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Heygate Estate redevelopment: just 79 social rented units out of a total 2,535 new homes

35 Percent reports the Heygate developer is still stalling...

"Appealing the appeal?

What’s up with Southwark Council and Lend Lease? After Southwark ‘broadly welcoming’ the Tribunal’s decision on the Heygate viability assessment, and despite council leader Peter John saying that the assessment would show what a good deal 25% affordable housing was, Lend Lease has now asked the Tribunal for more time to respond, as well as more time to decide whether or not to appeal. The Tribunal has responded by giving Southwark and Lend Lease 14 more days until 20th June to come up with the viability assessment and the possibility of appeals still remains open."
Bumped to point people towards the latest Eye - which contains the not at all shocking news that Lend Lease generously donated £1250 to allow Peter John (Labour leader of Southwark Council) to attend a real estate show in Cannes, as well as giving him and his partner two opening ceremony tickets (£1600 each) for the 2012 games.
I'm not really one for online petitions but it can't hurt to bring more attention to this.

There is something really depressing about this. Usually there is a counter argument but this is just so objectively a fuck up.

It doesn't matter what colour your tie is, whether you support social housing or not. The financials are just so crazy and poor value for the tax payer in general that no one really seems to bother defending them and yet no one really cares.
Sadly it will be the same for the residents on the Aylsebury estate once the developers get way.
And the next one and the next one, until the bubble bursts of course, at which point I expect we'll get so much austerity due to our profligate spending that we'll be lucky to buy a packet of fags, let alone a house.

I don't think there's enough written about the poisonous effects of the property bubble, despite all the agonised "hipsters priced out of hackney" pieces in the Guardian :rolleyes:. Resulting in unaffordable house prices and soaring rents is bad enough, but it actively encourages destruction of social resources - social housing, but also hospitals, playing fields, community centres etc, particularly when combined with deliberate funding changes.
The continuing saga of what's going on at the Heygate just so fucking depresses me.
It's a great illustration of what happens when councillors and council officers have so little effective oversight that schemes that'd make T. Dan Smith weep with envy are passed. How on earth have we come back to this situation where private money and public servants can collude so openly, and get away with it? :(
I don't understand why is there so little interest in the heygate in press or locally - it should be an national outrage. How does a council give away zone 1 land at a loss? I want to know is it simple incompetence or illegality? Will questions ever be asked or anyone held to account?
There is blatant collusion taking place,It's no coincidence that the people who arranged and oversaw the land sale now work for the people that bought it. I would imagine that a local Councillor on his way up the ladder is easier and cheaper to corrupt than a millionaire Mp.
I don't understand why is there so little interest in the heygate in press or locally - it should be an national outrage. How does a council give away zone 1 land at a loss? I want to know is it simple incompetence or illegality? Will questions ever be asked or anyone held to account?

Because the people affected are only ex-, existing and future council/social housing tenants. The sort the media aren't interested in unless it's to demonise them. The sort who, you know, claim benefits and stuff and don't deserve to live in Zone 2 unlike all those shiny happy hardworking people who will be moving in to the area.

I was going to do the wink smiley but a smiley shoving its fingers down its throat would be more appropriate.
There is blatant collusion taking place,It's no coincidence that the people who arranged and oversaw the land sale now work for the people that bought it. I would imagine that a local Councillor on his way up the ladder is easier and cheaper to corrupt than a millionaire Mp.
Yes someone must have benefited from this. What I don't undersatnd is why this hasn't been brought to light as a scandal, fraud or fuckup. Why aren't the press all over it? The hundreds of people who had to move must have complained, so I wonder what happened to their complaints. It looks as if someone is getting away with something.
Yes someone must have benefited from this. What I don't undersatnd is why this hasn't been brought to light as a scandal, fraud or fuckup. Why aren't the press all over it? The hundreds of people who had to move must have complained, so I wonder what happened to their complaints. It looks as if someone is getting away with something.
Friends in high places and the media in bed with politicians, A vicious never ending circle of corruption and deceit right under your nose.
Here is a press release from southwark refuting claims that the land was sold off to cheaply. Its states that future monies will be invested into the NEW community. Well that's fucking okay then for the rich incomers,Not so great for the displaced community scattered around England with fuck all but memories.

Sounds like social cleansing to me. What sort of organisation fails to make anything other than whooping profit on zone 1 land?

"To the majority, this is an excellent deal for people living and working in the area, and those who will make Elephant and Castle and Walworth their home in future. We would challenge any suggestion that people’s best interests are not at the very heart of what the council does."
I wonder which people the council has at heart here. Haven't most of the new units been sold in the far east? (Can't recall where I read that)

Corruption indeed.
Sounds like social cleansing to me. What sort of organisation fails to make anything other than whooping profit on zone 1 land?

I wonder which people the council has at heart here. Haven't most of the new units been sold in the far east? (Can't recall where I read that)

Corruption indeed.
The only people living and working in the "new" area will be rich and not part of the community,never have been and probably never will. Southwark are trying to imply that the new houses and luxury apartments will be for the current and long standing members of the community,there lies and bullshit is quite staggering. You are correct in saying that these units get sold abroad without been put on the market here.
I don't understand why is there so little interest in the heygate in press or locally - it should be an national outrage. How does a council give away zone 1 land at a loss? I want to know is it simple incompetence or illegality? Will questions ever be asked or anyone held to account?

Only if people like us (i.e. Joe Public) keep on pushing. Otherwise, this'll just serve as yet another template for local authorities on how to stick a pineapple up the arse of the poor.
There is blatant collusion taking place,It's no coincidence that the people who arranged and oversaw the land sale now work for the people that bought it. I would imagine that a local Councillor on his way up the ladder is easier and cheaper to corrupt than a millionaire Mp.

Not to come across like a conspiracy theorist, but I'm not convinced that it's as simple as a couple of bungs. In my opinion, based on what we experience here in Lambeth, there are a lot of Labour councillors who see the inner London wards as too full of social housing and "the sort of people" who live there - an attitude I expect from Tories, which acts to confirm my prejudices about what "new" Labour members really are :) - and who'd happily push through measures that reduces the volume of the poor in their wards.
Because the people affected are only ex-, existing and future council/social housing tenants. The sort the media aren't interested in unless it's to demonise them. The sort who, you know, claim benefits and stuff and don't deserve to live in Zone 2 unlike all those shiny happy hardworking people who will be moving in to the area.

Shiny happy people who won't be so demanding on the time of councillors, and who won't react with "wtf?" when councillors vote themselves another allowance rise.

I was going to do the wink smiley but a smiley shoving its fingers down its throat would be more appropriate.

Quite. :(
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