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Il tempo di Silvio Berlusconi è scaduto

Sarebbe bellissimo e una scusa per brindare ma non vorrei alzare troppo le mie aspettative di una morte imminente per evitare un'eventuale delusione nel caso sopravviva.
What do you think will happen to Forza after he dies? Does it have enough of a life outside him to limp on for a while or will its vote be split between FdI, Lega, maybe some PD, etc?
Interesting question -- the political party will limp on for a bit, and has a very good window of time in order to rebrand / reposition, as it has a number of Portfolios / Ministers in the current coalition, including one of the VP positions, held by the senior guy in the party, a very boring man called Tajani.

Tajani has very little media following or popular appeal: and as we know populism is the name of the game. The other ministers/figures in Forza Italia are even more obscure and unknown. But they do have time, if they have the energy and money to try and survive as a distinct party, to try and convince voters of their value through the things that they have achieved "alone" or through their Ministries during this coalition. Salvini is busy at work trying to seem like the guy who "gets infrastructure done" (shades of Mussolini there) in order to revive Lega -- again this is necessary cos otherwise both Forza and Lega could be rendered obsolete by the all-conquering Fratelli.

Salvini has the edge over Forza in terms of maintaining a solid following in the coming years because of his greater media visibility and the "seriousness" of the projects he is undertaking, or promising to undertake, in the next few years (completing unfinished highways, building bridges, stuff like that). Forza Italia don't have much going for them in this regard... so far.

The boring but easily-imaginable scenario is that Forza sort of wither into nothingness despite being part of this coalition, lose such a massive share of the vote in the next election as to be rendered irrelevant forever, and Fratelli and Lega sweep up those votes (in what proportion depends on everything the two parties do in the next few years). Forza Italia voters moving to PD? I very much doubt it. PD is moving leftward now, not rightward, and Forza Italia voters are an ageing demographic, so unlikely to switch to PD now that it is led by a bisexual Jewish woman.
As it happens, seeing this over the weekend:

Dying is the only way to stop these cunts popping back up round the U-bend again. Hope it’s a lasting trend.
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