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Industrial music and its relationship(??) to fascism

Would it be fair to say a band that lists death in June and Boyd rice as influences on their Facebook page are probably dodgy?
Well certainly worth a raised eyebrow, could just mean musically. But you'd think anyone not a twat would make it clear that while they admired the music such people they didn't share their politics.
It is this band Deadcuts which is some guys from senseless things, just 1 of the band was in this terrible film I had the misfortune to watch last night called "the second coming" (it also had pete Doherty and Kim fowley in it) which had Boyd rice and the occult and runes and swastikas in it, which made me think "did these guys know what kind of film they were getting in to? (utter brain dead pretentious shite).
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A quick read of an interview with one of them suggests he's a bit thick tbh. I don't think you can read too much into it without a bit more - a lot of people have a (sometimes wilful) blind spot around this stuff too.
It was the worst film I'd say I've ever watched. Kim fowley and pete Doherty were the highlights.

I'd say killer b is right and most people involved were more stupid/pretentious than anything else
I noticed that a label from Barcelona is releasing a compilation album to support GPO, who, as you probably know, has been diagnosed with Leukaemia. One of the artists are 'Der Blutharsche,' who I think have been mentioned on this thread - does anyone know if they, or indeed anyone else on the record are a fascist group. Am thinking of purchasing said album, would be a good way to support him/her, albeit in a tiny way.

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in other Der Blutharsch news they're releasing a split with White Hills.
turns out it's not the first either there was one years ago.
I don't know this 'cos I'm not that big a fan of White Hills
it does seem, at the very least, disappointing though

There's another thread on the National Action, the proscribed UK neo-nazi group here.

A lot of fuss in the press has been made about Claudia Patatas and her partner Adam Thomas, the NA members whose baby had the middle name of Adolf.

Patatas and Thomas were convicted of belonging to a proscribed group on Monday and await sentencing.

What has now emerged is that Patatas had links with Death In June and a number of other neofolk groups.


That site includes pictures of Patatas posing with Douglas P and states that her previous partner was Death In June's tour driver.

Patatas also apparently took the cover photos of a few Death In June releases.
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I do hope it gets a bit deeper than 'roundup' though. What do we know about the writer? It's clear they've read the same stuff as us for a start.
I do hope it gets a bit deeper than 'roundup' though. What do we know about the writer? It's clear they've read the same stuff as us for a start.
If you google industrial music + fascism, this thread is number 1 hit. It's probably a primary source for anyone writing on the topic...
I like United Bible Studies and had no idea about the neo-nazi satanist member. TBF looks like hardly anyone else did too, but...
Well, I guess that's what I've always thought of most of the people we've talked about on this thread, but there's a good point made at the end of the piece:

As Robert Evans noted in a recent Bellingcat article: "one of the more frustrating elements about covering the fascist right is that much of what they say sounds ridiculous and makes them appear less than serious. This is why it is important to remember that these groups have a body count and represent a real threat. Their absurdity does not negate their danger."
i think regis did a dij remix/edit in 2016 (bit hard to say he's still a bit thick isn't it?) I guess he's techno rock n roll hall of fame these days though.
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The industrial drone act Skullflower has been removed from the line of North London heavy music festival Raw Power.

A statement from the Raw Power organisers and promoters Baba Yaga's Hut read: "After booking Skullflower for Raw Power it was pointed out to us that Matthew Bower appears to have taken part in some questionable actions and has some public-facing associations that do not line up with how we feel at Raw Power & Baba Yaga's Hut. We looked into this matter in some detail and decided that it was necessary to cancel their set at this year's Raw Power festival. A replacement act as well as the last few bands and day splits will be announced at the end of the month."

Photographs have been published on Bower's blog showing a Schwarze Sonne, or Black Sun, a symbol used by neo-Nazi groups, alongside praise for Andrew King (formerly of fascist band Sol Invictus) and anti-Semitic language. Skullflower also appeared onstage in Leeds alongside far right racist group Bizarre Uproar as recently as 2016.

Friendship ended with lots on here then.

Is this just not the same old troupe under diff colours over and over though?

I mean it's literally connections to an existing small unit of adhered people for 30-40 years rather than any new blood.

edit: obv this one is getting closer to home.
Friendship ended with lots on here then.

Is this just not the same old troupe under diff colours over and over though?

I mean it's literally connections to an existing small unit of adhered people for 30-40 years rather than any new blood.

Yes, the old guard. I think younger people who want to be all edgy do black metal stuff these days.

I actually dragged MellySingsDoom along to see Skullflower in 2015 and Andrew King was the "secret support" which was uncomfortable. Also Skullflower were complete shit. Samantha was wearing a Boyd Rice / NON t-shirt.
Actually it occurs to me that shortly after this a few people contacted me to ask about whether they should support Skullflower at a gig or not, so it's been building for a while. I think most sane people are just losing patience with all the benefit of the doubt for transgressive artists schtick.
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