Louis MacNeice
Autumn Journalist
"Thirdly there are celebrations; more parties not more Parties. We get together to celebrate all sorts of stuff, let's do more of it to celebrate our resilience, our sense of of fun, our strength and our cleverness. Again its about sharing, building mutual recognition/respect, about friendship and enjoyment; it is not a networking opportunity or some sort of hidden caucusing event."
Yes, but are the networks there, say in places like Grimsby?
I was thinking more that the networks needed building and these suggestions were aimed at that. Once people start talking and sharing and doing together, then the next set of challenges hove into view; challenges about organisational forms, leadership and accountability. But they are questions for the participants in the networks to answer, so let's think about how to establish and sustain those coming togethers. Apologies for the 1990s lefty language but that's one of the places I come from.
Cheers - Louis MacNeice