Some comments from post-election discussion on Facebook....
BAME voters yet again largely voted Labour, and here is the conundrum..Tottenham, Liverpool, Leeds, Bristol, Manchester, Sheffield , Coventry have pockets of poverty ...hell not just pockets fucking massive sacks of areas of poverty that are statistically on a par with an ex-pit town in Wales, a former steel or shipbuilding town....and yet these areas remained Labour.
The collapse of Labour reflects a disenchantment, an anger, a hopelessness that is both real, largely white and older and can skew racist. We should not beat about the bush on this. Largely city and large town areas that were and are mixed whether poor or not so poor didn't flock to the Tories.
We have a tremendous rift in ex-industrial northern and Welsh towns between a Labour party that for years assumed the vote, was in power locally overseeing the decline, where anger is or can be racialised. A Welsh pit village is not poorer than an estate in North Tottenham. Poverty alone is not enough to explain this, disempowerment when white in predominantly white and poor communities has the "benefit" of the illusory and false benefit of kicking down.
Get Brexit our Make America Great Again, it's a dog whistle to an age long xenophobia in a time of real despair. It is not however an illusion that cuts much ice to young poor multi ethnic parts of Britain. It is a very specific and white reaction
HL :
I think many BME communities have built new cultures and identifies in the UK. Whereas many white working class towns have been defined by a breakdown of identity and community after 20 years of de-industrialisation .
Even if you don't have much I think many migrant communities and families feel a big sense of pride in what they have achieved, because they often sacrificed a lot to come here and build new lives.
In small towns in the north and midlands, people had poverty for generations but they also had job security and a community identify that was inseparable from the pit/shipyard/docks/factory. Pride, solidarity and community are huge practical and psychological insulators to poverty and unfortunately a lot of that went. That's been replaced with a sense of loss, humiliation and anger.
Of course there's the racism that brings things into sharp focus. The Islamophobia muslims experience from the media and the harassment black young people get from the police. It develops your consciousness.
How do we rebuild class consciousness in small town northern England when that consciousness was based on actual industrial infrastructure? How do things seem a bit different in Scotland than they do here? I think the toxic British nationalism of the 70s and 80s was replaced in the 90s when football fans swapped the union flag for the St George's cross and that's how English nationalism became defined, by the racism and empire that had inspired versions of British nationalism before it. Whereas Scottish nationalism was intertwined with a largely social democratic movement for independence.
In the absence of red flags, union halls and Labour clubs the cultural void was filled with the common sense of nationalism and England's version was exclusive rather than the more civic Scottish form.
Could the LP vote in big cities also be due to more middle class and student support ?
I reckon english football fans switched from union jack to george cross ( at least partly ) in response to growing support for independence in Scotland.
The Left in England have mostly avoided acknowledging any sense of a collective sense of working class cultural and political identities , specifically located in England.
Leaving that wide open for the Right to exploit
Class as a concept is being race-washed, lets more accurately say, whitewashed.
Grimsby is working class.......Tottenham isnt ? Lewisham isnt ? nobody is rushing to listen more closely to the voices of Tower Hamlets, there will be no special infrastructure deals for housing estates in Walthamstow. This is insidious, but it will only grow.
Brexit was won by the tories crafting an unholy alliance of leafy tory villages and towns, rich places outside of big cities, white places by and large and the so-called left behind ex-industrial towns of Wales and the North - by and large that was not the large and multiracial cities.
What Johnson and Cummings are trying to do now is weld that alliance into permanence - straight from the Trump playbook - ex steelworkers in Pennsylvania cheered and attended in their thousands for Trump, ex industrial area after ex industrial area, Trump wasnt elected by Wall Street, and Johnson wasnt elected by the City of London. They are trying to forge a new normal - at the heart of this is whiteness.
The left cannot and must not fall into this trap, in effect it denies what class is and that is it is multiracial, multi identity and lives in cities and towns across the UK.