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How was your cycle commute?

I love cycling to work! I really love cycling home from work :) No other activity is simultaneously meditative and life-threatening :) Thread-bump for more tales from the road.

Here’s a thing...
no light bike.jpg

Why would you do this? I know you can see a cyclist with no lights and all dressed in black, but you see them later so you are nearer, and have less time to make adjustments. Why do many cyclists choose to raise chance of injury to themselves or others by having no lights and dressing like this?
I hated cycling to work and back in the dark and I made sure I retired before the clocks changed.
Mostly it was other cyclists on narrow shared paths with insanely bright lighting - often strobing.

I made my own lights for many years and eventually ended up with a default rear light that was a German-made StVZO lamp that most would consider too dim. I also made one with 48 LEDs that would cut through heavy fog, but I hardly used it - and eventually I put a Euro flag over the top because it was that size and shape ...

In an urban situation on a large road - which was always rare for me, I suppose I might have wanted something brighter ...
I love cycling to work! I really love cycling home from work :) No other activity is simultaneously meditative and life-threatening :) Thread-bump for more tales from the road.

Here’s a thing...
View attachment 315268

Why would you do this? I know you can see a cyclist with no lights and all dressed in black, but you see them later so you are nearer, and have less time to make adjustments. Why do many cyclists choose to raise chance of injury to themselves or others by having no lights and dressing like this?
Like what? Who are you talking about? There's no one in the picture.

My cycle commute today was not the best.. My mobile was dead so no GPS meant I ended up getting lost and on some unfamiliar junctions.. While waiting in the centre to turn right from Farringdon Road onto Roseberry Avenue a large van passed with probably less than a foot to spare.

Meanwhile on the way home another cyclist asked me 'what I was doing' when I apparently failed to anticpiate his route correctly as he cycled towards me on the wrong side of the road. :facepalm:
Saw a crash on the Embankment C3 cycle lane- just ahead of me this evening. That cycle lane is massively overcrowded at peak times... not helped by some of the inane overtaking going on.. with people encroaching onto the other side of the lane.. :facepalm:
Saw a crash on the Embankment C3 cycle lane- just ahead of me this evening. That cycle lane is massively overcrowded at peak times... not helped by some of the inane overtaking going on.. with people encroaching onto the other side of the lane.. :facepalm:
It's also fairly hair-raising on the bit that goes to the wharf, east of Tower Bridge
Some delightful gentlemen (I can't imagine it was ladies of any kind) over the weekend filled the bike & bus lanes on Chelsea Bridge and Queenstown Road with broken glass. Broken bottle after broken bottle. Some unbroken. Only in the metre closest to the kerb. I bet it felt good, but what was it supposed to achieve exactly? Feeling good about themselves, I suppose.
Some delightful gentlemen (I can't imagine it was ladies of any kind) over the weekend filled the bike & bus lanes on Chelsea Bridge and Queenstown Road with broken glass. Broken bottle after broken bottle. Some unbroken. Only in the metre closest to the kerb. I bet it felt good, but what was it supposed to achieve exactly? Feeling good about themselves, I suppose.
Hmm. I didn't notice that but I did get my first puncture in a long time after crossing Chelsea Bridge last week. Noticed the flat when I got to the roundabout.
Im new to Birmingham & the UK, but I must say I am LOVING the bike ride to work. Even last few weeks where weather has changed. As long as its dry(ish) i'm doing it. Dont like it when the gutters & surface is so full of water that is coming up at me from beneath .... I can cope with the falling stuff! What are winters like here, for cyclists? icy roads? do gritters do bike lanes?

There are a few miles of proper bike routes & lanes (some with their own stop/go lights!) . During the summer I had chats with other cyclists at lights (Im a chatty guy) and everyone was in good form (thats the sunshine for ya). Its gone a bit quiet now as nights are drawing in. On that note, I really hate victim-blaming, but .... seeing cyclists dressed all in black, no lights, no helmets .... come-on.... help yourselfs, guys !!!! Dont give the drivers amunition ...

