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Identity Politics: the impasse, the debate, the thread.

Some extracts below from The Problem of Trauma Culture by Catherine Liu , which I think gives one explanation contributing to the prioritising of identities over class politics emanating from the individualisation of “trauma culture” in USA.
“ The focus on all forms of trauma except economic exploitation has helped to disguise the problem at the heart of neoliberalism….

The professional managerial class (PMC) has helped promote this (trauma) culture, along with the fantasy that financial anxiety and stress are temporary states of being that can be overcome through hard work, competition and education.

This class emerged in the late 19th and early 20th century as an intermediary between the bourgeoisie, who could live on trust funds and interest, and the working class that labored to produce the profits enjoyed by its exploiters.

The PMC consisted of white-collar salaried employees with educational credentials, whose expertise was honed in institutions of higher education. Its expansion and empowerment happened in two waves in the United States: The first, emerging out of the Progressive Era, produced social scientists, engineers, economists and policy experts who could fill roles created by the New Deal. The second wave of PMC empowerment occurred during the Cold War, with the rapid expansion of the military industrial complex….

Trauma culture takes suffering at the individual level as a privileged site of political struggle, inheriting its mandate from the 1960s cliche: The personal is the political. In doing so, however, it standardizes and mass markets individual suffering, through what sociologist Eva Illouz defined as a tightly scripted “trauma narrative” — an innocent protagonist, fractured and destroyed, then redeemed and remade whole as a survivor — that endows individual stories with immediately recognizable meanings.…

By confusing the personal with the political, trauma culture actively prevents us from seeing the material conditions of wage labor as the proper site of political struggle. Ever since the dawn of industrial capitalism, the working class finds itself pitted against the capitalist, who seeks to surveil, exploit and extract every bit of labor power from her workers. The greater the suffering of the working class, the greater the profits for the capitalist. By focusing on all forms of trauma except exploitation, trauma culture has helped to disguise the economic violence at the heart of neoliberal macroeconomic policies.…

The New Left anti-war and women’s movement proposed that private suffering should be turned into public action. The mantra that the “personal is the political” was brewed in the ferment of anti-war protests and feminist political agitation. A class of liberal experts reframed suffering as trauma in two ways, divided along gender lines: war trauma and sexual violence...

In return for its share of profits extracted from labor, the PMC undertook the endless work of ideological reproduction, sidelining economic issues in favor of endless culture wars.
On corporate platforms, PMC content production has cemented its hold on depoliticized concepts of trauma, suffering and healing in order to consolidate its victory over classical liberalism and its embrace of anti-democratic politics.

The liberal PMC has successfully reframed the American media public sphere as one in which the identity of the “survivor” has become a privileged political subject, more significant than the old-fashioned notion of the worker. In this way, the trauma script conveniently sidelines the division of labor and exploitation…

Oprah Winfrey’s success can be understood in the trajectory of another segment of 1960s political unrest and political transformation: the civil rights movement. On her show, in her pleas for healing and recognition, Winfrey echoes the cadences of African American preachers and political leaders, stripped of political content. Her appeal transcends race, and her success and power can be understood as one singular individual’s fulfillment of Martin Luther King Jr.’s expansive dream for racial justice…

Accepting the trauma script has left us, as a society, remarkably unprepared to focus on actual policy solutions that could alleviate suffering on a mass scale.….

We must wage a political struggle to protect private experiences of suffering and trauma from the promises of the market and the algorithms of surveillance capitalism.

The Problem With Trauma Culture | NOEMA
Some extracts below from The Problem of Trauma Culture by Catherine Liu , which I think gives one explanation contributing to the prioritising of identities over class politics emanating from the individualisation of “trauma culture” in USA.
“ The focus on all forms of trauma except economic exploitation has helped to disguise the problem at the heart of neoliberalism….

The professional managerial class (PMC) has helped promote this (trauma) culture, along with the fantasy that financial anxiety and stress are temporary states of being that can be overcome through hard work, competition and education.

This class emerged in the late 19th and early 20th century as an intermediary between the bourgeoisie, who could live on trust funds and interest, and the working class that labored to produce the profits enjoyed by its exploiters.

The PMC consisted of white-collar salaried employees with educational credentials, whose expertise was honed in institutions of higher education. Its expansion and empowerment happened in two waves in the United States: The first, emerging out of the Progressive Era, produced social scientists, engineers, economists and policy experts who could fill roles created by the New Deal. The second wave of PMC empowerment occurred during the Cold War, with the rapid expansion of the military industrial complex….

Trauma culture takes suffering at the individual level as a privileged site of political struggle, inheriting its mandate from the 1960s cliche: The personal is the political. In doing so, however, it standardizes and mass markets individual suffering, through what sociologist Eva Illouz defined as a tightly scripted “trauma narrative” — an innocent protagonist, fractured and destroyed, then redeemed and remade whole as a survivor — that endows individual stories with immediately recognizable meanings.…

By confusing the personal with the political, trauma culture actively prevents us from seeing the material conditions of wage labor as the proper site of political struggle. Ever since the dawn of industrial capitalism, the working class finds itself pitted against the capitalist, who seeks to surveil, exploit and extract every bit of labor power from her workers. The greater the suffering of the working class, the greater the profits for the capitalist. By focusing on all forms of trauma except exploitation, trauma culture has helped to disguise the economic violence at the heart of neoliberal macroeconomic policies.…

The New Left anti-war and women’s movement proposed that private suffering should be turned into public action. The mantra that the “personal is the political” was brewed in the ferment of anti-war protests and feminist political agitation. A class of liberal experts reframed suffering as trauma in two ways, divided along gender lines: war trauma and sexual violence...

