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in india monkeys kill 250 dogs after a puppy killed one of their infants

News report:

BTW the thing that disturbs me most about this report apart from the ominous music is that the only shots of dogs and monkeys together are of them interacting in a friendly if rather bored fashion - as if they know full well the eyes of the world are on them and are determined to let no record of their violent disorder reach the local television news.
Arm the dogs, only way forward. If this hostility goes international I'm on the canine side, straight down Monkey World with a hammer and a pack of dachsunds.
So much for see no evil hear no evil speak no evil.....

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There's an obvious solution to this - give the monkeys typewriters, one each, keep them busy typing the entire works of Shakespeare.

Prepare to be haunted as you drift off to sleep each night, mind reverberating with the sound memory of a hundred monkeys bashing in the heads of ten thousand sad-faced puppies with vintage Underwoods
Not surprised that monkeys are intelligent enough to bear a grudge. Even crows can remember your face, and how you treated them. I've been contemplating the idea of making friends with the local magpies. There's a few that hang around in the communal garden area right outside my window.
Back when I was in Zimbabwe the tenant farmers at a place up in the hills told us how they used to have fist fights with the baboons over crops. They started by scaring them off but after a while the baboons got less fearful and would stand and fight. This was in a reserve back in the late 80s so they would have had to bribe soldiers or local white farmers to shoot the apes.
Horses are another mammal that can remember how they've been treated.

I've heard several versions of this story.

Groom / stable lad / driver was well-known for being far too free with fists / feet or the whip.

One day, the horse concerned got put into a loose box, rather than the usual stall.
The guy came in to do something and was daft enough to allow the horse to get between him and the open door.
Busy stable block so sounds of neighing, stamping feet etc were common.
Eventually someone realised that the guy wasn't about and went looking.
The horse had trapped him in a corner, by rearing & stamping, but hadn't touched him, at all.
The guy was so terrified that, as soon as he was rescued by someone coming into the box - the horse just stood looking at him - he legged it.
Never worked with horses again.
Horse was sweet-natured with everyone ...
Lots of animals have long memories. One year I had a bumper crop of acorn squash. I picked it all one day and put it in laundry baskets on my (enclosed) back porch. thinking it would be safe there. Later that day I heard something and looked to see what was going on. It was about 50 squirrels on the porch eating my squash. So I grab the nearest broom, throw open the back door, and start batting at squirrels. They're jumping around, chittering like mad, and trying to find a way out. I wade through the squirrel chaos and kick the back door open. The squirrels, seeing their chance, haul furry squirrel ass for the door. For a couple of years afterward, when I went out into yard, I would hear angry chittering coming from the trees.
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