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Hard to consider a job move in uncertain economy?


Approved by toads
I’m pretty happy at my current place but I am starting to keep an eye out for what sorts of roles might be out there for me. I find myself a little put off moving by the way things seem to be so uncertain and that I’d hate to jump ship into a role that got made redundant within, say, a year. This perhaps applies to me specifically as I have the kind of job where there just aren’t a plethora of roles to move to – my other half can probably apply for as many jobs in his field in a day as I can in a month. And I know other people who can even walk away from jobs without something lined up as they know they’ll get something else within a few weeks; but I’m looking at being out of work for a good 6 months or so I think (that’s how long it took last time).

Jobs are not 100% safe at my current place, but it might be safer than others given Brexit and Trump – if I went for a role in a more standard business there seems to be a higher than average chance of it going tits up in the next year or two, so I feel like I might rather stick it out here until things do and I can see how bad things do or don't get! Anyone else feel this way a bit?
I am looking for work as my employer may not last the next 12 months. it's a bit scary but although I like my job various people are making the role difficult.
If you're happy where you are I would be inclined to stay. Given the experiences of friends and family plus subscribing to the 'Work Frustrations' thread has made me think that being happy at work these days is the exception rather than the norm.

What's making you want to move on - is it a desire for a higher role? If so you may need to trade ambition for insecurity.

Unless you feel you're stagnating or really want to get out you might be best to stay put. Happiness at work is an under-rated blessing.

Personally, I am far from risk averse (have left three jobs without a job to go to, now looking at four :D) - just saying that if you're pretty happy, you may want to keep it that way.
I feel a little stagnating after 4 years, though my manager *is* trying to expand my role and I am making efforts to expand it to, especially in terms of writing digital content (as any job I move onto is likely to require some experience of digital). Wouldn't mind more money too, but I think it'd have to be a fairly big jump to justify moving. My current org is quite open minded on people moving department, so it's my best bet of potentially making a sideways move and trying something a bit new.
If you are happy where you are why move? Don't create problems that don't need to exist IMO. I think we don't value contentment enough, we're told we should always be chasing the next thing, more money, more seniority or whatever and being happy where you are feels like an almost unwelcome feeling. Obviously it's nice to be able to learn new stuff and try new things so if your current company is letting you do that then I'd stick there for longer, at least until you know the lie of the land a bit more.
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