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Can you identify this uniform?

sorry, not a bus company i recognise...

Reminds me of when I worked for the Council and I was invited to one of the local Police Inspector's retirement do . My partner (later my wife) was coming up from Cambridge for the weekend and I explained that I needed to attend and would she like to meet me at the venue when she arrived. Duly arrives, get her a drink and I introduce her to the Inspector who is not in uniform but wearing grey trousers, a maroon shirt and a grey tie.
"Paula", I say "This is Inspector Mike X"
He says" 'Pleased to meet you Paula, I've heard a lot about you"
and she replies "Thanks, what bus company do you work for ?"
Urban75 member has sick Nazi sex orgy with 5 hookers. Later banned from the community for being found guilty of wearing medal ribbons over wrong pleated pocket.
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