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Hatboy's letter in Evening Standard

pk said:
I don't and never have supported the kicking of people out of their homes midwinter, a week before Xmas - in fact I expressed disgust at the very notion as soon as I heard about it.

But if you're saying there were no crack dealers operating openly both indoors and out on the street - your opinions differs sharply from those I have heard who live in the area.

No, it's not fair the decent innocent residents were victimised, and I think it would be poetic should Keith Fuckwitt be burglarised on Christmas Eve considering his stupid comments.

But if you're looking for something to blame, it's the crack dealing, in the opinion of people I trust. Unfortunately they'll move in where they can do business, bringing heat on top for people just trying to get along.
As well you know.

I wonder if the professionals Hatboy seems to single out for particular ire who lived there enjoyed being harassed by aggressive dealers on the way home?

The eviction of St Agnes had nothing whatsoever to do with crack, and was all about money, whatever a few professionals you know who live in the 'area', may misguidedly believe.

I am finding it hard to articulate exactly why Hatboy made the link between St agnes and drug dealers, but crack wasn't the point of connection.

It was about the way that all 'undesirables' are demonised (like calling a longterm community of council tax payers 'parasites') and seemingly the cause of all the boroughs' problems, rather than looking at the underlying problems. For instance, Lambeth education has been failing its' youngsters for years, schools sold off for re-development into luxury flats...
Is it any wonder so many end up on the streets, with little prospects?

Lambeth could easily have incorporated the community of St Agnes into any re-devolopment of the area, it could have put some value on that communty and used it as an integral part of any new one.
Instead it choose to destroy it, and treat everyone like scum. Crack had nothing to do with it.
innit said:
Am I the only person who didn't think it was a very good letter? Maybe as a man, Hatboy can't appreciate that women might actually feel threatened or frightened by being approached by men lurking in the shadows late at night, rather than inconvenienced. I also think it is rather moot to claim that 'professionals' would be the only people who might rather not be offered drugs on the street. He seems to conflate the issues of street dealing and St Agnes Place very conveniently... personally I don't think that arresting street drug dealers is an assault on difference or diversity (Political Correctness gone mad? ;) )

i agree
Pickman's model said:
[offtopick]good to see you posting again! :)[/offtopick]

Found a little time for my online Brickston posse, but I'll prolly disappear again soon though for work/family reasons so enjoy it while you can...
Aah - all the old posters, just like 3 years ago.
Congrats on No 2 Kid PK - By the way, you're slipping:
you meant imply, not infer
nick said:
Aah - all the old posters, just like 3 years ago.
Congrats on No 2 Kid PK - By the way, you're slipping:
you meant imply, not infer

Ah cheers Nick... yeah, imply... not infer.

pk said:
Just pity her instead, I know I do, and I'm certainly not alone in doing so.
Calm down, dad. Haven't got any paediatricians to set light to?

Who pk thinks he is:

Who pk really is:
pk said:
Like I'd ever give a fuck what a harpie twat like you thinks of me anyway.
Oh, but you so obviously do.

The trouble with using 'harpie' as an insult to a woman is this: it only works with other bigots.
Then PK's presumably done what he intended, which was to get a worthwhile discussion about a worthwhile topic derailed and binned.
Donna Ferentes said:
You'll take out my real name, please.

Do not piss about with user names or refer to people by their real names

Oh my mistake, it's just that your full name appears in your profile and I don't feel comfortable calling you Donna.
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