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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

Fair enough, but I thought it was relevant in that it's major news and linked to the overall issue .

This however is even more worrying . Oslo police statistics show that over the past 5 years 100 percent...all...of the ( reported ) stranger rapes carried out in Oslo were by men of immigrant backgrounds . All of them . I'd seen that figure bandied about and assumed it was nazi propaganda and dismissed it . But it's actually true . And that is really shit news . I still instinctively find it unbelievable, I don't want to believe it but there it is . It's incredible .

How is it possible that there's not going to be a popular backlash against this stuff if it carries on like this ? Do we just ignore this ? How is it to be dealt with ? actually dealt with ?

the Norwegian TV report grossly distorts the findings and omits essential information resulting in a wholly misleading picture..
Debunked: the Zionist and Islamophobic libel of a "rape epidemic" by Muslims in Norway

Sources cited, including the police report in question.

Looks like some lazy reporter picked up a story that started as racist loon propaganda and didn't check it out properly. Or was aware and went with it anyway.

Then someone added English subtitles and a bunch more racist loons posted it all over social media ...

Then you posted it here.
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I am glad you have more faith in education Bimble because from where I am sitting, I can see our education system being taken apart by special interest groups including faith schools.

Education is a weapon whose effect depends on who holds it and against whom it is directed.

But because these are minority cultures, I have felt that the balance of power will always tip towards a liberal western secularism

'always' is a long time. Western societies have been hollowed out by a combination of neoliberalism and "calculus of oppression" type identity politics.

And is there going to be endless cover-ups because we don't count? Like arab women don't count.I mean, there was only a handful of actual rapes...the rest was just a bit of groping and pick-pocketing

It sucks when someone with more 'victimhood' points comes along and you're on the receiving end. Justice? No sorry we don't do that any more - whoever has more victimhood points is automatically in the right.
Your answer to make Germany and Sweden safe for women is to send back/stop non-Swedes non-Germans.
This then means that the foreigners stay in that foriegn country and so that foreign country is particularly not-safe for women.
Unless the limit of the concern is simply German and Swedish women this is madness from a women's right to safety viewpoint.

Well that's all very well but how do you suggest we force everyone else all around the world to take the same attitude to women's rights as you?
Well that's all very well but how do you suggest we force everyone else all around the world to take the same attitude to women's rights as you?
as apparently 95% of rapes committed by friends/family perhaps it might be a start to improve that figure in european societies. never mind all round the world, all that counts for nought if attitudes to women's rights predicated on who is infringing them.
Just to reiterate, because I can see from comments in the last few pages that I need to do so again.

I am not doubting the substance of the victim accounts of Nye nor that a substantial number of the attackers were not ethnic Germans.

I'm trying to add a sceptical voice to this discussion because there is a great deal of very unpleasant propaganda active in a very emotive atmosphere at present.

Just look at the lifecycle of the propaganda piece discussed in my previous post if you can't immediately see why I think that's worth doing.
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One of those imams came out after these attacks and blamed the women for wearing perfume and stuff . Initially I just thought " stupid medieval twat " . But after I thought about it a bit I took it as a bit more sinister . Like it was more of a backhanded threat or warning . Like it was " you'd better change your ways or this is what'll happen you women " . Feminists should have been straight down to that twats door protesting and calling him out just like they would anyone else who went on tv and said that . There needs to be a more robust attitude to this sort of stuff without fear of causing offence , or the issue of freedoms is just a hypocritical joke .
Those Niqabs are really getting on my tits now as well . Years ago I'd have defended peoples right to wear them but these days they get my goat . It's like a massive big piss off to not just assimilation but to other people in general . Self ghettoisation . Not healthy .
I've only ever seen Niqabs in Dublin.

Anyway, re: that arsehole Imam.

Cologne imam: Women provoked sex attacks by 'wearing perfume' and being 'half-naked' | News | DW.COM | 22.01.2016

"The imam's comments were met with outrage on social media, with German Greens politician Volker Beck tweeting that Abu-Yusuf's claims were "misanthropy" and that he had filed a criminal complaint against the imam."

