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has there ever been a lamer labour leader than ed miliband?

Allowing the NHS to be created, however much of a compromise that was, was better than the catastrophe of not allowing it to be, after the most destructive war in Britain's history - remember the outrage caused by the WWI veterans who were promised "homes fit for heroes" and found themselves returning to back-to-back squalor or worse. Also, there was a philosophy, beginning with the social reforms of 1910-14, that there was a catastrophe waiting to happen in terms of the health of the workforce and of the people who would largely comprise Britain's armed forces, that they wouldn't be capable of fighting in a war because of malnutrition, rickets, etc. This was a real worry, perhaps not so much by WWII, but I think the same type of philosophy was behind it.

and is it not, in its own way, paternalism from a slightly different stripe of elites?
Allowing the NHS to be created, however much of a compromise that was, was better than the catastrophe of not allowing it to be, after the most destructive war in Britain's history - remember the outrage caused by the WWI veterans who were promised "homes fit for heroes" and found themselves returning to back-to-back squalor or worse. Also, there was a philosophy, beginning with the social reforms of 1910-14, that there was a catastrophe waiting to happen in terms of the health of the workforce and of the people who would largely comprise Britain's armed forces, that they wouldn't be capable of fighting in a war because of malnutrition, rickets, etc. This was a real worry, perhaps not so much by WWII, but I think the same type of philosophy was behind it.

(And Norman) OK, I'm outgunned here. The setting up still took some doing though; the consultants had to be bought off for one thing. Nye Bevan said he'd "stuffed their mouths with gold."
It was. from my hazy memory of doing liberal reforms by asquith and co in a level history much of the contemporary concern (although not all) among the top echelons of the society about the state of the slums etc was actually due to fears of how Britain would fare in a war.
Yep, and there was agreement across the political spectrum that universal healthcare provision should be introduced (well, it was already there - it started by necessity during the war). I think the Liberals wanted an insurance based scheme but, if memory serves, the Tories were ready to introduce essentially the same thing as Labour did.
(Andf Norman) OK, I'm outgunned here. The setting up still took some doing though; the consultants had to be bought off for one thing. Nye Bevan said he'd "stuffed their mouths with gold."

Don't get me wrong i think Bevan was genuine. however, why was the capitalist class in general willing to allow this (despite a few token bits of opposition?)
Don't get me wrong i think Bevan was genuine. however, why was the capitalist class in general willing to allow this (despite a few token bits of opposition?)

God, I dunno. Sorry froggy, I'd rather be flirting with moomoo on the 2012 thread :)
Precisely - just because the NHS came about for reasons other than Bevan being a nice bloke, that doesn't mean he wasn't a nice bloke. And the NHS and the welfare state may not have been exactly the same as they were had the Tories been elected.
Don't get me wrong i think Bevan was genuine. however, why was the capitalist class in general willing to allow this (despite a few token bits of opposition?)

I do recall reading somewhere about how very shocked the m/c doctors were at the state of some of the ww1 recruits. Malnutrition and easily treatable wrongs rife amongst the troops. all very mathew arnold/gin alley methodist 'oh the poor dears' attitudes
Goddamn it , I still need to track down that 1891 book "the nationalisation of health" which turned up at my desk at work one day.
[erm, from page 1, admittedly :oops: ] Ramsey Macdonald, James Callaghan,Neil Kinnock,Hugh Gaitskill, Harriet Harman - he's no better or worse than any of these. Since his election his party have done very well in the polls for over a year now. The Blairite hard right wing of the party have launched an open attack on him via their journo contacts over the last month - don't buy their hype.

(Also from page one, but will get back properly another time)

'And he will say that people should get state handouts only if they have paid their taxes first.

Find a way by anyone, by Miliband or anyone else, that will stop the above being a largely accurate refection of what very large chunks of the electorate (and not just Tories) are already thoroughly convinced of.

If so, political genius accolades and Daily Mailism destruction awards await you.
It's not about what wins elections really. Fact is if Labour got into power and tried to enact an Attlee style programme big capital would pursue a strategy of economic sabotage. Other than the war hangover, another decisive factor in the post-war consensus was the strength and organisation of labour. Capital was willing to make those concessions because to not do so would be to risk losing far, far more. That's not the case any more. That's why Labour can't abandon neoliberalism. Nothing to do with being tied to an electoral system and everything to do with being tied to an economic system.

That and the yanks were worried about Western Europe falling to Stalinism, so they poured money into it. IIRR the Vespa factory was built using Marshall Aid money. They got a lot of it back through orders of american goods though.
I have a friend who reckons that what's needed right now is a full page advert, in all our national papers, on behalf of the poor. Just wondering if that would work.
I am with butchers on this ,he can be a bit boisterous at times but as a good record on the way politics is going.This is wishfull thinking by the fail i don't for one moment believe this is the course milliband will steer
Butchers is absolutely right. Miliband is no better or worse than any other Labour leader. And far from 'selling out' or 'betraying', anything, Labour are just doing what they were set up to do, which is trying to deploy strategies to get elected and run capitalism with concessions for the non-rich. Labour may have contained militant socialists and may still have a few, but the party was never supposed to be militantly socialist and never will be. The concessions for the non-rich have become fewer as the super-rich have reasserted their authority and are going to get fewer still, as the only way any party can be elected in the post-socialist age is to placate the super-rich.

And there are no answers for opponents of capitalism, in terms of government, outside the Labour Party either.
look, the reason I'm saying he's worse is nothing to do with politics btw. I'm amazed anyone would think that I expected him to be somehow actually left wing in the first place. He looks and sounds like a wet fart. He can't argue, he can't project himself, he can't speak and even makes Gordon Brown look good.
look, the reason I'm saying he's worse is nothing to do with politics btw. I'm amazed anyone would think that I expected him to be somehow actually left wing in the first place. He looks and sounds like a wet fart. He can't argue, he can't project himself, he can't speak and even makes Gordon Brown look good.

It doesn't matter. If the circumstances are right, he can still be elected. Personal qualities are always subject to manipulation by the media and political opponents anyway.
It doesn't matter. If the circumstances are right, he can still be elected. Personal qualities are always subject to manipulation by the media and political opponents anyway.
I think it does matter actually. No one is going to vote for him, I bet most people don't even know who he is tbh, but would only vote labour cos they're not the tories, which, of course they are.
I think it does matter actually. No one is going to vote for him, I bet most people don't even know who he is tbh, but would only vote labour cos they're not the tories, which, of course they are.

Of course millions will vote for him as the only alternative to the Tories. They're mostly voting for the party anyway, not individuals. All memory of New Labour fiascos will be forgotten in the rush to get rid of the Tories. Labour know it and so does capital.

And Labour are not Tories-it's just that all parties embraced the compulsory neo-liberal agenda. They have to work within that framework, which becomes more extreme as socialism recedes into history.
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