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Hootananny pub (formerly Hobgoblin)

The Hob is in the Evening Standard today:

Scottish dance revival in Brixton

A little part of south London is to become Scottish, with the opening of a ceilidh-themed pub in Brixton. The Hobgoblin pub in Effra Road is to be "tartanned-up" and renamed Hootananny. It claims to be London's first ceilidh bar, and will offer Celtic traditional music and dancing, and staff will wear kilts and sporrans. Lambeth Borough has 5,000 Scottish residents.

Licensee John Davis said, "Brixton is known as a bit of a dive with problems such as gun crime and street robbery. We're hoping a bit of friendly Scottish hospitality will inject some fun and love into the area."

I made the last bit up, by the way.;)
Subject: I wouldn't bother coming to Brixton
Name: Brixton Licensee
Date Posted: Aug 17, 07 - 5:52 AM
Message: Dear Hootananny

I used to run a licensed premises in brixton for a short time and I can guarantee you it's not worth the hassle! Within days of opening i experienced untold grief from various Brixton "characters" and I eventually sold up and went to Clapham, where it's lovely

Who was this then?
Nowt to do with me. I'm just the Willam Wallace/Jam flag poster that Minnie keeps quoting. <removes cape and mask whilst laughing maniacally>

There have been a couple of the Hob's licencees that lasted precisely sod all time in recent years to be fair tho, not least that gas-faced Irish twunt.
malice said:
this thread and the hootenany website has made me laugh all day (at the idea not the people on this thread).

Anyway, they've now responded to the censorship comment with the delightfully warm welcome:

"essentially, these posts are harming our future business in Brixton, which clearly has a long and successful future ahead of it. I'll remove your posts if I want, so sit down, shut up!"
sounds like someone is taking the piss!
:D :D :D

someone on the hootananny forum said:
O flower of Brixton
When will we see your like again
That smoked and drank for
Your wee bit of effra road
And stood against Hootananny
Proud Hobgoblin army
And sent them homeward
Tae think again, innit.

The Hob garden is bare now
And the bar lies thick and still
O'er boozer that is lost now
Which those so dearly held
And stood against them
Proud Hobgoblin army
And sent them homeward
Tae think again, blood.

Those days are passed now
And in the past they must remain
But we can still rise now
And be the Hobgoblin again
That stood against him
Proud Hobgoblin army
And sent them homeward
Tae think again...you get me rudebwoy?
This one actually made me gob tea on my keyboard:

William Wallace, Alex Ferguson, Adam Smith, Gordon Brown, Robert Louis Stevenson, Alexander Graham Bell, Jock Stein, JK Rowling, Lachlan McQuarrie, Robbie Burns, Mary Queen of Scots, Rob Roy, Alexander Fleming, John Boyd Dunlop, Arthur Conan Doyle, Charles the 1st, John Logie Baird, Billy Connelly, ****ign Macbeth......your ceilidh bar is gonna take one hell of a beating!

:D :D :D
Bob said:
Is it a public party or private? Have always fancied looking on that roof...

The upstairs room above the KFC is fab....
It's a friend's birthday party, so I think it's private
Brixton Hatter said:
The Hob is in the Evening Standard today:

Big colour piece on page 3 of SLP today.
New landlords look normal apart from the pigs bladder and bunch of sticks that the guy is holding in his hand.
Well. A Highland theme pub in Brixton.

Having grown up near Inverness, this is certainly the most bizarre news I've heard for a while.

I'm a bit surprised by all the negative response, to be honest, or at least the fact that it should be aimed at the new owners.

I will be sad to see the Hobgoblin go, but if it's going anyway, surely this is better than it turning into another bland gastropub, or a chinese restaurant, or dare I say it an Irish theme pub, or flats, all of which we have plenty of already. It's not as if London is overflowing with places playing traditional Scottish Music.

The one in Inverness has a pretty good reputation by the way.

You would think that another live music venue in Brixton would be something to be welcomed.

That said, I have to say that I will be surprised if it is a big success in that location. But who knows.
teuchter said:
Well. A Highland theme pub in Brixton.

Having grown up near Inverness, this is certainly the most bizarre news I've heard for a while.

I'm a bit surprised by all the negative response, to be honest, or at least the fact that it should be aimed at the new owners.

I will be sad to see the Hobgoblin go, but if it's going anyway, surely this is better than it turning into another bland gastropub, or a chinese restaurant, or dare I say it an Irish theme pub, or flats, all of which we have plenty of already. It's not as if London is overflowing with places playing traditional Scottish Music.

The one in Inverness has a pretty good reputation by the way.

You would think that another live music venue in Brixton would be something to be welcomed.

That said, I have to say that I will be surprised if it is a big success in that location. But who knows.

^^ yup agreed.... surely this little social experiment is better than what happened to the regent up the road...

im lookin forward to it. reason i love brixton is because of the randomness of the place, and this is certainly random :D scottish/thai place on brixton water lane. everyone ive told about it has laughed their arse off... thats gotta be better than a standard gastro pub refit..
I understand what you're saying, but I think turning the place into a permanent ceilidh will remove that randomness that we all love.

