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Herne Hill news, chitter chatter and gossip

From what I've seen this weekend there's noticeably more traffic now queuing on Water Lane and down Effra Road - obviously this going to be the case! So come September I can look forward (maybe) to walking my kids to school past more idling traffic, but as long as the Poet's Corner residents get some clean air then stuff anyone else.
So blame the traffic.
All thanks to those fascists banning through traffic a few years back :thumbs:
I don't recall there being all that much objection to what was done in the centre of Herne Hill, particularly after it was done? Could it be that the local public may be more pragmatic or nuanced in their criticisms than "the fascists" you describe give them credit for?

Also, wasn't there quite a bit of pre-consultation, particularly with businesses in order to get them on board (hence, for instance, through traffic is in fact still allowed for large vehicles).
I don't recall there being all that much objection to what was done in the centre of Herne Hill, particularly after it was done? Could it be that the local public may be more pragmatic or nuanced in their criticisms than "the fascists" you describe give them credit for?

Also, wasn't there quite a bit of pre-consultation, particularly with businesses in order to get them on board (hence, for instance, through traffic is in fact still allowed for large vehicles).
I doubt motor vehicles no longer being allowed to join the junction through the end bit of Railton Rd where the Sunday market now stands would have irked even the most militant of pro-car Clarksonites anyway, as the replacement route doesn’t really take any more time or effort to complete.
So the planning permission has been given to install the electricity substation into 315 Railton Road.

315 was the laundrette but is now the smaller custard cream coloured vacant unit (not the bright yellow one).

313 expands at the back to take up the unused space in 315 as they only need the front portion.

315 loses its windows and doors which have to be replaced with security louvred windows and shutters - a blank space.

Crazy that they even managed to refurb all the other 7 units (6 vacant for 3 years, 1 occupied for the last 3? months) without considering they would need electricity.

The planning app says it contravenes 2 Lambeth policies - ED6 and PN6.

Local objections from HH Soc was that there’s space next to the station (the staff car park / storage bit) or by the half moon. I don’t see why it can’t go in the empty unit under the bridge where all the pigeon shit is - as that will never get leased the way it is now.

HH Soc other objections are the loss of shop front and that the block has flats above it (noise and health related).
Screen Shot 2020-08-26 at 11.13.43.jpg

From what I've seen, it seemed like it could have been feasible to put it in the car park bit by the station. There was a complication here that there's also a plan, possibly, to install a new lift shaft to provide access to the recently refurbed hall above the station, but as I understand it, it should have been possible to accommodate both.

Essentially, it appears that this option was scuppered by the TOC (Southeastern Trains) refusing to co-operate. Could more pressure have been put on them, by Network Rail or Lambeth, to concede this space? Who knows.

The result is that there will be a shopfront that looks like this:

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So that Southeastern trains can retain a car parking space.

If Herne Hill folk are annoyed enough about this, I suppose they could try hassling SE trains on twitter :thumbs:
I came past Dough bakery today at lunch time and there wasn’t anyone in there, with Dugard and the greengrocers all being busy.

Whatever happened with the Alan Sugar expansion? It didn’t look any different.
They’ve two shops now - another in Beckenham I think.

The HH one Always seems quite busy whenever I’ve gone past- somewhere in between a traditional bakery and a place that sells vegan energy balls and frappuccino
They’ve two shops now - another in Beckenham I think.

The HH one Always seems quite busy whenever I’ve gone past- somewhere in between a traditional bakery and a place that sells vegan energy balls and frappuccino
I went to the Herne Hill one for the first time today. Massively underwhelmed especially compared with Blackbird,
I've been out running this week, coming through Herne Hill most evenings and it has been full of people sitting outside and drinking.
Bumped into a few of my older and isolating neighbours today who weren’t impressed with off the cuff and agile rabbit. They couldn’t get home directly without negotiating the badly managed beer queues.

When Mr paulee posted the photo I was going to say that most people in it were in groups of less than 3, but by 6 pm there were pissed up groups of ten or more stumbling about.

It’s strange as last night was the quietest I’ve ever heard it around here.
Lockdown 2 has been a joke in terms of compliance. The number of traffic about is the most telling factor. Especially at times of the day when there’s no school run to consider.

There actually are regular traffic jams occurring. Where the fuck is everyone going on a Sunday afternoon? Because sure as fuck most of them aren’t shopping for grocery essentials, or doing anything that’s allowed under the rules.
Went for a cycle along the South Bank today and it was the busiest I have ever seen the place. Even in peak summer there would never be that many people.
Maybe they’re not mixing with the elderly?

Are you serious? London is one of the most socially dense cities in the world. A rise in young people contacting Covid inevitably leads to a rise in older people being admitted to hospital. Some of those elderly people will die. That should be obvious to anybody.
Went for a cycle along the South Bank today and it was the busiest I have ever seen the place. Even in peak summer there would never be that many people.

Yeah we’ve been to the South Bank a couple of times and found the same. It makes sense though, right? Socialising outdoors is relatively safe and that is a good place to do it.
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