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has there ever been a lamer labour leader than ed miliband?

Serious move, Labour have referred the Unite/Falkirk selection process affair to the police, hanging the unions out to dry or right procedure?
Serious move, Labour have referred the Unite/Falkirk selection process affair to the police, hanging the unions out to dry or right procedure?

Meanwhile, the people of this country are getting shafted and the LP has nothing better to do than bicker about precisely how to not do anything about it. Pathetic.
you have a very rose-tinted view of the labour party.

I have lost interest in trying to follow all this infighting. As far as I'm concerned the parliamentary Labour party now consists of roughly equal parts apolitical careerists, outright tories and garden variety incompetent fools.
In regards to the movements of milliband along the political spectrum, i think doubters should look in themselves and try and summon up the Buddha-like qualities of patience, deep thought, compassion and resolve - let millibandism be your guide and salvation
In regards to the movements of milliband along the political spectrum, i think doubters should look in themselves and try and summon up the Buddha-like qualities of patience, deep thought, compassion and resolve

You're right. You can't take aim properly when you're all worked up, your breathing is too rapid and your hands shake too much.
You're right. You can't take aim properly when you're all worked up, your breathing is too rapid and your hands shake too much.
the political philosophy of the labour party is much like a stream, young grasshopper. it flows in a direction that nature has chosen. can the river curve to the left when the banks wont allow it to? no of course it cant. it must follow the path of least resistance. to understand this is to achieve real enlightenment. but take comfort, for one day its waters shall truly run out into the sea, and the fish shall rejoice and swim freely....... so spoke Om Milliband himself
the political philosophy of the labour party is much like a stream, young grasshopper. it flows in a direction that nature has chosen. can the river curve to the left when the banks wont allow it to? no of course it cant. it must follow the path of least resistance. to understand this is to achieve real enlightenment. but take comfort, for one day its waters shall truly run out into the sea, and the fish shall rejoice and swim freely....... so spoke Om Milliband himself

If these people are only following the will of the universe, mere dead leaves on the river of eternity, incapable of choosing their own fate or improving the fate of anyone else, how come they get paid so much? I'm floating in the same fucking river as they are and here I am with principles, integrity, morals and scarcely a down payment on a pot to piss in :(
patience young frank - calm your angry voice - the path to labour salvation requires you to let go of such earthly frustrations....

...in order to let labours red waters flow requires stewardship and protection, protection from the dambuilders and the engineers who would disrupt natures path. it is skilled work and only the enlightened can be trusted to carry it out. renumeration (inc. expenses) has its burdens on the karma of those chosen, but it is a sacrifice made for the many...luckily Milliband has the compassion and resolve to carry the heavy load....

( for those wondering what im on about this is to do with Tom Watsons resignation letter where he congratulated Ed for his "Buddha-like qualities of patience, deep thought, compassion and resolve")
Meanwhile, the people of this country are getting shafted and the LP has nothing better to do than bicker about precisely how to not do anything about it. Pathetic.

Well, the bickering is the point of the exercise for the Labour party. It's the means by which they signal to the electorate "look at us, we're not the Conservatives or the coalition, because we care about you, and subjecting you to austerity will make Ed sad, where subjecting you to austerity gives Dave the horn!".
Clause 4 - and like that little exercise, there is no hope of the defenders winning (nor should anyone defend them this time) and the battle was chose because it was already won.
If these people are only following the will of the universe, mere dead leaves on the river of eternity, incapable of choosing their own fate or improving the fate of anyone else, how come they get paid so much? I'm floating in the same fucking river as they are and here I am with principles, integrity, morals and scarcely a down payment on a pot to piss in :(
But if you were elevated to the heavenly choir with a place at the right side of the trough,how long would your struggle against the tide of inevitability last?
If Labour don't get into power the Tories stay there, you daft prick. The point is to fight for a Labour government to offer a real alternative.

Nah listen baby, I voted labour in the last GE only because they wouldn't have implemented these cuts as quickly or with so much gung ho zeal as these wankers we've got now, they'd have still done it though. But now these tory wankers are in and have/are implementing all these cuts, there's no way a labour govt will repeal any of it. So there isn't any point voting labour from now on. Fuck knows where we go from here - Nowhere nice anyway, but don't pretend labour offer an alternative coz they patently don't.
Not sure if it has been mentioned elsewhere, but the Guardian has claimed Miliband is seriously considering severing the link with the unions.

Ed Miliband is to review the Labour party's historic relationship with the trade union movement amid calls from senior party figures for him to use a bitter row with the Unite general secretary, Len McCluskey, to break the formal link.

As Labour referred allegations about the handling of the process for selecting a parliamentary candidate in Falkirk to the police and procurator fiscal, senior party aides indicated that Miliband would embark on a bold step of reform in the coming weeks.

Miliband, who denounced McCluskey on Friday for defending "shabby practices" in Falkirk, has made no decisions on whether to break Labour's links with the trade unions, which were responsible for the founding of the party in 1900.

But the Labour leader, who raised the possibility of corruption in Falkirk, is understood to believe that he must adopt a consistent approach in tackling "unaccountable vested interests". He believes that McCluskey's approach is similar to Rupert Murdoch, the bankers and leaders of energy companies, who have all been denounced by Miliband in recent years.

The whole thing is disgusting, who the fuck compares the 'vested interests' of unions to plutocrats that hack dead girls' phones? Comments like that are beyond even some Tories.
which links to the "historic break" piece.

Not quite sure what that means.

You need to know the internal people - clarke is a milband loyalist-left oh god blah blah - simple thing is, miliband uses this to disciple unite who have fake potentital to withdraw funding. This is him telling them that they have nothing without the party. The unions rely on the party not not vice versa.
You need to know the internal people - clarke is a milband loyalist-left oh god blah blah - simple thing is, miliband uses this to disciple unite who have fake potentital to withdraw funding. This is him telling them that they have nothing without the party. The unions rely on the party not not vice versa.

What chance is there of Unite calling their bluff?
Scargills in pinstripes.

It is a devilishly good metaphor for middle-class backlash.
Was it Blair who said that the way to lead the Labour Party to electoral victory was to wage unceasing war on the unions?
What a fucking country we live in where the state harvesting data on every single citizen is just ignored or even praised but a union signs up a few more members and it's indicative of corrupt vested interests. Fuck the lot of them.
If Labour don't get into power the Tories stay there, you daft prick. The point is to fight for a Labour government to offer a real alternative.
But it's real 'alternative' is to implement cuts, idiot. You're a member of a party who is going to drive through an austerity agenda. You give money, time and effort to get Labour elected - you're helping impose the attack on what the working-class and what remains of the welfare state. You are a tory.
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