That's odd. I thought "liberals" like say this Green politicoe were supposed to be covering up this shite, not filing criminal complaints against it.
I'm not attacking you but the author of that piece who suggests the left is responsible for not seeing things going on and covering them up. It was the police and their allied governments who did that.

Hi sihhi.
If you agree that there was on the part of the police / governments an effort to 'not see things going on' and to cover them up.. why do you reckon they behaved in that way ?
I think it was out of confused good intentions, an attempt to stop this story from becoming a gift to the far right. But that has obviously not worked, at all, backfired disastrously.

I think you may have misread her piece. The point she's making is not that 'the left' covered up the events but that the predominant reaction from leftie types has been to prevaricate, to say hang on maybe this isn't such a big story after all, and lets wait and see, we can't be sure this has anything to do with immigration etc etc.
She's saying that "This sort of obfuscation is dangerous because it is driving otherwise reasonable people away from the left and all too often into the arms of right-wing populism".
First Cologne, Now Sweden: How Left-Wing Apologism Is Fueling Right-Wing Populism
Hi sihhi.
If you agree that there was on the part of the police / governments an effort to 'not see things going on' and to cover them up.. why do you reckon they behaved in that way ?
I think it was out of confused good intentions, an attempt to stop this story from becoming a gift to the far right. But that has obviously not worked, at all, backfired disastrously.

I think you may have misread her piece. The point she's making is not that 'the left' covered up the events but that the predominant reaction from leftie types has been to prevaricate, to say hang on maybe this isn't such a big story after all, and lets wait and see, we can't be sure this has anything to do with immigration etc etc.
She's saying that "This sort of obfuscation is dangerous because it is driving otherwise reasonable people away from the left and all too often into the arms of right-wing populism".
First Cologne, Now Sweden: How Left-Wing Apologism Is Fueling Right-Wing Populism

I can't answer now, but this section is saying leftist newspapers were involved in the cover up and were covering things up.

Perhaps because the police report appeared to give credence to a some-bad-apples-among-the-innocent-refugees narrative that we liberals often like to pretend has no bearing, for a whole day after it emerged in Germany, only the right-wing press in Britain deigned to publish it. In some cases even as late as Friday morning, there were left-leaning articles sticking with the "nobody really knows if migrants were involved" rhetoric


When political correctness reaches the point in which people are -- never mind being afraid to express opinion -- afraid to report police memos, then we know sanity has been left behind. This sort of obfuscation is dangerous not just because it makes detection of the actual perpetrators more difficult, but also because it is driving otherwise reasonable people away from the left and all too often into the arms of right-wing populism.

It is also suggesting that political correctness has somehow stopped the reporting of police memos:- absolute nonsense in my view.
I've only ever seen Niqabs in Dublin.

Anyway, re: that arsehole Imam.

Cologne imam: Women provoked sex attacks by 'wearing perfume' and being 'half-naked' | News | DW.COM | 22.01.2016

"The imam's comments were met with outrage on social media, with German Greens politician Volker Beck tweeting that Abu-Yusuf's claims were "misanthropy" and that he had filed a criminal complaint against the imam."

That's odd. I thought "liberals" like say this Green politicoe were supposed to be covering up this shite, not filing criminal complaints against it.
it's like something out of an auld basick programme:

so where are the prosecutions ffs. During the (ahem) riots, practically every person who so much as glanced at an errant trainer or bottle of water was picked up and charged - dozens of them, on CCTV evidence alone. So where is the justice here? One bloody man...out of hundreds. Is this what we are to read into this - property counts for everything, women's bodies...less so.
so where are the prosecutions ffs. During the (ahem) riots, practically every person who so much as glanced at an errant trainer or bottle of water was picked up and charged - dozens of them, on CCTV evidence alone. So where is the justice here? One bloody man...out of hundreds. Is this what we are to read into this - property counts for everything, women's bodies...less so.
that the german reputation for clinical efficiency overrated.
No idea where the extra 300 have come from since yesterday but according to this..
"The number of complaints of sexual assault in and around the main station in Cologne that night now stands at more than 820."

