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Has the Queen died?

The KLF burnt a million units of Tyrant Coin and Max Keiser has been having a right laugh burning Tyrant Coin. My enemies are collapsing into the cold bracing freezing water as the Titanic goes down. Let them drown. They all thought they were rich but they're uttter fucking abject paupers.

The game is over now. Checjkmate has been called and the infant Republic is starting to take baby steps. My enemies were so drunjk and watching so much pornography they never learnt how to play a single move in a Multidimensional Chess Game.
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She had better not slip away to Argentina like Josef Mengele before she gets the chance to explain herself to an independent judge in a proper court of law. That would make me very depressed indeed. What a job for a judge that is. Not my fucking job anymore. I wash my hands of the whole thing.
Is Prince Andrew's trial beginning at 9am sharp tomorrow morning and if not why not? Who on earth did he think he was when had sex with 1000 women? Precisely how much pornography has he watched in his life? What precisely is his carbon footprint? And how on earth did poor old Emily Maitilis cope with encountering him?
Is Prince Andrew's trial beginning at 9am sharp tomorrow morning and if not why not? Who on earth did he think he was when had sex with 1000 women? Precisely how much pornography has he watched in his life? What precisely is his carbon footprint? And how on earth did poor old Emily Maitilis cope with encountering him?
I’m pretty sure none of what you’ve just alleged is illegal!

ETA: And it’s a saturday!
Why on earth did 'Prince Charles' talk to flowers? And why did he write so many letters to 'MPs' in his spidery handwriting commanding them what to do? Is he OK over there? And how is he doing keeping up to date with the 21st century Scientific Revolution? And does he release that the Internet Revolution has completely and utterly destoryed King Philip the First's control system? And was Star Wars a satire on King Philip the First - Darth Vader? The Jedi have struck back and the Death Star is gone.
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Must read some Christopher Hill on the First Civil War and the good old Levellers and Diggers and Ranters and all the rest. I read one page of him on the evil monopoly the Stuarts had on the nation and knew just what to do next in the Battle. Victors write history and I have a new history book to write now I don't have to live in perpetual fear of King Phlilip the First - "The History and Evolution of Ecosocalism".It's a King Lear tragedy we never got him into a court of law in his lfetime but hey ho never mind. Bring on the new coaliton Left Wing Government to heal the trauma and create Eric Fromm's "Sane Society".

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What on earth is she going to look like in that court of law in front of a proper judge without her awful crown and terrible and silly military unifrorms and without that sword she likes to wield all the time? Did she realise that wielding a sword on cake was a terrible blunder on the chessboard or was she too busy watching pornographyand lookign down on all her nation of de facto slaves to realise?
What on earth is she going to look like in that court of law in front of a proper judge without her awful crown and terrible and silly military unifrorms and without that sword she likes to wield all the time? Did she realise that wielding a sword on cake was a terrible blunder on the chessboard or was she too busy watching pornographyand lookign down on all her nation of de facto slaves to realise?
What makes you think she'll make it into a court of any sort?
Now that King Phillip the First is finally an ex-parrot his evil Control System is fucking ancient history. Emperors Caligula and Nero must be required reading on the school and university curriculums so it never happens again. Well done to Benjamin Zephaniah for telling them to fuck off and die and well done to Danny Boyle for scrambling her abject mind in the London Olympics. And well done to the Oxford students for removing an icon of her so the could have some peace and think and learn and study and discuss. Explain yourself in a court of law, Her Maj. Fuck all the cunts who took their knighthoods and OBEs and MBEs and CBEs and bowed down before her and her fucking swords. In particular fuck 'Sir' Edward Davey and 'Sir' Keir Starmaggedon. William Ewart Gladstone and Clement Attlee would have given that pair such a serious bollockiing they would have just cried and never said a single syllable again for the rest of their sorry lives, They have absolutely no place whatsoever in the Republic of Britain.
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Still no trial of Prince Andrew. Will he slip away to Argentina and live the rest of his days dressed as a woman called Tabitha Pelkinghorn? And how on earth do those poor 1000 women he had sex with feel now? What sort of bukkake gangbang BDSM orgy is he watching right now?
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A sudden Weimar Republic hyperinflation of Tyrant Coin woujld be most amusing to watch. I have plenty of pasta and rice stocked up in case it finally goes into Trotsky's dustbin of history and it gets hard to get supplies in the shops. Poor old supposed rich people in Britain - none of them has a single ounce of money at all. Not a single ounce. Poor deluded fools, chumps, idiiots, morons, twats, fuckwits, and braindead fucking zombies. Nationalise all their houses and give them to real ciitzens of the nation. After an intense fumigation. Then they can all emigrate and lead sad lives in some khazi of a country and we can let decent and kind refugees from tyrannical states into our New Republic.

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Precisely which porn film is poor old Queenie watching right this second like Fred West peeping through the spyhole at Rose having sex with other men? Poor old thing. She has literally no idea what on earth is happening to her Imperium. They did their worst and we did our best as Winston Churchill might have put it. I've said my 50 Britcoins worth and i'm out of here. It's been agony and trauma, the birth of the New Republic. But after all the pain you have a new baby to look at - the Republic with a written constitution, the rule of law, separation of powers between judiciary, executive and legislatuire, a proper currency, and a whole new Parliament builidng, criminal trials for all the evil people with proper barristers and judges. Enjoy every sweet second of it. The trial of Queen Elizabeth II will be fascinating but gruelling viewing for billions of people if we manage to do it in her lifetime. But I won't be watching. I simply wash my hands of the whole thing now. I will be re-reading beautiful Franz Kafka's "The Trial" instead and enjoying the 21st century Guildford Renaissance.. Best wishes and solidarity to all at Urban75.
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Precisely which porn film is poor old Queenie watching right this second like Fred West peeping through the spyhole at Rose having sex with other men? Poor old thing. She has literally no idea what on earth is happening to her Imperium. They did their worst and we did our best as Winston Churchill might have put it. I've said my 50 Britcoins worth and i'm out of here. It's been agony and trauma, the birth of the New Republic. But after all the pain you have a new baby to look at - the Republic with a written constitution, the rule of law, separation of powers between judiciary, executive and legislatuire, a proper currency, and a whole new Parliament builidng, criminal trials for all the evil people with proper barristers and judges. Enjoy every sweet second of it. The trial of Queen Elizabeth II will be fascinating but gruelling viewing for billions of people if we manage to do it in her lifetime. But I won't be watching. I simply wash my hands of the whole thing now. I will be re-reading beautiful Franz Kafka's "The Trial" instead and enjoying the 21st century Guildford Renaissance.. Best wishes and solidarity to all at Urban75.
There won't be a trial just a televised execution stage managed by quentin tarantino.
Decided to go for something totally new for lunch and got a beetroot and whipped feta sandwich. And apple and pear juice. Still not safe to put the 'news' channel on (it's Orwellian telescreen propaganda from the Former Regime) but watched a bit of the film Stalag 17 at Film Four and then a bit of an old Casualty and the Bill. Might have an afternoon nap in a minute as it's hot. Dreamy days in the new Republic.

What is "whipped feta?" I know what feta is, but have never heard of it whipped. Unless it's a fetish.
There won't be a trial just a televised execution stage managed by quentin tarantino.
I say solitary confinement in a dark room in the Tower of London but billions might go death penalty if found guilty. Not my job to be a one man police force and judiciary for a single second longer. I wash my hands of the whole thing.
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