Also, got myself an e-bike .... makes the hills so much easier (didnt know there were so many in Brumm) and easier on the knees too (you feel that when you get to a certain age)

Didnt know that a particular bike / pedestrian crossing on my way to work was split (by the narrowest of island slivers) and when having a green man/bike on one side, does not mean the cars going in other direction have a red.... I was reminded by a motorist when I cycled (slowly) in front of him (he was going so slow that I thought he was stopping at the 'red') , but turns out he had green, and was going slow as he saw me crossing. Low speed, everyone had time to react. Nothing happened. But I saw him shrug & point to his green light . His point was made and I learned my lesson. I wish all interactions with motorists were this civil. I tip my helmet to you, sir.

Anyway , thats my contribution to this thread, by way of introduction.
What are winters like here, for cyclists? icy roads? do gritters do bike lanes?
You might find the blue lanes on the a38/a34 (which I'm pretty sure is what you refer to in your post) get gritted but generally no - when it gets icy/snowy it means sticking to bus routes/bus lanes.

Also generally best not to use the canals after dark and cannon hill park is a hot spot for muggers in winter at night if you are on that side of the city - generally the greenways around the city are best avoided on winter nights for safety reasons.
Im new to Birmingham & the UK, but I must say I am LOVING the bike ride to work. Even last few weeks where weather has changed. As long as its dry(ish) i'm doing it. Dont like it when the gutters & surface is so full of water that is coming up at me from beneath .... I can cope with the falling stuff! What are winters like here, for cyclists? icy roads? do gritters do bike lanes?

There are a few miles of proper bike routes & lanes (some with their own stop/go lights!) . During the summer I had chats with other cyclists at lights (Im a chatty guy) and everyone was in good form (thats the sunshine for ya). Its gone a bit quiet now as nights are drawing in. On that note, I really hate victim-blaming, but .... seeing cyclists dressed all in black, no lights, no helmets .... come-on.... help yourselfs, guys !!!! Dont give the drivers amunition ...

Also, got myself an e-bike .... makes the hills so much easier (didnt know there were so many in Brumm) and easier on the knees too (you feel that when you get to a certain age)

Didnt know that a particular bike / pedestrian crossing on my way to work was split (by the narrowest of island slivers) and when having a green man/bike on one side, does not mean the cars going in other direction have a red.... I was reminded by a motorist when I cycled (slowly) in front of him (he was going so slow that I thought he was stopping at the 'red') , but turns out he had green, and was going slow as he saw me crossing. Low speed, everyone had time to react. Nothing happened. But I saw him shrug & point to his green light . His point was made and I learned my lesson. I wish all interactions with motorists were this civil. I tip my helmet to you, sir.

Anyway , thats my contribution to this thread, by way of introduction.
Loving riding a bike in Birmingham? Wow, you must be brave :eek:
Loving riding a bike in Birmingham? Wow, you must be brave :eek:

I'm a very experienced cyclist and have ridden for years. I've ridden into central Birmingham at the end of two long rides or tours - once from the south and once from the north and I can honestly say I've never been so terrified on my bike.....
Trends I have noticed!

Drivers seem to be holding their phones less. I have a bad habit of staring into every car I pass and hardly see this at all now. Tesla and taxi drivers were always very good, and it seems everyone else has caught up. GREAT.

More people cycling on the pavement. There has been an uptick of this on my commute: Cyclists hopping onto the pavement when the road is blocked, or racing past old ladies and toddlers because they just don't fancy using the road. ILLEGAL.
bike delivery guys are (nearly) all in black, no lights, no helmet. And I passed 1 guy the other week and he was on his phone .... 4 strikes and I can say something, right?

but .....grand stretch in the evenings for the commute home :)
grand stretch in the morning / evening now . saw some daffodils begin to break ground. think winter might be over! it was def clammy on way home yesterday ..... warm rain , lovely !
Trends I have noticed!

Drivers seem to be holding their phones less. I have a bad habit of staring into every car I pass and hardly see this at all now. Tesla and taxi drivers were always very good, and it seems everyone else has caught up. GREAT.