If what I've heard is true (and it could just be hearsay - theres a lot of that around right now), the main pub is going to be a restaurant, with the back room as the live music venue. So I suspect that people going for a drink will now have to pay to get in (at least in the evenings). I doubt any of the current locals will be willing to do this.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against the idea of a live music venue and I'm certainly not against the idea of the odd scottish night. I just worry that the place will no longer serve its function of a local pub where people can go for a drink and a chat with mates. That makes me really sad, especially in the light of what has been happening to the pubs on dulwich road and in herne hill.:(

Give it a few years and there will be nowhere left to go at this rate.
lizardqueen said:
If what I've heard is true (and it could just be hearsay - theres a lot of that around right now), the main pub is going to be a restaurant, with the back room as the live music venue. So I suspect that people going for a drink will now have to pay to get in (at least in the evenings). I doubt any of the current locals will be willing to do this.

Well no, I'd imagine it's still going to be a pub in the daytime and therefore the real regulars will be recognised and not charged, much the same as the Windmill operates
tarannau said:
Nowt to do with me. I'm just the Willam Wallace/Jam flag poster that Minnie keeps quoting. <removes cape and mask whilst laughing maniacally>

There have been a couple of the Hob's licencees that lasted precisely sod all time in recent years to be fair tho, not least that gas-faced Irish twunt.

Sorry, but you made me giggle :D

aaargh, what was that miserable Irish git called? He barred quite a few of my friends - justifiably though :oops:

O flower of Brixton
When will we see your like again
That smoked and drank for
Your wee bit of effra road
And stood against Hootananny
Proud Hobgoblin army
And sent them homeward
Tae think again, innit.

:D :D :D
Minnie_the_Minx said:
Sorry, but you made me giggle :D

aaargh, what was that miserable Irish git called? He barred quite a few of my friends - justifiably though :oops:


can't remember his name, but he reminded me of daniel o'donnel :D
Initially, I thought the word Hootananny was a joke. Sorry Scots.
Actually - can someone just confirm it is a real word? And what it means?

Yours Australianly,
Wry :cool:
wrysmile said:
Initially, I thought the word Hootananny was a joke. Sorry Scots.
Actually - can someone just confirm it is a real word? And what it means?

Yours Australianly,
Wry :cool:

according to an online dictionary

hoot·en·an·ny (htn-n)
n. pl. hoot·en·an·nies
1. An informal performance by folk singers, typically with participation by the audience.
2. Informal An unidentified or unidentifiable gadget
teuchter said:
Well. A Highland theme pub in Brixton.

Having grown up near Inverness, this is certainly the most bizarre news I've heard for a while.

I'm a bit surprised by all the negative response, to be honest, or at least the fact that it should be aimed at the new owners.

I will be sad to see the Hobgoblin go, but if it's going anyway, surely this is better than it turning into another bland gastropub, or a chinese restaurant, or dare I say it an Irish theme pub, or flats, all of which we have plenty of already. It's not as if London is overflowing with places playing traditional Scottish Music.

The one in Inverness has a pretty good reputation by the way.

You would think that another live music venue in Brixton would be something to be welcomed.

That said, I have to say that I will be surprised if it is a big success in that location. But who knows.

I totally agree with this. I really understand why locals of their pub are gutted it's closing - who's fault is that?

What is the point of attacking Hootenanny ?
Yes I know it's a bit 'theme pub' but less than you think - at least it's owned by Scots - unlike the Oirish theme pubs like O' Neills etc which was Japanese.

Just seen this on their forum-

Whilst I can understand fully people being upset at the demise of their local and wanting to express that, that is a different issue to having a problem with the creation of a Hootanny in London the motives of which are frankly rather suspect in the most part. However the point in your post is rather different and likewise Im no economics expert but I find it very hard to believe that in relatively central London a venture such as this wouldnt succeed, and I would hope it would attract more than just the immediate clientele ...
Certainly personally I'm looking forward to the opening night and if the local community don't get excited by the likes of the Soar patrol they should just stay at home and watch big brother instead (no offence meant)

Do you not give a fuck that the way you come across is prejudiced against Scots & bigotted? Would you write generalised crap about the Irish or Africans or your beloved 'Jams'......You would think it but you wouldn't dare write it and you know why. You're loving having a pop at someone cos of where they come from - let's face it. Re-read some of the things you've written on their forum and this one & replace it with stereotypes about black people. Oh. Dear.

Whikst I think esp the 'Odes' on their forum are really funny, I'm ashamed that you're so vitriolic about this aspect of Scottish culture i.e Scottish music. English (sorry- also half-Welsh) people are suggesting that Scottish people hate their own music and don't want to hear it.

And all those people hate Scottish music, of course.

