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    Lazy Llama

Has the Queen died?

Why on earth was he called a Prince and a Duke when he was de facto King? And why on earth wasn't there a Magna Carta and a written constitution in his lfetime given that those poor 25 barons went through all that trouble in Runnymede in Surrey in 1215? How did he escape justice like Josef Mengele in Argenina? And why on earth did 1660 happen? And why on earth wasn't 1215 and 1649 mandatory on the curriculum in secondary schools?
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Why on earth was he called a Prince and a Duke when he was de facto King? And why on earth wasn't there a Magna Carta and a written constitution in his lfetime given that those poor 25 barons went through all that trouble in Runnymede in Surrey in 1215? And why on earth did 1660 happen? And why on earth wasn't 1215 and 1649 mandatory on the curriculum in secondary schools?
After deciding to number years sequentially 1660 was always on the cards
I'm listening to Talking Heads. Just had a hot cross bun and a tea and had a bracing cold shower like swimming in the sweet North Sea. Might have another hot cross bun.
I've got a book to write. Maybe my words won't be illegal and can be read openly. And maybe the bloody Grauniad will get an editor who keeps clear of the Former Regime and gives voice to the voiceless as Vaclav Havel would have put it. And maybe the Nobel Prize Committee will finally wake up from their slumbers and give me a Nobel Prize for Literarure. Greetings to everyone at wonderful Urban. My name is Matt and I am a citizen of the Free City of Woking. Nice to have met you all. Keep doing just what you do, it's first class. I've said my piece and I'm out of here now. Enjoy your lives and live long and prosper and thrive and flourish. And for those motivated by money (which I'm not) enjoy making some tidy wedges of the new currency, the Britcoin.

My signature:

for what?
she can't be arrested anyway

Now her Jurassic era Tyrant Currency is disappearing into Trotsky's dustbin of history her monopoly on everything in Britiain is collapsing faster than the Titanic went down. All the people who think they are rich are actually paupers. Has she ever played the boardgame Anti-Monopoly I wonder or did she not bother?
Now her Jurassic era Tyrant Currency is disappearing into Trotsky's dustbin of history her monopoly on everything in Britiain is collapsing faster than the Titanic went down. All the people who think they are rich are actually paupers. Has she ever played the boardgame Anti-Monopoly I wonder or did she not bother?
Is this Peter Dow’s new username?
Someone with a strange obsession with and hatred of the Queen who used to post non sequiturs that made no sense at all. This is why I’m worried that you might not be well. Sorry, I shouldn’t take the piss if this is the case.

I'm just fine mate. Sitting pretty and enjoying watching it all go down at an exponential pace. Currently enjoying clasic 1980s film "War Games" on Film Four about the Cold War. It's finally safe to turn some of the Orwellian telescreen on, though of course not the 'news' channel 231 which is still abject nonsense. What on earth happened to the vocation of the journalist to ask difficult questions and hold power to account? I tweeted Kuenssberg and Peston. Their silence spoke a quarillion words. Are they concentrating?

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What on earth happened to the judiciary in this country without a separation of powers between executive and juciiary and without the rule of law?
Nationalise Buckingham Palace and Rishi Sunak's 12 houses and redistribute them to the homeless. After an intense fumigation.
Poor old talented wonderful England players having to sing the 'national anthem' before they go into battle. I'm boycotting. I'm supporting Finland. We won't win a tournament until we are properly and finally a Republic.

Good punk reworking that!
Number one in the charts. An important historical document of the people taking their power and voices back. Their excellent "Boris Johnson is a Fucking Cunt" and "Prince Andrew is a Sweaty Nonce" should have been number one as well if the poor slaves of this nation weren't so busy looking at porn that they weren't concentrating.
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She is not attending Royal Ascot this year, this is the first time she has chosen not to attend in 69 years. No reason has been given for her non-attendance this year, so one can only surmise that she is dead or nearly so.

They do wear some silly and awful hats those drunken Cavaliers. Are they perfectly OK or are they watching pornorgraphy all day long and gambling with their useless Tyrant Coin? We had a Second Civil War - done peacefully and in cyberspace and again this time the Roundheads won by a country mile for the second time. A monarch must never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever darken the doors of this country ever again.
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