More people cycling on the pavement. There has been an uptick of this on my commute: Cyclists hopping onto the pavement when the road is blocked, or racing past old ladies and toddlers because they just don't fancy using the road. ILLEGAL.
I raise you moped riders in the park. Mainly delivering food.
good news - cherry blossom trees are blooming now.
bad news - clock at King Edward school has been broken for some time, and I thought it was fixed today .... but it wasnt. This is halfway on my commute and handy landmark for a time check to see if I am on time
good news - dropped 1 of my earbuds yesterday when stopped at lights. Heard it hit the bike frame on way down (so I know it wasnt stuck in my clothes). couldnt find it . couldnt look too long as lights had changed. Found it today hanging on between 2 cables right by the pedals! Over 20 miles later!! Its a wonder it didnt bounce off !! Hope its still working ..... lol

Several white van drivers actually gave way today in 50:50 situations... is it the spring air? It was all going so well, then I meet the obligatory arsehole in the last 500m :facepalm:
Decided to put this on commute thread ( even though it was a Sunday) rather than on the cycle chat thread.

A sighting of a rare black quadricycle on the CS3

This is the west end of Royal Mint St, heading west (the street is one way, west to east only, for cars).
They drove all the way along this stretch of street fully on the cycle lane (forcing bikes coming the other way to have to get out of the way) . Then went through the red light (for bikes) at the end.

In (very) slight mitigation it was Critical Mass, so road traffic was problematic

Reported to TFL because , well...
This is the reply I got today, don't know if anything will, or should, come of it
From reviewing your web form, I understand that the driver was driving fully in the CS3 cycle lane. I sincerely apologise for this.

We expect the drivers to demonstrate a high standard of driving at all times and the conduct you set out in the web form, is of concern to us. I can assure you that appropriate measures will be taken.

I’d like to inform you that your complaint is currently being investigated and the appropriate measures will be taken at the end of our investigation. Actions available to us include; noting a driver’s file, or referring them to our licensing team. A referral could result in suspension, or loss of licence. Notes placed on the driver’s file are considered as part of the licence renewal process.
saw something interesting today .... a giant electronic billboard (that hasnt been working in a while) was displaying a Windows screen and someone was navigating their mouse through various drop-down options and clicking on icons .... maybe they were trying to fix it .... Just another day at the office but with icons as big as my head!
Decided to put this on commute thread ( even though it was a Sunday) rather than on the cycle chat thread.

A sighting of a rare black quadricycle on the CS3

This is the west end of Royal Mint St, heading west (the street is one way, west to east only, for cars).
They drove all the way along this stretch of street fully on the cycle lane (forcing bikes coming the other way to have to get out of the way) . Then went through the red light (for bikes) at the end.

In (very) slight mitigation it was Critical Mass, so road traffic was problematic

Reported to TFL because , well...
This is the reply I got today, don't know if anything will, or should, come of it

ImageView attachment 422691
Will they/have they updated you on the outcome of this?
Will they/have they updated you on the outcome of this?
Looks like we will never know for sure.......
30 April:
Thank you for your web form received 14 April regarding the driving standards of a licensed driver at the junction of Royal Mint Street, on 14 April around 15:05 PM.

I hope you are keeping well, and I apologise for the delay in responding to you.

From reviewing your web form, I understand that the driver was driving fully in the CS3 cycle lane. I sincerely apologise for this.

We expect the drivers to demonstrate a high standard of driving at all times and the conduct you set out in the web form, is of concern to us. I can assure you that appropriate measures will be taken.

I’d like to inform you that your complaint is currently being investigated and the appropriate measures will be taken at the end of our investigation. Actions available to us include; noting a driver’s file, or referring them to our licensing team. A referral could result in suspension, or loss of licence. Notes placed on the driver’s file are considered as part of the licence renewal process.

There are restrictions on the information we can share, which means we won’t be able to disclose the specific action taken against the driver. Although we’re unable to disclose those details, you can rest assured your complaint was taken very seriously and will be permanently placed on record, along with the outcome.
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