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Ian Hislop and Private Eye

accepted, tolerated needle in the side of the establishment he and his rag are part of. See also, previous editor Peter Cook.

They have a massive libel defence fund and do regularly make many funny and angering attacks on politicians and institutions. It is well written satire carrying a lamp in daylight.
I would love a swift slap to those chubby little cheeks, and I'm not a violent man.
Private Eye may be many things, but I don't think it's ever been working-class. It's not anti-working-class either, as far as I can see.

accepted, tolerated needle in the side of the establishment he and his rag are part of. See also, previous editor Peter Cook.

They have a massive libel defence fund and do regularly make many funny and angering attacks on politicians and institutions. It is well written satire carrying a lamp in daylight.

I like that phrasing even though I'm not entirely sure what you mean by it.
Ian Hislop:

Middle class.
Went to Oxford.
Right-leaning Lib Dem.

Private Eye:

A thorn in the establishment maybe but hardly on working class grounds.
I usually buy Private Eye when I am in an airport (not very often these days) and I think you have to read it often to get to know who all the pseudonyms are.

Some of it goes over my head because I don't know who they are talking about.
accepted, tolerated needle in the side of the establishment he and his rag are part of. See also, previous editor Peter Cook.

They have a massive libel defence fund and do regularly make many funny and angering attacks on politicians and institutions. It is well written satire carrying a lamp in daylight.
Peter Cook and Nicholas Luard financed Private Eye.
The previous editor was Richard Ingrams.
Private Eye may be many things, but I don't think it's ever been working-class. It's not anti-working-class either, as far as I can see.

I like that phrasing even though I'm not entirely sure what you mean by it.

diogenes. A greek cynic philospher who was said to carry a lamp in daylight because he was looking for an honest man.

What I mean by it is that gleeful lampooning of the status quo is not much cop when you are part of that establishment youself. Like a sixth form stage play ripping it out of the sirs iywsim.
I usually buy Private Eye when I am in an airport (not very often these days) and I think you have to read it often to get to know who all the pseudonyms are.

OTM. I've started reading it regularly now and am still picking up Eye-speak with each issue.
Like a sixth form stage play ripping it out of the sirs iywsim.
That's just about what it is.

I haven't read it for years but when I did I usually focused on Paul Foot and the 'In The City' pages.
You'd read some stuff there that would surface months later in the mainstream press with shock, horror, snouts in troughs headlines.

As for their relationship to the working class. Odd question. :confused:

What are Mojo's links to the Countryside Alliance?
was it the Private Eye which ran a cover a few years ago with the Israel flag? Implying the power of the Jewish Lobby? I'm sure it was the Private Eye?
accepted, tolerated needle in the side of the establishment he and his rag are part of. See also, previous editor Peter Cook.

They have a massive libel defence fund and do regularly make many funny and angering attacks on politicians and institutions. It is well written satire carrying a lamp in daylight.

dot com where do you get all this stuff from? You should make money from writing.
if you hear of an organ willing to accept angry pissheads who bang out 70% mickey taking and 30% analysis then let me know.
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