mojo pixy
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what do you want me to say? the use of "working class" as code for "racist white man regardless of occupation or relation to capital" is ubiquitous on left, right and centre.
I don't let stupid people dictate my terminology though, pro tip: that's a bad idea. At the very least you would need to add "white" to "working class" for what you say to be true. And even then you'd be generalising massively and conflating class with identity on purpose.
then liberals accuse anyone talking about class as being racist sexists, and other liberals and some leftists use "identity politics" to dismiss feminism, anti-racism, queer politics etc altogether. I've had both multiple times.
I think you're exaggerating how often this happens and how seriously anyone should take it. That's just my opinion, but I'm ok with admitting my political outlook is class based and not identitarian. I feel more can be achieved for more people, and more fairly, by focussing on class than on identity.
If I'm only interested in me, or in "us" then identity is the answer, sure. If I'm interested in everyone benefitting then identity will be too limited a framework to he useful. It's basically cronyism.