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If Burton Albion get promoted.......


This is something I've just heard from a bloke in the supermarket queue who got it from a mate in the pub who 'knows one of the ground staff'. It is probably therefore bollocks.

He said that if Burton get promoted to the championship, they will have to play their home games at Derby County's stadium because their ground isn't up to Championship standards...it is mainly standing for a start.

Is this true or total bollocks?
Did you Google? No need for man in the pub when you have the internet.

Wikipedia said:
A new stadium would need to be created to Football League standards in the event of a further promotion
it only has about 2000 seats, which is well under the FA requirement (which is 5000 iirr), so it sounds highly plausible
They'll no doubt be able to get a grant from the FA to modernise the stadium.

They may be given dispensation until the work is done.

Cardiff City were allowed to use Ninian Park for several years under dispensations because we were building a new stadium.
Crazy to think that a team that only got into the conference in 2002 could be hosting Aston Villa, Sunderland and the Toon Army next season. (Although I think the latter will survive).
As a Hull City fan and ground ticker, well over 100, I,m excited about Burton coming up as a new tick.

Selhurst Park fans are very noisey and a lot of that is down to the ground but it's a shithole for away fans.
Football fans were treated like cattle in the old days, both in and around stadiums. Expecting a few improvements is not "complaining about modern football".

What you want then ? Padded seats ? Costa coffee outlet ? Score board with 3D graphics ?
Stupid rule, also happens in Scotland. Burton have no need for a large stadium. Bar a few large away followings in the championship. Playing devils advocate if they came straight down they would have a hole in their balance sheet for the unnecessary ground expansion and have additional costs for maintenance/running. Small clubs shouldn't be punished for success
It does amuse me when the same people who complain about modern football take a pop a selhurst park.
It's more due to the match day experience. Glenn.....Murray!
It's more due to the match day experience. Glenn.....Murray!

I'll take that over this...

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