Can anybody think of a single great building whose construction was not in part for some dubious purpose, ranging from state religion (cathedrals) to state power (castles and famous walls) or to big up some nobleman, billionaire, dictator, philanthropist or whatever? Look how often these places end up with a person's name: Cheops, Hadrian, Offa, Buckingham, Guggenheim.
BTW I was thinking of how many words try to convey much the same feeling: marvellous, wonderful, awesome. 'Fabulous' meaning 'fable-ous'. 'Magnificent' means 'making great' I suppose, or 'doing great'. 'Astonishing' originally meaning 'thunder-striking'.
We may use them now to talk about a quite nice meal but they had the sense of jaw-dropping amazement.
So I don't too much mind the dodginess of the first if it gives me the second.