They're not just appealing to Scottish people in Brixton but across the capital and beyond and considering the lack of places you can hear Scottish music in England let alone the capital, and the general lack of any places dedicated to Scottish people living outside Scotland, esp compared to resources for Irish people (Irish centres etc - there's no 'Scottish centre') even tho there has been vastly more people leaving Scotland to come to London than there have been from Ireland for years, and the alienation a lot of Scots feel here, even if they don't want to / can't return to Scotland, I'm just more than a bit embarrassed by the reaction to this place. Esp when I think of the hospitality I've been shown in Scotland.
By all means a bit of england / scotland banter is a larf - I do so myself even (especially !) IN SCOTLAND - how many of you are up for that & could give as good as you got with humour on their turf? (Doubt if you've got the bollox to even say it to their faces when they take over the running of your boozer despite all the big talk). I've turned a few situations around where I've had a Scot trying to slag me for me English / from London, and they've just ended up having to laugh and then we have a drink together, so don't get me wrong (wrang), there's definitely a place for it. But I do think there's a lack of understanding here. It's not there fault your pub's changing hands. That doesn't legitimise prejudiced crap.

Soar Patrol sound the bollox - their drummer is into AC / DC & techno (the AC/DC /techno crossover has already been mentioned many times on U75)!! - and I for one will be there on the opening night, but anyway I fucking love Scottish music like that, as do loads of Scots.

I think it's really wicked they're having open sessions, will tell some of my musician mates who play sessions. Might as well make the most of it.
Brixton's all about music and it breaks my heart that so many pubs that used to have bands have closed down over the years, and so many other pubs. So I have to wholeheartedly support a music venue in principal even if I didn't like the music myself.

I wish they'd taken over Brady's that'd be a larf - pipes and drums in the centre of Brixton:D

I think that there may be a chance they would value the input of the locals, but not if you're going to greet them with hostility. If you just go in going 'I hate the bagpipes' that'll get you nowhere (except the pavement PDQ). Why don't you suggest comedy nights continuing or whatever ? They probably won't be interested - they've got an idea of what they want to do and are going for a geographically wide audience, but you don't ask, you don't get.

Besides I reckon this is all a cunning plan to unite Scots (they need to be taken out of Scotland for that...:D )
Loupylou said:
Do you not give a fuck that the way you come across is prejudiced against Scots & bigotted? Would you write generalised crap about the Irish or Africans or your beloved 'Jams'......You would think it but you wouldn't dare write it and you know why. You're loving having a pop at someone cos of where they come from - let's face it. Re-read some of the things you've written on their forum and this one & replace it with stereotypes about black people. Oh. Dear.

Speaking as a Scot, the "generalised crap" and unimaginative stereotyping running through this thread doesn't really bother or offend me, and I don't think it would most other Scots either. Certainly it's true what you say, that if the same approach was applied to Jamaicans or Africans it would be seen as totally unacceptable. But that is probably a marker of the fact that on the whole, Scots don't have to deal with the same amount of prejudice (by which I mean that which goes beyond "banter") that certain other groups do, and therefore aren't as sensitive about it.

So, as far as I'm concerned, everyone feel free to make jokes of varying hilarity about Scottish stereotypes.

But it seems a bit childish to put hostile posts on the Hootenanny website, and I don't really think it's unreasonable of them to delete them. It's not their fault the Hobgoblin's gone to pot and needs to be rescued by the Scots. I don't know whose it is - a string of bad management or simply a changing market that means a place that size can't just rely on a bunch of regulars to generate enough income. If the anger should be directed at anyone, it should be those who have allowed this situation to develop, shouldn't it?

Personally, I will reserve judgment on the merits of the new place until I've seen it for myself. Like I said before, I think the one in Inverness has quite a good reputation but I've never been there because it opened since I moved away.

I will miss the randomness of the Hobgoblin, though. Went in there last new years' eve and was well impressed by the fact that everyone completely ignored midnight and continued drinking/chatting as if nothing had happened.
Loupylou said:
Do you not give a fuck that the way you come across is prejudiced against Scots & bigotted? Would you write generalised crap about the Irish or Africans or your beloved 'Jams'......You would think it but you wouldn't dare write it and you know why. You're loving having a pop at someone cos of where they come from - let's face it. Re-read some of the things you've written on their forum and this one & replace it with stereotypes about black people. Oh. Dear.

Come off it. I've seen plenty of people on here rip the piss out of 'Oirish' pubs. I've never seen it of Jamaican or African places but I've never seen much in the way of Jamaican or African 'theme pubs' - they tend to be more places that happen to be Jamaican or African. What you've written is like suggesting that slagging off somewhere like Bandido's is anti-Mexican.

I'm half-Scottish and I've been going to Scottish music nights all my life :)o :rolleyes: :oops: at having to post that but it seems appropriate here.) I like good Scottish music and I hate twee ceilidh music, and the idea of a 'ceilidh bar' called Hootenanny's just makes me cringe.:rolleyes:
I'm sure if a Jamaican theme pub opened, people would take the piss out of it.

*insert stuff about simulacra and spectacle here*
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