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I love Brighton and Hove Albion

Begrudging congratulations on last nights result. You wiped the floor with Ajax.
Brighton have wiped the floor with you lot too. Light years ahead of you in every department. Hows the new stand coming along?
Brighton have wiped the floor with you lot too. Light years ahead of you in every department. Hows the new stand coming along?
That joke went right over your head.

Reduced to piggybacking on other teams success to try and score points against us now. How desperate!
That joke went right over your head.
Not at all. I got it straight away, it gave me a smile because it was clever.

Reduced to piggybacking on other teams success to try and score points against us now. How desperate!
Don't be daft, that's just paranoia. What are rivalaries if there isn't piss taking and and stirring the nest? If i wanted to score points i'd have been on your palace thread at 5pm on Saturady.

Also i have a soft spot for Brighton that goes back years. I lived in Hove for years and find the place quaint, very laid back and the city/people very accepting and non judgemental. What did surprise me when i first moved there was there's a fair few Palace knocking about. Saturday if i was travelling down for a Wall game there'd be lots of Palace hovering about wearing shirts or colours and no hassle at all. The train would pick Palace up all the way down. I didn't realise you lot ventured down that way to settle. I always thought Surrey, Bromley, Kent was it. I actually had some good laughs with your lot on the rattler. We got to know each other quite well over bumping into each other for about 4 years. Five and six Palace piss taking against one Spanner as they'd call me :D Oh and smallwall. Also a lot of Chelsea down Sussex that'd be on the train. Fucking horrible lot most of the time. Dads in the 50's or so with sons late teens/ early 20's being loud and openly racist. Proper white flight trash.
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Top of our group ahead of Ajax, AEK Athens and Marseille! Just got back home and will be getting up in about 6 hours time for work.

Happy days - Louis MacNeice
From Marseille to Stoke away, football is fantastic, just gob smakingly engaging and wonderful.

Obviously if we had lost I wouldn't be posting this.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
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