In return for its share of profits extracted from labor, the PMC undertook the endless work of ideological reproduction, sidelining economic issues in favor of endless culture wars.
On corporate platforms, PMC content production has cemented its hold on depoliticized concepts of trauma, suffering and healing in order to consolidate its victory over classical liberalism and its embrace of anti-democratic politics.

The liberal PMC has successfully reframed the American media public sphere as one in which the identity of the “survivor” has become a privileged political subject, more significant than the old-fashioned notion of the worker. In this way, the trauma script conveniently sidelines the division of labor and exploitation…

Oprah Winfrey’s success can be understood in the trajectory of another segment of 1960s political unrest and political transformation: the civil rights movement. On her show, in her pleas for healing and recognition, Winfrey echoes the cadences of African American preachers and political leaders, stripped of political content. Her appeal transcends race, and her success and power can be understood as one singular individual’s fulfillment of Martin Luther King Jr.’s expansive dream for racial justice…

Accepting the trauma script has left us, as a society, remarkably unprepared to focus on actual policy solutions that could alleviate suffering on a mass scale.….

We must wage a political struggle to protect private experiences of suffering and trauma from the promises of the market and the algorithms of surveillance capitalism.

The Problem With Trauma Culture | NOEMA

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Thought this might interest some:
"Class and the City of London: my decade of research shows why elitism is endemic and top firms don’t really care"

"An emphasis on social mobility is an attractive agenda for both City leaders and politicians who can present change as a “win-win” – for talented people and the organisations they join. But in practice, this is a zero-sum game: when opportunities are not expanding in absolute terms, for some people to move up others must move down. Current conversations allow City and other elites to avoid such uncomfortable truths.

Instead they focus on more palatable, less threatening questions of culture and behaviour, over the fundamental changes that are needed if the UK’s resources and rewards are to be more fairly distributed. The City of London must recognise its own role in perpetuating – and increasing – economic injustice if ever this status quo is to change."

Class and the City of London: my decade of research shows why elitism is endemic and top firms don't really care

from someone who has worked with the city to help it become more 'meritocratic' ...
This is interesting too. I do recall taking issue with the eugenist insults being flung about on the trans/peadophile thread (and elsewhere too), as well as with the fantasies of ‘dragging the inflexibly minded bigots kicking and screaming’ (and I recall the variously smug and self righteous comments in response)

Anyway, here’s West Yorkshire police acting on out those progressive wishes (upon someone who the Left have never cared about anyway)

This is interesting too. I do recall taking issue with the eugenist insults being flung about on the trans/peadophile thread (and elsewhere too), as well as with the fantasies of ‘dragging the inflexibly minded bigots kicking and screaming’ (and I recall the variously smug and self righteous comments in response)

Anyway, here’s West Yorkshire police acting on out those progressive wishes (upon someone who the Left have never cared about anyway)

wtf are you on about, and why are you doing it on this thread?
The politics of identity and its relationship to disability. Have you read this thread?
Closer than you, I suspect.

Now, explain your vague and sneery comment some more, if you please. Because it's just making you look like a bigot at the moment.
it doesn’t bothers how I come across to you belboid. The incident I posted about bothers me. As does the empowerment of the police to act like this. As does the ease with which right wing scum bags are taking advantage of it.
it doesn’t bothers how I come across to you belboid. The incident I posted about bothers me. As does the empowerment of the police to act like this. As does the ease with which right wing scum bags are taking advantage of it.
But it has 0% to do with 'identity politics', it's about the police being cunts. The fact that you are tying to identity politics is 100% on you.
so the police (along with every other agency of authority) using their wounded identity to assert their authority, and those without power (eg 16 y/o autistic working working girls) getting no protection from citing their identity, has nothing to do with identity politics. Right
Or those with cognitive/communication disabilities (such as the girl in question) being more likely to fall foul of speech offences. Nope, sod all to do with idpol that
ohh please, it was about the police being cunts, because the police are cunts.

And you are the only one one Urban who haas ever used the phrase 'dragging the inflexibly minded finger painting idiots kicking and screaming' before, so stop pretending other people have. This is about you and your issues with others posters.
ohh please, it was about the police being cunts, because the police are cunts.

And you are the only one one Urban who haas ever used the phrase 'dragging the inflexibly minded finger painting idiots kicking and screaming' before, so stop pretending other people have. This is about you and your issues with others posters.

Oh please yourself. And your claim (misquoting me as it happens) is a lie. And you can paint it as a personal beef (that’s the line I guess). If the police are doing literally what idpollers want them to (and every cunt from Britain first to Gb news is exploiting that) maybe it’s something to think about. Or not. You do you.
Oh please yourself. And your claim (misquoting me as it happens) is a lie. And you can paint it as a personal beef (that’s the line I guess). If the police are doing literally what idpollers want them to (and every cunt from Britain first to Gb news is exploiting that) maybe it’s something to think about. Or not. You do you.
You're an idpoller. Just a different id.

Apologies for adding the words 'finger dragging' to your line, which is from an ongoing personal beef (with someone not even on this thread, I think).
whatever. You don’t want to engage with the points I’ve raised. You can misquote me and (rather ironically) talk about personal beefs to your hearts content. Enjoy your Friday
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