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Information on taking refugees into our homes

Apart from the bit where they say they want to pick them up from Calais.

The border police won't have a problem with it of course.

Did you read the OP. She said she wanted to do it legally. Which means people already in the country.

Going to Calais and *feeling* like you want take them away from a shit situation is a natural human reaction to seeing people suffering. Fuck sake. And that's why she wanted to find away to do it legally. Ugh.
Did you read the OP. She said she wanted to do it legally. Which means people already in the country.

Going to Calais and *feeling* like you want take them away from a shit situation is a natural human reaction to seeing people suffering. Fuck sake. And that's why she wanted to find away to do it legally. Ugh.

Which my post supported. You love finding things objectionable.
Which my post supported. You love finding things objectionable.

It was more towards Indeliblelink tbf... but your contribution to the thread was one of mocking. And your feeding into the distortion of M's posts. So you can fuck off as well.

But to be fair I'd let them all in if it were up to me. Or perhaps we could just stop bombing their countries back to the stone age every few years and then maybe so many people wouldn't be seeking safety here.
It was more towards Indeliblelink tbf... but your contribution to the thread was one of mocking. And your feeding into the distortion of M's posts. So you can fuck off as well.

No I was disagreeing with Pickman's. Whose post was quoted.

Translation for the hard of understanding:

Clearly she doesn't mean she'll be picking them up from Calais as she'd be unable to.
No I was disagreeing with Pickman's. Whose post was quoted.

Translation for the hard of understanding:

Clearly she doesn't mean she'll be picking them up from Calais as she'd be unable to.

You quoted Indeliblelink not pickmans? But actually I've just reread what you wrote and I may have misunderstood.
when those good intentions only seem focused on whats fashionable?

the OP could have walked into their local town centre and found someone who needed a bed for the week, a shower and good meal in half an hour last night. no need for interpreters or complicated administrative procedures - but that person wasn't on the news, and would probably be bringing less fashionable 'issues' into the OP's home....
How the fuck do you know I'm not doing that now?! Fashionable my arse. Before you make huge judgements perhaps think to ask first.
equally you know nothing about kebabking's activities so rsther than setting yourself up as arbiter of what people should do and effing and blinding about it some courtesy might be more in order. tbh the homeless in this country are refugees too, in terms of needing refuge, as much as anyone else. shouldn't both the indigenous homeless and those fleeing civil war be helped?

I would love it if more was done for the homeless in this country. I am technically homeless myself. However currently I am not a rough sleeper & have not come from a war torn country.

kebabking might pick up stray rough sleepers every time he/she pops out for a kebab but I doubt it. If s/he does then I apologise but I really don't see the need to slag off someone who is trying to help others in a worse situation than themselves.
Yes, that's how I read it.
I said I was going to Calais to do a drop off essentials and then said "and no doubt I'll just want to fill it full of refugees on my return journey!"

NB the exclamation mark. Like anyone going over there to one of the 'camps' wouldn't want to just bring people home...I also stated that if I was to do this I would want to go through the official channels. Please don't pick up on one sentence to demean my intentions.

I really didn't start this thread to show I'm being a fucking do gooder. I posted it as I'm thinking of giving up some space in my home to a family at a time of desperate need.

For all of the critics on this thread I currently do have a homeless man of 24 living with me. Fuck knows why I have to justify it here to people I don't know, nor care to know. I do not intend to give much more of myself away here but I'm well aware of the housing situation in this country. I'm also well aware that the people that we're calling refugees are coming from places we have no idea about but I'm sure if they have to flee and come here via very dangerous means, risking their lives and that of their children then they are extremely desperate. Yes, there too are desperate people here already, most of whom are housed in hostels which is where I'm sure many of these 'refugees' are destined to end up. However, the difference right now is the level of desperation, fear and shock someone coming from a warzone will be in to someone that's been living here for many years. I would have thought that people lending some space in their home would be a very short fix to the longer term problem anyway and this is why I started this thread as I have no idea of what plan (if there is one at all) has been put into place.

I also started this thread as I thought it might be useful for others thinking of doing the same. It really puts me off Urban when you get lashed at like this for asking for advise. I get that this is a very delicate subject but there really is no need for people to assume stuff before asking or waiting for responses.
I said I was going to Calais to do a drop off essentials and then said "and no doubt I'll just want to fill it full of refugees on my return journey!"

NB the exclamation mark. Like anyone going over there to one of the 'camps' wouldn't want to just bring people home...I also stated that if I was to do this I would want to go through the official channels. Please don't pick up on one sentence to demean my intentions.

I didn't. I made one comment on this thread, agreeing with other posters that that's how your posts read to me.

Please don't accuse me of things I haven't done.
What i will say though is that from my (limited) experience of working with refugees in a drop in centre, dont expect someone who is going to be placid and 'grateful' for what you're doing for em, they're people like everyone else. (Not saying you are) And in my experience a lot of our clients at the place i worked a couple years ago had psychological difficulties which could make them extremely difficult to deal with at times and you need to be prepared for that.

Keep up the good work :)
I didn't. I made one comment on this thread, agreeing with other posters that that's how your posts read to me.

Please don't accuse me of things I haven't done.
I apologise I should have snipped my quote as it looked like you were saying I wanted to illegally bring people back. That is what you were saying though isn't it?
What i will say though is that from my (limited) experience of working with refugees in a drop in centre, dont expect someone who is going to be placid and 'grateful' for what you're doing for em, they're people like everyone else. And in my experience a lot of our clients at the place i worked a couple years ago had psychological difficulties which could make them extremely difficult to deal with at times and you need to be prepared for that.

Keep up the good work :)
Well quite, it's certainly not easy working with anyone that's homeless, there's always going to be baggage.
Why can't we just let them in. They are stranded in makeshift camps with fuck all that they've risked their lives to get to. Many of these men are just teenage boys, not really men at all. Let them in.
Why can't we just let them in.
Apart from the perceived economic issues and the logistics of what to do with them, you can't just open the doors to tens thousands of folk that you know next to nothing about. Among their numbers will be criminals of all flavours, there may be medical issues, folk who want to do others harm, extremists, etc etc ...

There has to be some kind of vetting process. No borders is fucking stupid.
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Well quite, it's certainly not easy working with anyone that's homeless, there's always going to be baggage.

One of our clients (from syria, before the war started) was *very* islamophobic and kept slagging off muslims, he also saw a news item about nick griffin on question time and when i went in to work one day started asking me about him and telling me he thought he was right (this wasnt in the UK and it it was about 5 years ago)

You need to be prepared for things like that. Someone whose fled a warzone or any other sort of persecution isnt going to necessarily have tolerant views, they're not gonna be the easiest person to be with a lot of the time (as you wouldnt be) and may have pre existing MH issues that were there before the war. There are people fleeing syria who are islamophobic, there are people there who support bashar al assad and fled rebel-held regions, people who are gonna have views you strongly disagree with. There are also gonna be people who have serious drug and alcohol problems, anger management issues etc or just someone who may be very pushy and always demanding stuff etc - just like in the uk. You need to be patient but you also need to be aware that they might be difficult or even someone that you wouldn't 'like'

I am not trying to put you off btw! Just letting you know what issues you could face. Good luck :cool:
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