German carnivals give refugees rulebook after mass sex attacks

(if you stick to the Guardian though, there's no advance on the figure from a couple of weeks ago, which is well under half that, and no writing about the subject at all since that single arrest was announced.)
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Debunked: the Zionist and Islamophobic libel of a "rape epidemic" by Muslims in Norway

Sources cited, including the police report in question.

Looks like some lazy reporter picked up a story that started as racist loon propaganda and didn't check it out properly. Or was aware and went with it anyway.

Then someone added English subtitles and a bunch more racist loons posted it all over social media ...

Then you posted it here.

The Electronic Intifada is not always a realiable source, the Jews are always in there somewhere.
What's that all about then? Politically?
Damned if I know. But from the end of the article at my link:
Kremlin-backed media have often been accused of using propaganda to stir up trouble with Russian-speakers living in the Baltics.

But now some fear the same tactic could be being used in Germany, possibly to keep Chancellor Angela Merkel on the back-foot when it comes to the fate of EU sanctions imposed on Russia because of the conflict in eastern Ukraine.
from which it seems that either the Russians are using propaganda to stir up trouble as suggested, or that it suits someone to suggest that they are. As the BBC story doesn't cite a source for 'now some fear' it's open to question whether there are indeed some, whether they are credible, or whether the BBC is whipping up a story. What do you think?
so where are the prosecutions ffs. During the (ahem) riots, practically every person who so much as glanced at an errant trainer or bottle of water was picked up and charged - dozens of them, on CCTV evidence alone. So where is the justice here? One bloody man...out of hundreds. Is this what we are to read into this - property counts for everything, women's bodies...less so.

Germany isn't a CCTV infested shithole like Britain or Ireland . People who've grown up under the shadow of the Gestapo and the Stasi really don't like being constantly observed and won't stand for it . There was no real need for it . Until they let all these guys in .
But that part of their way of life may be under threat now too .

But the fact is they kept this quiet for a week . So there simply wasn't any search for any suspects . Plenty of time to dispose of any stolen property, get rid of clothes, concoct alibis , change address . And it's been almost a month now so we may forget it about it pretty much unless there's a mass crisis of conscience and they hand themselves in .

And apparently the mayor of the city claims she never even heard about it until it came on the news a week later . Which sounds like complete utter bullshit to me . Just like everything else she's had to say on the subject .
Strong Putin will never allow what happened in the decadent West to happen in Russia, look to Putin to save Europe etc

I don't think so . It seems very similar to the uproar in Russia about the abuse scandal involving Russian adoptees in the USA . They ended up banning the USA as a destination for adopted children .. Russia is chronically underpopulated and it's more likely aimed at encouraging their people to stay home / come home and getting a dig in at merkel while they're at it. One she deserves frankly after the cover up .
Damned if I know. But from the end of the article at my link: from which it seems that either the Russians are using propaganda to stir up trouble as suggested, or that it suits someone to suggest that they are. As the BBC story doesn't cite a source for 'now some fear' it's open to question whether there are indeed some, whether they are credible, or whether the BBC is whipping up a story. What do you think?

I think it's the usual lamentable "blame someone else" for the results of their own fuck-ups.
So many brand new women's rights activists we never knew we had. :facepalm: Hows this for disgustingness:

"Dutch anti-immigrant politician Geert Wilders has handed out self-defence sprays to women fearful of what he described as "Islamic testosterone bombs"..

A small group of protesters awaited the right-wing politician, shouting slogans such as "Wilders is a racist, not a feminist".
Ten of the female protesters were arrested for not having permission to demonstrate, Dutch media reported.

Wilders: Migrant men are 'Islamic testosterone bombs'
I don't think so . It seems very similar to the uproar in Russia about the abuse scandal involving Russian adoptees in the USA . They ended up banning the USA as a destination for adopted children .. Russia is chronically underpopulated and it's more likely aimed at encouraging their people to stay home / come home and getting a dig in at merkel while they're at it. One she deserves frankly after the cover up .

There has definitely been a very strong effort at cultivating the European far-right, to a lesser extent also the left, by Russia in recent years and this is part of it. It's obviously retaliatory, NATO has done the exact same, but it is what it is.
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