T actually being "oppressed"
Is it because they're oppressed though or just because of the disability?

a lot of the reason why my disability affects me so much isn't because of oppression it's because i turn into a fucking nervous wreck over stupid worries that i know are stupid.
Well, oppression is a very loaded term, one I don't think is particularly useful. But I think it's fair to say that a lot of disabled (differently abled ;)) people are needlessly, and far too often consciously excluded from stuff we "normals" take for granted.
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